Chapter 594 To Start Over With You 


Upon Martha’s reassuring words, Lysander felt a fleeting wave of anxiety about her own kitchen dissipate- as she leaned forward to peek inside. Everything appeared in order, allowing her to release the breath she didn’t realize she was holding. 

Josiah found a small measure of solace in Martha’s encouraging comments and decided, “It’s getting quite late and there isn’t much food left. I think I’ll stop the lesson here lol 

and handle the cleanup myself.” 

“All right then,” Martha responded as she neatly hung her apron back in its usual place. She added, “Mr. Guerra, these things take time; you need to learn them gradually.” 

“Thank you,” Josiah said, graciously escorting Martha to the door. 

When Josiah swiftly returned to begin clearing the table, Lysander expressed her concern. “Martha isn’t young anymore, and it’s already late. How could you let her go home by herself? I’ll call a car for her.” 

While Josiah was busy disposing of the spoiled dishes into the garbage bin, he replied, “No need, she won’t be going back just yet. She’s staying in the guest room next door; I’ve already given her a key.” 

Lysander paused, her eyebrows arching in surprise. “She’s staying at your place?” 

Mm,” Josiah affirmed, then queried, “Do you mind?” 

“Why would I?” 

“Because she’s also a woman.” 

“She’s a woman in menopause,” Lysander said with a hint of irritation. 

Josiah, picking up on her jest, lightened up a bit. “Don’t worry about it,” he reassured, “I’ll handle these tasks. I may not be great at cooking, but I can certainly manage the cleaning” 

“Josiah,” Lysander called out. 

Josiah paused, still donning his apron, balancing a plate in one hand. His hair was disheveled, and there were streaks on his face–either from soot or sauce, it was hard to tell. 

“What’s wrong?” 

“You’re doing all this… Lysander hesitated, “Didn’t you say that you were content with keeping things as they are?” 

“I just want to start over with you,” Josiah confessed. 

After Josiah finished placing the dishes, he meticulously began cleaning the plates and bowls. He placed them in the sink to soak before returning to wipe down the table. 

His movements through the household chores were smooth and practiced, evidence that his lessons with 

Martha were taken to heart. 

It would be rude to spurn a friendly person, and Josiah’s earnest demeanor made it difficult for Lysander to be overly critical. Looking to get some sleep, she sighed. “You head to the kitchen, I’ll take care of the living room.” 


Chapter 594 To Start Over With You 

“No need,” he insisted, holding the cloth firmly, not allowing her to help. 



“In the past, I learned many things for the wrong person, and it wasn’t just you who felt uneasy; I was unsettled too. But now, having finally found the right person, it’s only natural that I start learning new skills that can help you. In doing so, at least I can ensure your comfort, and I suppos back on the right path,” he explained. 

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Lysander’s eyelashes fluttered slightly, her voice soft, “What’s past is past, let’s not bring it up again.” 

“All right.” While Josiah engaged in conversation with her, he didn’t let his work suffer. Switching topics, he continued, “The early stages of work are always the hardest, something I know all too well. Your position at the company still needs time to stabilize, and your days will undoubtedly be busy and tough. I would love to take 

on the bulk of the work for you, but knowing your character, you’d never accept that. So after much thought, I can only offer to help with some supporting tasks.” 

As he spoke, he turned back to the kitchen, slipping on a pair of cleaning gloves. He then began washing stacks of dishes with the same hands he used to sign documents and type on the keyboard at work. 

If anyone from either of the two companies had seen it, they surely would have doubted their own eyes. When Lysander observed Josiah’s steady movements, she realized there was no risk of him worsening things. She simply asked, “So, your idea of assistance is doing housework at my place?” 

Josiah replied earnestly. “In line with my original intention, I wanted you to be able to enjoy delicious and nutritious meals every day after you finish work and return home. However, there is a gap between theory and practice, so it might take some time before we can achieve this goal.” 

He wasn’t sure exactly how long it would take, but with Martha next door, at least there was a backup plan in place. 

Lysander glanced at the overflowing trash can and, in an effort to be economical, advised, “Everyone has their own expertise, it’s better not to meddle in areas you’re not skilled at. If you insist on helping me with the chores, it would be better to leave it to Martha. I’ll cover half the cost of the groceries.” 

If possible, she still hoped to establish as clear boundaries as possible between the two of them. 

Josiah was adamant about not letting anyone else handle the cooking. He wasn’t sure where this confidence came from, but he spoke about his theory with conviction. “Today, you told Joseph that it’s never too late to start learning if one is willing. Anything that Adrian can do for you, of course, I can do as well” 

Adrian had only once restocked her refrigerator, yet, unexpectedly, not only had he remembered it, but it had also lingered in his mind until now. 

After waiting for a while, Josiah took the initiative to ask, “Why did you stop talking?” 

Lysander let out a long sigh: “What else can I say? Should I advise you not to follow Adrian’s example? He might heed advice, but you might not. My words would probably fall on deaf ears.” 

Josiah was silent in the kitchen. He wiped the water droplets off the cleaned dishes and neatly arranged them on the rack. Only then did he turn around and say, “Everything that he can do for you, I can do too. Even what he can’t, I can.” 

Josiah saw her still standing there, unmoving, and urged her again. “It’s getting late, you should go back and get some sleep. It’s going to take a while to clean up all this, and there’s no need for you to stay up with 


Chapter 594 To Start Over With You 

me here.” 


Lysander had been feeling exhausted for a while, barely stifling a yawn. Upon hearing his words, she didn’t bother with pleasantries and simply reminded him to lock the door when he left. Without further ado, she went off to her bedroom. As per her usual routine, she locked the door from the inside before settling down to sleep. 

Perhaps due to the burden of work–related worries weighing heavily on her mind before sleep, Lysander didn’t have a peaceful rest. When she finally opened her eyes, the world outside was still shrouded in darkness, the break of dawn yet to come. 

Her mouth was dry, so she decided to head to the living room for a drink of water. 

She gently unlocked the bedroom door. 

Lysander, clad in her slippers, stepped into the living room. Instead of the darkness she had anticipated, at warm glow stretched out before her feet–the wall lamp was still on. 

The next moment, a familiar voice reached her ears, it was unexpectedly Josiah speaking in Stounian. 

Lysander cautiously stepped into the softly lit living room. As she tried to make sense of the scene before her, she blurted out, almost reflexively. “It’s already three in the morning, why are you- 

Her voice was quiet, almost whisper–like, such that Josiah, who was deeply absorbed in a conversation through his Bluetooth headset, didn’t register her presence

In the living room, where only a single wall lamp was lit, Josiah sat at the end of the couch, fully immersed in his tasks. The coffee table in front of him was occupied by his work laptop, which he had carried over from the adjacent apartment. A briefcase was haphazardly stacked on the single–seater couch nearby, signifying that this space had effectively become his makeshift office. 

Lysander lingered in the background, her eyes adjusting to the dim light as she waited for Josiah to wrap up his international call. Only after she sensed that the conversation had concluded did she cautiously approach. 

She was about to ask if he was planning on sleeping, when something on the laptop screen caught her peripheral vision. Turning to look more directly, she finally noticed what was displayed on the illuminated. 


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