Chapter 2076

Jasmine even had a thought that sprouted within her, she felt, “From today onwards, I, Jasmine, am

willing to do anything for Charlie Wade, even if Charlie Wade lets me die immediately, I will willingly

die for him and have no complaints whatsoever!”

Charlie Wade didn't know Jasmine's inner activities at this time, he just kept comforting her with a

gentle tone: “Jasmine, between you and me, there's no

need to say thank you, let alone say any great kindness, you're my friend, it's only right and proper

for me to save you, not to mention that you're in Japan, even if you're in the middle of a mountain

of fire and knives, I, Charlie Wade, will never say anything.”

Charlie Wade was expressing his steadfastness towards his friend and friendship to Jasmine, but he

never expected that to Jasmine’s ears, these words would become the most touching expression of

emotion in the world!

At this moment, she even loved Charlie Wade to the bone, and was even willing to just hold him

tightly and rub her entire body into his bones.

Her heart was filled with love and emotion for Charlie Wade, and as her brain heated up, she

immediately stood on tiptoe and took the initiative to kiss Charlie Wade's lips.

This was the second time Jasmine had kissed Charlie Wade. It was also the second time in her life

that she kissed.

Her lips were cold and still had a faint salty taste from her tears, making Charlie

Wade's heart ache all of a sudden.

Jasmine kissed Charlie Wade and her hands also hugged him tighter.

At this moment, how much she longed for time to stop here, to be able to let herself and the man

she loved stay in this beautiful moment forever.

Even if this life came to an abrupt end, she was already satisfied.

Unfortunately, reality is not a fairy tale.

While she was immersed in the kiss, the sound of a helicopter whistling came from the valley not far


Charlie Wade hurriedly turned his head to look, and in the sky, three helicopters were coming in


At the nose of the helicopter, three high power searchlights were shining back and forth in the


Charlie Wade hurriedly said to her, “We can't stay here for long, now all the

police in Tokyo are looking for you.”

Jasmine hurriedly said, “Charlie Wade, the police are looking for me just in time for me to call the


Charlie Wade's brow creased slightly as he asked her, “Are you going to call the police?”

“Right!” Jasmine cut to the chase and said, “The truck that hit me was obviously premeditated, and it

was meant to kill me!”

Saying that, Jasmine said with red eyes, incomparably angry and sad, “These bastards, if they want

to kill me, just come straight at me, but they prefer to implicate the innocent, my two assistants, and

the driver I have, all of them...”

When she said this, Jasmine suddenly couldn't control her emotions again, choking with

incomparable sadness, “Clarice and Dee have been with me for so long, they have been reserved,

accompanying me to Japan on a business trip on New Year's Eve, and I was planning to bring them to have a good time in Tokyo, but I didn't expect... I didn't expect them...”

At this point, Jasmine could no longer continue and cried out in sorrow.

Charlie Wade hurriedly comforted her, “Jasmine, don't worry, they won't all die in vain!”

Jasmine nodded heavily, wiped away her tears, and said resolutely, “So I'm going to call the police,

have the police catch those behind it, bring them to justice, and avenge Clarice and the three of


Charlie Wade shook his head and said seriously, “You're not familiar with life in Tokyo, calling the

police won't serve any purpose, but instead you might alert the snakes.”

Jasmine hurriedly asked, “Charlie Wade, then what you mean is that you won't call the police?” “Right!” Charlie Wade nodded and said, “Jasmine, we still don't know whether it's someone in Japan who wants you dead or someone at home, so calling the police in Japan won't solve anything, if you trust me, let me handle this matter, I'll find out what happened and give you, and the three people who died, an explanation! “

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