Day 3

Early morning, we jogged down the road and returned to the room and freshened up.

We had our breakfast and started on for an adventurous day.

“So what do we have for today?” I asked my husband.


“You did plan something right?”

“What plans? I’m going for work.” He went out.

“You must be kidding. Don’t tell me you seriously didn’t plan anything? You’ll work and what about me? You’re being mean again.” I followed him out.

“Who said anything about work? I said boat.” He pointed at the boat.

“Come.” He pulled me.

The boat was a paddling boat.

We sat on the boat and paddled away. After paddling to a short distance we climbed on the yacht and saw 2 fishing rods with buckets at the side.

I looked at him and smiled.

“My dad and I used to go fishing when I was little. Want to compete who catches more fish?” He suggested.

“Sure. Bring it on.” I accepted the challenge.

He caught one after another while I hadn’t even caught one.

“That’s unfair.” I shouted.

“Wow, just because you’re losing it’s unfair?”

“You must be cheating. Let’s exchange the rods.” I pulled his rod and gave mine.

“Okay go ahead. Even with this you can’t beat me.” He continued fishing.

After few hours.

He’s got 20 fishes. He had this super victorious smile on his face while I sat pouting.

Something got caught in my fishing rod.

“Oh, looks like I caught one.” I tried to pull it up.

“It won’t come.” I pulled harder.

“Must be a big one. Here let me help you.” He pulled it out for me. Ah!! I caught two fishes and that too big one. We put the fishes in the bucket.

“Wah! It’s a big one!!” I jumped and clapped my hands together.

Something got caught again.

“Oh my, another one!” I jumped again.

At the end of the day,

“I won.” I jumped and hugged him.

We got on the boat and paddled back.

We returned back to the shore.

“Oh my god! Horses!” I saw two horses and shouted with excitement.

“I love horses.” I ran to them and patted their head.


“Wanna race?” I asked him as I jumped on the white one.

“You got lucky out there, but I’ll beat you here.” He took the black one.

We raced along the beach. I beat him once, the next time I lost and we continues racing till the sunset. We sat on the beach sand and watched the sun and the water meet.

While I was busy watching the sunset, he stood up "Where are you going?" I ask him.

"We need to do something about them." He pointed at the fishes in the bucket. "Wait here, I'll be right back." He said and went inside the villa.

After few minutes, he came out with small wooden logs and created a small bonfire, frying the fish.

"I'll have the ones I caught, the big ones." I clap my hands.

Day 4

I was so tired by yesterday’s play that I slept till midday.

I woke up and was too lazy to do anything that day. So we stayed at home and decided to play video game in the hall. We sat on the floor with snacks on our side.

“Yah! yah! stop pushing me.” I hit him.

“I am not doing anything, you’re losing and stop hitting me.” He blocks my hand.

“Just shut up and let me concentrate.” I kicked him.

“Stop hitting me for nothing.” He pushed my legs.

“I’m losing because of you. Shut your mouth.” I looked at him and shouted.

GAME OVER flashed the screen.

“Ah! Look, you made me lose.” I hit him.

“Stop blaming me and accept that you’re defeated.” He pinched my nose.

“No! Let’s do this again. I’ll beat you this time.” I slapped his hands away.

“Okay, no matter what the results will be same.” He stick his tongue out.

GAME OVER flashed the screen again.

“You made me lose again!” I whined kicking the floor.

“Haha this is the 5th time, you’re making the same excuse.” He pointed his finger at me.

“Don’t be stubborn and accept your defeat.” He patted my head.

“No, we’re doing this again.” I shouted.

“Fine. One Last time, after this no excuses. Okay?”

“Okay. The last one.”

Third person P.O.V

“No, I’m about to lose again.” She muttered.

He looked at her.

“Yay!! I won.” She did a victory dance not knowing that he purposely let her win.

“You lost.” She signed a loser sign with her fingers.

“Yes, yes, you win and I lose.” He pretended to be sad.

“Yay!!” she danced around the room.

“Come on now, don’t pout, it’s okay to lose, I know you never lost in your lifetime but there’s a first time to everything.” She patted his back.

“Of course.” He smiled to himself.

It was already 6 of the evening.

“Hey, let’s watch a movie.” She suggested.

“Sure.” He nodded.

“A horror one.” She clapped her hands.

“you’re crazy?” He looked at her.

“Haha! Don’t tell me that the Almighty Ryouma is scared?” She teased him.

“I’m not scared. But you can’t sleep in dark and you’re going to watch a horror movie? I'm the one who is going to suffer! Nop, I’m against it.” He crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“Now come on don’t be a spoil sport. My trauma has cured. Please let’s watch a horror!! Please!!” She hold his arms.

“Please! Please!” She poked his cheeks.

“Okay fine.” He sighed.

“Yay!” She threw her hands up in the air.

They started watching the movie laying on the bed.

“Yah! Don’t go there. No!” She shouted to the couple in the movie.

“Stop shouting, It’s not like they’ll hear you from here.” He looked at his wife who didn’t give a damn and continued shouting.

“Those couples were so stupid, they simply walked to their death.” Said his wife finishing the remaining popcorn.

“Yeah only you’re smart.” He faked smile.

He got up from the bed and started to go to the kitchen, suddenly his wife shouted “boo” from his back.

He flinched.

“Stop that.” he glared at her.

“Scaredy cat, you sit here, I’ll bring some water from the kitchen.” She patted his back and went to kitchen.

“Come soon.” He shouted from the back.

“You’re scared?” She looked back at him.

“I’m not.” He shaked his head no.

“Look there’s someone behind you.” She pointed.

“What?” He looked back.

“haha don’t worry, even the ghosts will run away from a demon like you.” She nodded her head and went to the kitchen.

After a minute Ryouma heard his wife scream,

He ran to her.

“There’s someone there.” She pointed at the window.

“Nice try. I’ll not fall for it.” He said rolling his eyes.

“Shut up and see there.” She slapped him.

“Ow, you literally slapped me?” He touched his cheek.

“Shut up and look.” She hold his face and turned it.

“What? no one’s there. Looks like it’s after effect of the movie.” He patted her back.

“But I saw someone there. I think they went to the forest.” She looked at him.

“No one’s there, it’s your imagination. Didn’t i tell you entering the forest is prohibited? Come let’s go and sleep.” He surrounded her shoulders with his arm.

“Okay...but....” She looked back.

“Come on.” He pulled her.

Middle of the night

Ryouma slowly got up from bed and looked at his wife who slept peacefully. He slowly tip-toed out of the room and went out of the house towards the forest.

“Didn’t I tell you not to come here? She saw you!” He shouted.

“I’m sorry.” answered a woman.

“It’s okay, be careful from now. Good night.” He hugged her.

Ryouma tip-toed back to his room and slept.


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