he Charming Ex–Wifel 

Chapter 603 A Sudden Change Of Attitude. 

Josiah didn’t say anything more, and silently listened to their conversation from the side. 


Lysander rubbed the pressure point her brows with her left hand that was not holding a phone. She was certain that Maverick would not approve of her dating Josiah again. 

Unexpectedly, when Maverick spoke again, his tone was softer. He simply said, “Alright then, your mother. and I will wait with your sister at the hospital entrance. You guys should be arriving soon, right?” 

This response caught her off guard

After a quick glance at the nearby road conditions, Lysander quickly replied, “It’s going to be a while longer. It’s cold outside, so there’s no need for you all to rush out.” 

“Don’t worry, I’ve got everything under control,” Maverick assured, “And you guys shouldn’t rush either. Safety comes first.” With that, he ended the call. 

Lysander held her phone, and was stunned for a good while. Her eyes blinked incessantly as she felt unease. She took the initiative and asked Josiah, “What… what did you do?” 


“My father’s attitude,” Lysander pointed again at the bandaged wound on his forehead. “The stitches haven’t even been removed yet. How did my father suddenly change his mind?” 

Josiah pursed his lips. “I really don’t know.” 

Lysander was somewhat skeptical. 

Josiah explained, “I really had no idea. After merely extending my greetings, and I had already braced myself for the onslaught of criticism.” 

Lysander took a deep breath, and her heart was fluttering with unease. 

Hmm… Something is off… Terribly off. Maverick had explicitly warned her against associating with Josiah previously. How could his attitude have changed so quickly? 

Could it be that Dad is afraid that Josiah might run away that he plans to beat him up when they meet? 

Before she could voice her suspicions, Josiah hastily declared,” Honestly, I really didn’t do anything.” 

Lysander felt apprehensive about the sudden change in Maverick and said, “You don’t understand my dad. He’s stubborn, and not the type to change his mind easily. I’m worried that something has happened, or is about to happen.” 

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As she spoke, her gaze involuntarily shifted, glancing towards the wound on Josiah’s forehead. The bandage had already been removed, but the scab from the wound hadn’t completely healed yet. 

Josiah comforted Lysander, saying, “Don’t worry, perhaps he simply sees me in a new light?” 

He saw with an unprecedented optimism. 

Lysander was immediately at a loss for words as she was worried. After much struggle, she had finally 


Chapter 603 A Sudden Change Of Attitude 


Maverick and Laura were seen helping Michelle who still needed to use crutches for a few more days and waiting at the side of the road

Josiah pulled over to the side, not hesitating for a moment before he got out of the car to help Lysander. “Mr. and Mrs. Thorne, please get in the car first. I’ll take care of the bags,” he offered, 

Those bags were actually gifts, 

After all, it was their first visit to his house, and the hosts were of high social standing. Therefore, Maverick and Laura had meticulously prepared their gifts which filled up an entire trunk. 

Maverick didn’t respond to Josiah, but he also didn’t lash out at him with harsh words anymore. It seemed 

as though he had tacitly accepted his est attentions. 

After helping Michelle settle into the back seat, Lysander quickly turned her attention to check on Maverick. Seeing that everything was normal and that her father was simply ignoring Josiah, she finally felt the weight lift off her chest. 

“Dad, would it be alright if Mom and I sit in the back to look after Michelle, and you take the front seat?” She proposed this arrangement only when she observed that Maverick had no intention of settling scores with Josiah. Now, she dared to let them stay together in the front. 

Maverick simply responded, “Alright.” 

Josiah went ahead to go around to open the car door for him. “Mr. Thorne, please,” he said. 

Maverick hummed an acknowledgement, and settled himself into the passenger seat. 

Lysander was utterly astounded by what she saw, but such a change was definitely a good thing. She didn’t think it was appropriate to question the reason behind it, so she could only shift her gaze back and forth between her father and Josiah. 

Seeing the situation, Michelle, who was sitting between her and Laura, subtly tugged at her sleeve. 

This was a secret code between the two sisters, signifying that Michelle had a secret she wished to share with her older sister. 

Understanding the implication, Lysander leaned back into her chair, tilting her car towards the direction of Michelle’s approach. 

Michelle whispered softly, “Lysander, it seems like Dad’s attitude towards my brother–in–law has changed. these past few days.” 

Softly, Lysander corrected her with her lips, “Must I remind you that he is not your brother–in–law anymore?” 

Upon seeing Lysander’s serious expression, Michelle quickly admitted her mistake. She stuck out her tongue and said, “It just slipped out. I meant to say your ex–husband, no, Mr. Guerra.” 

The car was quiet, with only the soft whispers of the two sisters filling the silence. They feared if their discussion continued, the person in question might overhear them. 

Lysander whispered, “Alright, tell me what exactly happened to our dad.” 

Michelle’s voice was even softer than hers, deliberately raising her hand to shield her words, “In the past 


08:31 Mon, 24 Jun 

Chapter 603 A Sudden Chonde Of Atttude 


few days, Mr. Thorne has been visiting me in the hospital frequently. At first, my dad didn’t pay much. attention to him, but his attitude changed later. Even when Mr. Guerra was mentioned, he wasn’t as angry as before.” 

Could it be that he has managed to persuade Dad to see reason? There is a possibility, but… 

Given Maverick’s stubborn nature, it didn’t make sense that he would be so easily persuaded by just a few words from Howard, did it? 

Lysander asked again. “Besides this, was there anything else that was unusual?” 

“No.” Michelle shook her head resolutely, “I don’t understand why Dad suddenly changed his attitude. Lysander, I thought you knew. In fact, I was even planning to ask you about it.” 

As it turned out, Michelle didn’t have any secret to share with Lysander. Rather, she had questions to ask her. 

Naturally, Lysander could only shake her head in response. “I don’t know either.” 

Up in front, Josiah seemed to be lost in his own silence. However, he would occasionally glance at the rearview mirror out of the corner of his eye, subtly catching every little movement of Lysander and Michelle. 

Their gazes briefly met in the mirror. Both of them found a sense of confusion reflected in each other’s 


No one could quite pinpoint why there had been such a significant shift in Maverick’s attitude towards 


The silence within the car remained until they reached the front door of Thorne manor. 

Lysander was once very familiar with this area. Her gaze subconsciously fell on the entrance of the manor. It was only when she remembered the purpose of her visit tonight, that her eyes shifted to the Guerra family’s old house next door. 

It turned out she was so close to the life she should have had, but a cruel twist of fate changed everything. 

The housekeepers at the Thorne manor were quite familiar with Josiah’s car. As soon as they spotted his license plate from a distance, they promptly opened the gates, allowing him to drive straight in along the driveway. 

As soon as the car came to a halt, Maverick was the first to jump out and rush to the back seat to assist Michelle, who still needed help. 

Lysander lent a helping hand while holding a crutch. Only after Michelle had firmly touched down did she hand it to her, and advised, “You must tread carefully. Another fall could spell trouble.” 

With a playful smile, Michelle reassured, “Don’t worry, I’m really all right now.” 

As she spoke, she subtly winked towards the direction behind Lysander, signaling her sister to look back. 

Confused, Lysander turned around, and her gaze met directly with Josiah who was standing beside the car. He attempted to lend a hand, but the family before him had everything organized so meticulously that they didn’t even leave him a chance to carry anything. 


The Charming Ex–Wife 

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