Chapter 318 Trouble Comes

Howard smiled and tried to smooth things over. “Okay, let the kids have eir conversation in peace. With us here, they can’t chat freely. Shall I take you to see Rufus?”

Molly snapped back to reality. “Sure. Lysander, you go ahead and chat. I’ll go with your dad… I mean,- Mr. Thorne.”

Lysander’s heart skipped a beat.

Thankfully, Molly corrected herself in time, the word “dad” just a slip of her lips without sound.


Watching Howard wheel Molly away, Josiah asked suspiciously, “Did they seek you out before?”


“What did they say to you?”

Lysander took a sip of her orange juice and said, “You can probably guess what they said, so why are you asking me?”

Josiah’s voice carried a hint of coldness. “Don’t mind them. Lysanne is their only daughter, and they’ve spoiled her rotten. Whatever they say, just tutn a deaf ear to it. If they ask you out, call me, and I’ll handle it.”

“No need,” Lysander said. “I’m leaving the country soon, so I won’t be in contact with them.”

Josiah’s expression faltered for a moment. “You…”

Lysander immediately took a step back, eyeing him warily.

Josiah laughed helplessly. “Are you that afraid of me?”

“I’m just defending myself.”

Josiah was speechless.

“Did you enjoy your time with the skeleton in the anatomical laboratory last time?”

Josiah’s grip on his glass tightened. His voice was low as he asked back, “What do you think?”

“You must’ve had a great time. I heard from Lynn that the skeletons hadn’t been moved and were still dusty. Looks like you treated them with respect.”

Josiah glared at her. “Don’t pull stunts like that again. It’s bad for both of us.”

“What does it have to do with me?”



1 Coins 1 Pearls

“I’m a free single woman about to fly across the ocean to another continent. I hear things are more open in Epea and Adrune. As long as I’m willing, I won’t be a widow.”

Josiah sneered, “Are you trying to rile me up?”

“You’re overthinking it.”

“Fine, provoke me if you want, but remember to protect yourself,” Josiah reminded her.

Taken aback, Lysander lifted her head to look at him.

“Ms. Thorne!”

The call caught Lysander’s attention. It was the housekeeper who had helped adjust Daphne’s dress carlier.

She stood up. “I’m here.”

The maid recognized her and ran over, looking anxious.”, come with me quickly—”

“What’s wrong?”

“Ms. Everhart is in trouble.”

Lysander stood up immediately. “Did she argue with Mr. Everhart?”

“It’s worse than that,” the housekeeper said, her face pale and genuinely distressed. “Come quickly, and you’ll see.”

The housekeeper grabbed Lysander and started to lead her away.

Josiah instinctively followed, but the housekeeper stopped him. “I’m sorry, Mr. Guerra, but it’s better if you don’t come.”

Lysander thought for a moment and agreed. “Daphne’s father is forcing her into a blind date, and knowing her temper, she probably talked back to him. I’ll go talk to her. If you come, it might make things worse.”

Daphne was still furious, and she didn’t have a good impression of Josiah. Adding fuel to the fire wouldn’t help.

Josiah understood and nodded slightly. “Okay, I won’t go. Be careful.”


“Ms. Thorne, hurry, there’s no time to waste…”

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