“Why didn’t you run when you had the chance? They didn’t see you until you came running to me.” asked the girl.

“Just couldn’t leave a clumsy brat by herself.” answered the boy.

“But it’s my fault Ma-kun too got kidnapped.” The girl started to cry.

“Stop crying. I wanted to get the experience of getting kidnapped. It has nothing to do with you. Don’t give too much importance to yourself.” The boy smiled at her wiping her tears away.

“But... it’s all my fault.. I should have listened to you... I’m sorry.” The girl said in between her cry.

“Stop crying stupid. I’m the older one so i should have looked after you and i told you already i just wanted some adventure. Jeez you’re such a cry baby.” The boy hugged her.

“And i know my dad will find us in no time cause you see I’ve brought this along.” He showed her a watch.

“What is this?” The girl asked innocently.

“This has a tracking device on it. ”

“What’s a tracking device?” Asked the girl.

“Like the one that detective puts it on the criminal so that he can follow him around.” Explained the boy.

“Just like in the book that Ma-kun reads?” Asked the girl.

“Yes.” Nodded the boy.

“How did Ma-kun get this cool watch?” The girl asked.

“It’s a recent product of my dad’s company. But I’m not sure it’ll work, cause it is the first test model.” The boy was unsure.

“Don’t worry Ma-kun I’m sure Ryuu chan will find us soon.” The girl tried to cheer him up.

“Yeah i hope he does.” The boy nodded.

“Thank you Ma-kun, because you’re with me I’m not afraid now. Ma-kun got kidnapped on purpose for Tesa. So that Tesa doesn’t get alone and cry alone. Ma-kun only pretends to be rude and scary but Ma-kun is actually very sweet.” The girl smiled sweetly.

The boy blushed.

“Shut up ugly brat. I only came with you because my mom would have eaten me up if i didn’t look after you. And when will you learn to pronounce your name properly? You’re already 8, stupid.” The boy yelled to hide his embarrassment.

“But Tesa is Tesa.” The girl said touching her nose.

“It’s Teresa, you dumb cry baby.”

Teresa’s P.O.V

I feel glare of light on my face, waking me from my sleep.

“Nnn” i slowly open my eyes.

“Ow this headache. But what did I dream? was that girl me? who is Ma-kun?" I massage the sides of my head.

“Good morning!” Rina whishes cheerfully.

“Good morning.” I reply rubbing my eyes.

“Here a strong coffee for your headache.” She hands me the cup.

“Thanks I needed this.” I smile at her as I take a sip.

As I have the coffee I constantly try to recall the dream but I couldn’t!

It was just a dream. Big deal? I decide to ignore it.

“Are you feeling good?” I ask Rina.

“Much better.” She smiles at me.

Yesterday she cried her heart out and we burnt anything and everything related to that gross!

I’m glad she’s doing well. But I regret the part that I was not there when she needed me. But I’m going to make up for that.

She clicks her fingers in front of my face bringing me back from my thoughts. I blink at her.

“What’s wrong?” She asks.

“Nothing. just planning for the day.” I reply excitedly.

“What plans? It’s almost 12pm.”

“So what? The day’s just started. We’ll go shopping, watch movies and go see Ai-chan and eat Ai-chan’s love donuts. It’s almost been a month we didn’t have it. I miss her and her donuts so badly!” I say as I squeeze the pillow, hugging it.

“What about your leg?” She points at my injured leg.

“Oh look it’s all better. I’ll just have to prevent myself from jumping around.” I stand up and show her.

“Ok then it’s decided.” I clap my hands together.

“But first, we’ll have to get a face-pack done. I look so horrible." I point at my face and she laughs. “You’re even worse.” I circle my finger around her face.

After few minutes.

I was applying the face pack on Rina’s face, just then Rihito enters the hall.

“What’s going on ladies?” He asks.

“Oh great timing. Come I’ll apply it on you too.” I offer.

“No thank you. I’m fine.” He hesitates.

“Don’t be shy bro! Come and sit here.” I pat the chair beside me.

“No I’m really fine. You guys continue. Now that you’re here there’s no need for me to stay. So i was just taking my leave.”

“How can you leave so soon? No, not allowed. I have yet to thank you properly.” I walk to him and start pulling him to the chair.

“I’ll receive your thanks some other day. I’ve really got to go.” He tries to shrugs his arms off.

“You’re coming or should i come and get you. If i come I’ll make sure you have your nails painted too.” I threaten.

“Where's the face pack? Ah! I needed it so badly! Here we go.” He immediately rushes to the chair.

“That’s like a good brother.” I smile at him.

I apply the face pack on him then on my face and leaned back on the chair.

Rihito’s P.O.V

**Cellphone buzzing**

“Yeah?” I answer.

“Where are you?” Asks my best friend.

“Hey buddy! Me? I’m having some facial treatment.” I reply.

Ryouma: “Facial treatment? Are you out of your mind?”

Rihito: “No. They were having it, i thought why not? It’s actually quite good. You should get it done too.”

Ryouma: “No thank you. You’re still there?”

Rihito: “You know I’m still here and that’s why you called.”

Ryouma: “Who said i wanted to talk to her?”

Rihito: “You’re right Ryouma. No one said so, but you’re agreeing without asking. If you’re missing her that badly, just call her.”

Ryouma: “Who’s missing whom? She can do whatever she wants i don’t care!”

Rihito: “Okay then. If you don’t care, why did you call again? Didn’t we talk in the morning?”

Ryouma: “For the last time, I don’t care! And now I can’t even call you?”

Rihito: “Where are you?”

Ryouma: “Home.”

Rihito: “It’s already noon and you’re still home?”

Ryouma: “Dude, its Sunday.”

Rihito: “Did sun rise from the west? The great Ryouma is home on Sunday?! This date shall be written in history.”

Ryouma: “Very funny! I went to the office. But didn’t have any work so i returned home.”

Rihito: “Wow! Can’t believe Ryouma the great doesn’t have work!! Truly a day to be noted.”

Ryouma: “Whatever! By the way what’re you doing?”

Rihito: “I just told you. I’m having a facial.”

Ryouma: “For real?”

Rihito: “Yes. Your wife is really good at it.”

Ryouma: “What is she doing? Is her leg okay? ”

Rihito: “Finally you get to the point huh?”

Ryouma: “Shut up, not that I care, I just casually... Mom was asking.”

Rihito: “Really? When?”

Ryouma: “Just now.”

Rihito: “Then what is she doing here?”

I smile at my bff's mom who is applying the face pack on her face.

Ryouma: “She’s there?”

Rihito: “you just talked to her and she didn’t tell you?”

“Oii Rihito stop talking or else you’ll get wrinkles.” shouts his mother across the room.

“You heard her Ryouma? I don’t want wrinkles and If your excuses are over I’m hanging up. Bye.”

This idiot! he just needs to agree he’s missing his dear wife. I laugh as I hang up the call.

30 minutes later

“Wah! Teresa it’s really effective, my face is actually shining.” I pat my face looking into the mirror.

“See i told you. You should do it once in a while.” She replies cheerfully.

*phone buzzing*

Ah! It's my bff.... again. “Yes dude.” I answer.

“Um actually nothing, forget it.” He cuts the call.

*10 mins later*

*phone buzzes*

Seriously? “You know what Ryouma wait a second.” I answer the call and call his wife whom he wants to talk to so badly, “Teresa your husband seems to be missing you very badly please let him hear your voice once or else he’ll go mad and make me mad too.”

She takes the call, "No one?" she shrugs her shoulder as she returns my phone.

“Anyway, come, let’s go I’ll make you taste the no. 1 donuts in town. My treat!” She shouts.



Ryouma’s P.O.V

“Seriously, What am i doing? Argh!!” I throw the cell phone on the bed and lie down.

Ryouma, let’s do some work!

I open my laptop. I glance at the bed, then back at the screen. Something's not right?

I walk up to the bed and arrange the magazines at perfect 90 degree angle.


I walk back and sit on the couch with my laptop.

On the second thought, i again go back and disarrange the magazines.


“Why is there pin drop silence?" I look around the room. "No, Ryouma you like silence. Good thing that chatter box isn’t around.” I nod to myself.


“Jeez what’s wrong with me?” I sit on the couch and throw my head back in frustration.

*cell phone buzzes*

I open the message, “What the hell?” Rihito sent me a picture of him and my wife having popcorn outside the movie theater. With *I’ll keep you updated 😋 * as caption.

"No one asked you to!" I throw my phone.

“Who cares about anything?”

I slowly pick my phone and open insta, which my mom made an account for me ages ago and what do I see? My mom just added another pic. "Wow she sure is enjoying herself!"

"wait a minute! Why am I even looking at this? What am i a stalker?” I throw the phone back.


After a week

3rd person P.O.V

After a week of fun, Teresa finally returns home.

“You’re back?” Ryouma tries to hide his happiness seeing his wife back.

“Yeah! We had lots of fun!” She replies happily.

“Good for you.” He tries to be disinterested.

“Wow husband, the room is just the way i left it. I thought you liked perfection?” Teresa looks around the room amazed.

“What’s the use of arranging everything perfectly when you’re going to disarrange it again?” Ryouma taunts her.

“Good, good you’ve become smart after living with me.” She nods with a smile on her face.

And today after a week, having his chatterbox back, Ryouma sleeps peacefully.

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