Chapter 32 Sell to Devil

At largest shopping mall of C city.

Today is weekend and shopping malls are filled with many people. Among the hustle and bustle of the crowd, Lucien Gray's tall and straight figure and his handsome face often attract the attention of others. "Wow... that man is so handsome!"

"Is he a famous star? Why haven't I seen him on TV?"

"Shall we go and ask for an autograph?"

"Oh, I dare not! There is a girlfriend next to him!"

"His girlfriend looks so ordinary!"

"Yes! She is not even good enough for him. Can she be his housekeeper?"

"It is supposed to be a housekeeper. How can such a handsome man like such a normal girl?"

Several little girls in high school uniforms walk around six times, looking at Lucien Gray and Nina Morrison and whispering form time to time.

Housekeeper? Nina Morrison is spitting blood. Is she looked like so bad?

She looks at hers and Lucien Gray's shadow in the window of the nearby shop window.

She wears ordinary white T-shirt and comfortable wide loose ordinary black shorts, and a pair of sports shoes. It is refreshing but, yes, ordinary. Very ordinary.

Lucien Gray, however, wears a well-tailored casual suit and has handsome cheeks. He is as elegant as a prince. With him walking next to her, she does look like a housekeeper...

Girls passing by cast their eyes on Lucien Gray, and Nina Morrison feels uncomfortable that walking around a mall with so many people staring at her, as if she is a monkey which is being watched in the zoo. Lucien Gray, however, could not feel it at all. He walks leisurely and stops some times to look. In the end, he even enters in an adult sex shop!

Nina Morrison tries to pretend she does not know him.

As Lucien Gray walks toward the sex shop, Nina quietly steps back and turns away in silence.

There is a bookstore in the mall. Not so many people scatter in twos and threes.

Nina Morrison looks at the book "World Art Appreciation" on the shelf. This book, Andrew had given her one.

Nina Morrison opens the page and reads. The young man's voice rings again in her ears, "Nina, look how talented you are! If you keep learning, you will be a famous international painter!"

Nina Morrison does not really like painting. But for his words, she studied painting for three years. Until her dad's business went bankrupt and she could not afford the course.

"Nina, I like your sketches. Everyone in there seems to have a noble soul."

Noble soul. Andrew, I can't paint that anymore, because my soul has been sold to the devil.

Looking at the familiar pages of the book, she seems to be back at the spring three years ago. Under the cherry tree, Andrew held a picture book with her. The breeze blew and the cherry blossoms fell on the books, on the ground and on her hair.

Andrew gently took the blossoms from her hair and put them in his bag. His eyes are brighter than the stars.

"President, the department store is doing the second phase of sales. There are many brands are actively contacting us, and the situation is good."

"Well, the brand that is going to be in our store should have to be strictly selected and I will approve them before finalized." "Yes, sir."

The gentle male voice rings outside the quiet bookstore. It is so familiar.

Nina Morrison turns in a daze and sees a group of well-dressed men walking along with a young and elegant man. They are talking about business.

Wearing simple shirt with black trousers, the young man's body is decorated with incomparable tall and straight. While listening to the reports of subordinates, he slightly nods. His face always hangs light, elegant smile.


It turns out this mall is Andrew's. Nina's eyes are widened and her throat is bitter.

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