Chapter 2039 Charlie Wade drove straight to Shangri-La, and the men arranged by Cameron Isaac were already waiting at the gate pushing a trolley.

Seeing Charlie Wade arrive, he hurriedly pushed the cart up and said respectfully,

“Mr. Wade, Mr. Cameron asked me to prepare some fireworks for you, do you want me to help you carry them in the car?” Charlie Wade nodded, opened the trunk and said, “Thank you for your hard work.” The other party hurriedly waved his hand and said, “Mr. Wade you're very kind, this is all I should do.”

Saying that, he loaded several large boxes of fireworks into the trunk of the BMW. Charlie Wade said thank you and drove back to the villa, at the same time called Claire Wilson Wilson, asked her and her in-laws to prepare, later directly get into the car, to find a place where fireworks can be set off to find the atmosphere of the New Year. Claire Wilson Wilson was very happy, and changed into a thick down jacket with her parents, and came early to wait outside the gate of Thompson First. As soon as Charlie Wade's car arrived, the three members of the family got into the car. Claire Wilson Wilson asked Charlie Wade, "Honey, where are we going to set off firecrackers?”

Charlie Wade smiled, “As long as it's not within the city limits, it's all right ah, you can think about where to go.” Jacob Wilson suggested at this time, “Why don’t we go to the river! The view of the river is also good, and after the fireworks go up, they can still reflect on the river, which is even more meaningful!”

Claire Wilson Wilson smiled, “Dad that's a good idea! Then let's go to the river!” Jacob Wilson was busy saying, “I know a nice place with a large riverbank!” As Charlie Wade listened to his wife and father-in-law talk about the river, he suddenly remembered Jasmine from the Moore family.

Previously, when Jasmine was taking him home, she passed by the Yangtze River and suggested that he accompany her for a stroll by the river.

He didn't think much of it and happily agreed. What he didn’t expect was that after taking a stroll by the river and returning, Jasmine dropped him at the gate of the villa of Thompson First and then took the initiative to kiss him in the car. That scene was still stuck in the depths of Charlie Wade's memory, and

sometimes when he thought of it, he would feel a different kind of warmth.

Charlie Wade was imagining things while driving the car all the way to the Yangtze River under the command of Jacob Wilson. What he didn't expect was that his father-in-law was leading the way to this shoal, but it was the same place that Jasmine had brought herself to in the first place.

Since it was New Year's Eve, there wasn't anyone around. After Charlie Wade parked the car. Together with his father-in-law, he carried several boxes of fireworks and arrived under the riverbank.

On a concrete poured riverbank, Charlie Wade placed the fireworks at regular intervals. On the other side, Jacob Wilson had been unable to resist the urge to set off two firecrackers in a row. The festive sound of firecrackers echoed along the river, instantly making people experience the feeling of New Year. When the firecrackers burned out, Charlie Wade said to Claire Wilson Wilson,

“Claire Wilson Wilson, I'm going to prepare for the fireworks!”

Claire Wilson Wilson immediately pulled out her phone and said excitedly, “Honey wait a moment, Ill turn on the video shoot first!”

"Yes!" After taking Claire Wilson Wilson's cell phone out and turning on the camera function, Charlie Wade then lit the fuse of the fireworks. The colorful fireworks soared into the sky and exploded on the river surface, the wide river surface reflected the beautiful colors of the fireworks bursting out of the sky, Claire Wilson Wilson was already dancing happily on the side. After one set of fireworks had burned out, Charlie Wade immediately set off a second set, followed by a third and fourth set.

Until all the fireworks had burned out, Claire Wilson Wilson's cheeks had turned

red with excitement!

It had been a long time since she had had such a feeling, to set off fireworks on

New Year's Eve to her heart's content, so she was as excited as a child. Jacob Wilson and Elaine Ma were also very happy, this time the Lunar New Year, for this family of four, it was already very meaningful. And this New Year's Eve, having such a perfect night, made them experience an

unprecedented sense of happiness. Twenty-four o'clock on New Year's Eve.

It was also the zero hour of the first day of the new year.

Charlie Wade set off the last set of fireworks, and Jacob Wilson also lit the last firecracker.

Claire Wilson Wilson placed her hands over her mouth and shouted, “Happy New Year, husband, parents!”

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