The Charismatic Charlie Wade
Chapter 1676-1680

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. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1676 Charlie Wade nodded in satisfaction, and said to Ichiro Kobayashi: “From today, you must cooperate with Liam to readjust all production plans of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals, stop all production of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals before, and fully switch to production. Nova Dias, understand?” Ichiro Kobayashi hurriedly expressed his heartfelt words: “Mr. Wade, don't worry, I will definitely cooperate with Mr. Weaver!” Liam said to Charlie Wade at this time: “Mr. Wade, Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall’s production capacity is still very strong. If the production of Nova Dias is fully started, the demand for raw materials for Nova Dias will be huge. We have to do this in advance. Prepare, otherwise, once the production raw materials are insufficient, production capacity will be severely restricted.” Charlie Wade nodded and said, “I will solve the raw material matter.” When he said this, Charlie Wade thought of Mr. Quinton, the lord of the Quinton family far away in Aurouss Hilll. The Quinton family originally started from the medicinal material business. Moreover, Mr. Quinton was also very trusted by Charlie Wade, so Charlie Wade planned to hand over all the raw materials and medicinal materials business to him. After that, he immediately took out his cell phone and called Mr. Quinton. When the phone was connected, Mr. Quinton was eating. Seeing that it was Charlie Wade's call, he respectfully said, “Master Wade, why do you call me when you are free?” Charlie Wade smiled and asked, “Mr Quinton, I have something to ask you.” Mr. Quinton said respectfully: “Master Wade, please do not hesitate to ask.” Charlie Wade said: “What is the annual supply of medicinal materials in your Quinton family?” Mr. Quinton thought for a while, and said: “Last year, our Quinton family made more than 200,000 tons of various medicinal materials and supplied them to more than 30 pharmaceutical companies across the country.” Charlie Wade snorted and asked, “Can we supply one million tons a year?” Mr. Quinton exclaimed: “One million tons?! Master Wade, one million tons is almost equal to the total annual output of botanical medicinal materials in the three eastern provinces. Our total annual output in the country is also more than 5 million tons, the largest medicinal material in the country. The company can produce seven or eight hundred thousand tons a year...” Charlie Wade asked him: “Then do you have the confidence to supply one million tons a year?” Mr. Quinton said: “Master Wade, all the medicinal materials are in the hands of pharmaceutical farmers across the country. As long as I buy them, one million tons is not a big problem. The key is that I have no channels to digest so many medicinal materials! In fact, personally, I am eager to Sell more medicinal materials, but the key is to find a strong enough next home.” Charlie Wade smiled and said: “To be honest, I have taken over Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals in Japan. In the near future, all the production capacity of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals will serve me, and I am also going to continue to expand the production line. This year, I will consume one million Tons of medicinal materials is not a big problem. I can trust you. If you are interested in cooperating with me, then I will give you all the orders for the supply of one million tons of medicinal materials!” As soon as Mr. Quinton heard this, he was so excited that he got up and got up from the dining chair. He couldn't care about throwing the bowls and chopsticks to the ground, and said excitedly: “Wade...Master Wade... ...You...what you said is true?!” Charlie Wade smiled indifferently: “When did Charlie Wade tell you a lie?" Mr. Quinton was immediately ecstatic, so excited that he couldn't add anything! He was excited and thought to himself: “If Master Wade can really digest one million tons of medicinal materials from the Quinton family every year, it would be equivalent to five times the business volume of the Quinton family! That way, Isn't the Quinton Family's strength going to soar?! And my dream of revitalizing the Quinton Family can be easily realized?!” At this moment, he almost regarded Charlie Wade as the reborn parent of the entire Quinton family, and said excitedly: “Master Wade! Since you look down on Quinton so much and are willing to pull a certain Quinton, then Quinton will never give it. You are holding back! Don’t worry, no matter how many medicinal materials you want, even if I fight my life, I will definitely get it for you! And I will definitely give you the best quality and the lowest price!” The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1677 After Mr. Quinton hung up the phone, Aurora next to him hurriedly asked curiously: “Dad, what did Master Wade say when calling you?” Mr. Quinton, who was still trapped in excitement and couldn't help himself, took about a few seconds to recover, and said excitedly: “Aurora! We Quinton family, we are going to meet the great opportunity!” Aurora asked in surprise: “Dad, what great opportunity?” Mr. Quinton was so excited that even his words were a little trembling, and said, “Master Wade has annexed Japan's Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, saying that we will let the Quinton family supply him with raw materials and medicinal materials. The demand for a year is almost the same. One million tons!” "Oh my God!” Aurora exclaimed in a dumbfounded voice: “One million tons?! Our family now has a supply of about 200,000 tons a year, right?” “Yes” Mr. Quinton said excitedly: “Master Wade asked us to supply one million tons a year, and our Quinton family’s revenue immediately doubled! Isn't this a great opportunity?” Aurora nodded repeatedly, and said with gratitude: “Master Wade has really taken good care of our family. He can think of us for everything. He has helped us so much, and I don't know how to repay his kindness.” Mr. Quinton also agreed very much and said: “Master Wade is the second parent of our Quinton family. Whether the Quinton family can rise in the future depends entirely on Master Wade!” After speaking, he couldn't help but look at Aurora, and sighed: “Aurora, Master Wade is right, our family has such a great kindness, and he will always take care of you like this, you have to hurry up!” What exactly did Aurora’s father mean? Knowing that he wanted to hold on tight, in fact, he wanted to make himself earlier and make substantial progress with Master Wade. She suddenly said with a little shame: “Dad, many things are not what I want to do. After all, Master Wade has a wife. Although I like him, I still have more than enough energy.” Mr. Quinton nodded, and then said earnestly: “Aurora, otherwise, you will come forward to meet with Master Wade for the supply of medicinal materials to Master Wade. Anyway, you graduated this summer and you should enter the internship period soon. Now, just serve Master Wade's pharmaceutical factory wholeheartedly! This way you will have more opportunities to get along with Master Wade.” Aurora thought for a moment, then nodded immediately: “Good dad!” Like Nanako Ito, she is already in her senior year this year. There are basically no classes in the next semester of the senior year. After the Chinese New Year, I basically enter the internship period. At that time, almost all senior students will find a work unit to start an internship, and Aurora is no exception. She studied finance and management at the Aurouss Hill Institute of Finance and Economics, and she was asked to cooperate with Charlie Wade, which happened to be a professional counterpart. Thinking of this, Aurora couldn't help but look forward to it. She herself has always been melancholy for not having the opportunity to get along with Charlie Wade often. If there is a work issue with Charlie Wade in the future, it means that she will often have the opportunity to see Charlie Wade. This made her feel very excited Tokyo, Japan at this moment. After Charlie Wade's killing of chickens and monkeys, the only remaining executives of the entire Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall were as honest as sheep. Ichiro Kobayashi also cooperated with Paul in the local commercial department in Tokyo to complete the transfer and change of the shares of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1678 Now, 90% of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall’s shares are all under the name of Oracle Pharmaceutical. Because the next production work of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall is of great importance, Charlie Wade cannot leave Tokyo for the time being. He wants to ensure that all production lines of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall are successfully converted to Nova Dias before leaving Japan. Therefore, the first production line to complete the conversion work is Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall's Tokyo production line. Charlie Wade asked Liam to take inventory of all the medicinal materials of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall, count all the medicinal materials that can be used to produce Nova Dias, and then calculate how much other medicinal materials are needed based on the production capacity of the Tokyo production line. After counting the demand, he immediately sent the list to Mr. Quinton, and asked him to immediately make arrangements to prepare these medicinal materials as soon as possible, and then quickly transport them to Tokyo by air transportation At the same time, Liam had to count the medicinal materials needed by several other production lines, and send them to Mr. Quinton one after another, so that Mr. Quinton could prepare, and then send the prepared medicinal materials to other production bases. After doing all this, Charlie Wade and his party, led by Ichiro Kobayashi, came to the luxurious flat- floor villa of the Kobayashi family in central Tokyo. Originally, Cameron Isaac had arranged a hotel for Charlie Wade, but because of Ichiro Kobayashi's kind invitation, Charlie Wade decided temporarily to stay at Ichiro Kobayashi's house temporarily. This flat-storey villa of Ichiro Kobayashi's is the entire top floor of an 80-storey building. The indoor construction area alone is thousands of square meters. It is extremely luxurious. It also has exclusive use of the entire roof terrace and its own helipad. , Sky infinity swimming pool, can be said to be the ultimate luxury. After nightfall, Charlie Wade took a bath and called his wife Claire Wilson Wilson to report that he was safe. Then he stood alone on the large terrace on the top floor, watching the bustling night view of Tokyo, with thoughts flying. Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall is a key part of his energy accumulation. If Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals successfully converts all production to produce Oracle Nova Dias for itself, then Oracle Nova Dias can be marketed worldwide in the shortest time. Moreover, Charlie Wade had already figured it out clearly that the price of Nova Dias scattered in the domestic market would never be increased, and to give back to the domestic people with the greatest cost-effectiveness, but the price overseas must soar. The selling price of retail terminals should be at least two to three times higher than 100. That is about sixty dollars a box. In this way, the net profit of each box is at least 30 dollars. Since Oracle Nova Dias can greatly relieve and treat many stomach diseases and discomforts, it will definitely become an essential medicine for every family in the future. Therefore, Charlie Wade estimates that Oracle's future income will increase rapidly at a rapid rate. , Maybe it can make tens of billions a year, and it's still US dollars. If you develop a few other categories, it will really make a huge profit. Charlie Wade is not a greedy person. The main reason why he can't wait to make more money is because he hopes to improve his overall strength as soon as possible. The parents’ grievances have not yet been repaid. The many Eastcliff families that formed the Anti- Leaf Alliance led by the Banks Familyy back then had to pay the price for the death of their parents. Even the Wade Family bears an unshirkable responsibility in this matter. Charlie Wade knows very well that if he wants to oppose the entire Eastcliff family and make them surrender to him, the first thing is to improve his strength! If one day, he can return to Eastcliff as the raptor crosses the river, then all Eastcliff's families will tremble in front of him! The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1679 Kyoto City is hundreds of kilometers away from Tokyo. The huge mansion with a century-old history of the Ito family is located in the center of Kyoto City. The Ito family residence is next to Nijo Castle, the residence of Oda Nobunaga, one of the three masters of the Warring States Period in Japan. Although the area is slightly smaller than Nijo Castle, the overall area is larger than the largest single-family villa in Eastcliff. Much more. Around the mansion, there is a moat dug during the war, and it still bears the responsibility of guarding the mansion. On the city wall, a 360 degree surveillance with no dead ends was installed to ensure that this mansion would not be violated by anyone. And behind the towering city walls are bodyguards with live ammunition. The buildings in the mansion are all typical Japanese-style wooden buildings. Each one has a history of at least a hundred years. There are dozens of ancient trees with a history of 100 years in the courtyard, plus those mottled and countless. The century-old stone sculptures are antique and full of charm. At this moment, in the large courtyard, a beautiful young woman is sitting alone in a wheelchair, looking up at the hazy sky. This beauty is the eldest lady of the Ito family, Nanako Ito. She is waiting for the first snow this year in Kyoto. In the past, the snow in Kyoto would come a little earlier, but this winter is an exception. Although the winter of this year was cold, it was cold, and every day was extremely cold, but no snow fell. Earlier today, the Kinki Regional Meteorological Department issued a heavy snow warning, saying that it will be heavy snow in Kyoto tonight, and Nanako Ito loves snowing days, so she waited early in the yard. However, after waiting till late at night, there was still no trace of the heavy snow, the sky was very cloudy, there was no starlight, and even the moon could not be seen clearly. The housekeeper of Ito Mansion looked at Nanako Ito from a distance for a long time. Seeing that it was late, he walked over and respectfully said, “Miss, it's late. It seems that the snow will not fall tonight, the weather It's too cold, you should go back to your room and rest earlier.” Nanako Ito looked at the hazy moon in the sky and whispered softly: “Since the weather forecast has said, there is still some hope after all. Watanabe-san should go back to rest first and leave me alone.” The housekeeper sighed slightly, and said distressedly: “Miss, or go back to rest first, I will arrange for the next person to wait here, if it snows, let the next person notify you as soon as possible.” Nanako Ito smiled lightly and said, “I'm here to watch. I just want to see the first snowflake falling from the sky, and I want to feel the first snowflake on my face. If I wait for the snow to fall. If you come out again, you will lose the fun.” The housekeeper hurriedly said: “But now it is cooling down, the temperature is getting lower and lower, and you will catch a cold if you stay outdoors for a long time.” “It doesn't matter.” Nanako Ito said with a smile: “I will wait until twelve o'clock, no matter whether it is snowing or not, I will go back to my room to soak in a hot spring. Although Watanabe-san can rest assured, although I am injured, I still have relatively strong physical fitness. , The temperature is colder, it will not have any effect on me.” The housekeeper nodded helplessly, and said respectfully: “I'm nearby. Miss, call me whenever you have any needs.” Nanako Ito chuckled softly: “Good Watanabe-san, thank you!” The butler carefully retreated to the distance, and Nanako Ito continued to look up at the sky. For some reason, Charlie Wade's appearance suddenly appeared in the cloudy night sky at this moment. She felt like spring blossoms in her heart, and thought to herself: “Charlie Wade, don't know if it snows in Aurouss Hilll? I wonder if you are looking at the night sky above your head now? I don't know, do you think of me?” The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1680 Thinking wildly, the phone in her pocket suddenly vibrated. She took out her mobile phone and found that it was Hiroshi Tanaka who was calling, so she hurriedly put away her thoughts, connected to the phone and smiled: “Tanaka-san, why call me so late?” Hiroshi Tanaka sighed and said, “Miss, something happened today. The president is very angry. He just smashed a lot of antiques in the house.” Nanako Ito felt nervous, and hurriedly asked, “Tanaka-san, what happened? Is father having any trouble?” Koichi Tanaka said: “Today, the president took me to Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall, intending to sign a share agreement with the board of directors of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall. After the agreement was signed, the president and the financial staff sent 4.5 billion U.S. dollars to the account of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall.” When Nanako Ito heard this, she asked in a puzzled way: “Isn't my father always wanting to invest in Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals? Today this is what I wanted, so why is he angry?” Hiroshi Tanaka said helplessly: “Before the president, the financial staff made the payment, I didn't know that Kobayashi Pharmaceutical had actually changed hands.” "Changed ownership?” Nanako Ito asked in surprise, “What's the matter? Didn't it mean that Jiro Kobayashi is missing? Is he back again?” “No,” Koichi Tanaka explained: “It's not Jiro Kobayashi who is back, but Jiro Kobayashi's brother, who is said to have been dead, suddenly came back alive!” “Huh?” Nanako Ito said with a bit of sorrow: “What's the matter? Why am I getting more and more confused?” "Hey" Hiroshi Tanaka sighed and said, “This is nothing. The point is that Ichiro Kobayashi, as the sole heir of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals, transferred all the shares of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals 90 to a Chinese company called Oracle Pharmaceutical company.” Nanako Ito was surprised and said: “Isn't my father invested in Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall 30? Then Ichiro Kobayashi only has Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall 70 shares. How can he transfer 90% of the shares to a Chinese company? Hiroshi Tanaka said in a stunned voice: “This is the reason why the president is angry! He signed a share agreement with Kobayashi Masayoshi, the acting president of Pharmaceuticals, and paid after the signing, but Ichiro Kobayashi is back, which means The equity agreement signed by Masayoshi Kobayashi is invalid.” Nanako Ito nodded slightly and said, “So, my father’s plan to buy a stake in Kobayashi Pharmaceutical has been lost?” “It's more than an intention to fail,” Tanaka sighed: “The chairman of Oracle Pharmaceutical clearly told the president that Ito Co., Ltd. remitted the 4.5 billion US dollars of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall, he will not refund!” "Ah?!" Nanako Ito exclaimed, “How come there is such a shameless person? The act of holding shares is an equity transaction. When we pay, the other party must pay the corresponding shares. If the other party is unwilling to pay the shares, then it must Returning the money the same way, and even paying liquidated damages, why did the other party not give us shares and deduct our money?! This is too much, right?! Doesn't he know our Japanese laws? Koichi Tanaka said very depressed at this time: “Miss, the other party is simply an extrajudicial madman!” “Extrajudicial fanatic?” Nanako Ito frowned: “With the character of his father, it is impossible to be willing to suffer from this dumb loss, right? Does he have no countermeasures?” Hiroshi Tanaka sighed: “Of course the president of the president is not willing to suffer from this dumb loss. He originally wanted to fight the other party desperately, but I was persuaded by me. I am afraid that the president can't offend him! Oh, right, speaking of it. You know this person, Missy too” “I know?" Nanako Ito asked in surprise, “Who is it?" Koichi Tanaka said: “That's Aurora's coach, Charlie Wade Wade who injured Mr. Yamamoto Kazuki with one palm!” “What? Charlie Wade?!” When Nanako Ito heard this, she exclaimed in excitement, and blurted out: “Charlie Wade-kun has come to Japan?!"

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