The Charismatic Charlie Wade
Chapter 1591-1595

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. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1591 In order to please Charlie Wade, Trevor put away the little sympathy in his heart for Sam. He sternly said with a cold expression: “Sam, everyone is an adult, so you should be willing to bet and lose. I don't think you will be haggling here anymore. Hurry up and swallow this jade!” Sam's expression immediately turned into a bitter face that was too bitter. Trevor said coldly: “I'm telling you, please feel lucky in your heart. Last time you swallowed a necklace. This time it was just a pendant. Fortunately, you didn’t match this pendant with a chain, otherwise you have to swallow it with the necklace. in stomach!” Sam was crying and looked at her cousin Loreen, and pleaded bitterly: “Loreen, my good sister, please quickly plead with Mr. Wade, let Mr. Wade let me go this time, I really know I was wrong. From now on I will never do it right with him again. From now on, I will be his dog. I will do what he asks me to do. Even if he lets me bite, I will never hesitate, but ask him to forgive me this time. ......" Loreen’s heart was also very tangled at this time. The cousin was so dissatisfied with Charlie Wade just now. Women are like this, don't think Sam is Loreen's cousin, the relationship between the two people was really good when they were young. But Charlie Wade is Loreen’s long-time lover, so if these two people are placed in front of her, she must be biased towards Charlie Wade in her heart. Now Sam asked her to intercede with Charlie Wade, and she suddenly didn't know what to do. When Lydia saw this, she ran to Loreen and knelt down while crying, and wailed and said, “Loreen, give auntie face, please beg Mr. Wade, he can raise your hand and spare your cousin. Once, my aunt knelt down for you!" Loreen wanted to stretch out her hand to help, but Lydia wanted to kneel down, and the two of them were so deadlocked. Loreen really couldn't bear her aunt to kneel to herself, so she hurriedly looked at Charlie Wade, apologized, and asked a little pleadingly: “Charlie Wade, please look at my face. Just forgive my brother this time. ....." Charlie Wade hesitated for a moment, and said to Loreen: “Let's take a step to talk.” Loreen nodded hurriedly, followed Charlie Wade to the side, looking at Charlie Wade nervously, for fear that he would be angry with herself. Charlie Wade looked at her and asked, “When in Aurouss Hill, a pair of brothers tried to assassinate you. Does it have anything to do with Sam?” Loreen waved her hand quickly: “It was not my cousin Sam who did that thing, it was my other cousin...” “Your cousin?” Charlie Wade frowned, “Is he here?” Loreen shook her head and said: “It is said that after the incident last time, someone with a lot of background warned the Thomas family that my cousin had a guilty conscience and hid abroad and never came back. This time my grandma passed her birthday. He won't come if he comes back.” Charlie Wade nodded lightly, and then asked, “So, you and your cousin Sam have no contradiction, right?” “That's right.” Loreen said hurriedly: “My cousin to put it, Sam is built a little bit, and he doesn’t know how to learn, but he hasn't done anything that hurts the world, just I just like to pretend...” Speaking of this, Loreen pleaded diligently: “So, Charlie don't have trouble with him today with this matter. Give me a face, okay?” While talking, Loreen already grabbed Charlie Wade's arm with both hands, shook it gently like a baby, and her face was full of pleading and shyness. Charlie Wade was helpless, knowing that since Loreen had pleaded with her, she couldn't continue to embarrass her cousin even if she was looking at her friend's face. However, Sam's pretended to be a bit too big, if he were to spare him like this, it would be too cheap for him. Thinking of this, he said to Loreen: “Well, since it is your cousin, then I have to give you face in whatever I say.” The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1592 Loreen was overjoyed and said excitedly: “Thank you so much Charlie Wade!" Charlie Wade said hurriedly: “Wait a moment, I don't need to ask him to swallow that string of pendants, but he still has to accept other punishments, otherwise I'm afraid he won't remember him.” Loreen hurriedly asked, “Charlie Wade, what punishment are you going to make him accept? It won't be more serious than swallowing a pendant, right?” “No.” Charlie Wade smiled faintly and said: “You can rest assured that my punishment is a good thing for him.” Loreen just relieved her heart and said affectionately: “Charlie Wade, thank you, you forgave my brother for me, then give me a chance and let me repay you...” Charlie Wade asked in surprise: "How do you want to repay me?” Loreen blinked and smiled deliberately: “Of course, then gave you a baby, what do you think?” Charlie Wade said solemnly: “In the future, don't say anything like this, I am your girlfriend's husband!” Loreen nodded and said seriously: “I know, you two are fake marriages! There is no marriage fact. In fact, the best solution for you two is to give each other freedom.” Charlie Wade shook his head helplessly, and said, “I won't tell you this anymore, I'm also playing the piano to the cow.” After speaking, he turned back to the crowd. Seeing him coming back, everyone hurriedly consciously stepped out of a channel. Sam knelt on the ground, waiting for Charlie Wade's sentence. Charlie Wade said indifferently: “Sam, because you are your cousin Loreen, I can give you a chance this time, but it depends on whether you can grasp it.” When Sam heard this, he immediately burst into tears and said: “Mr. Wade, thank you for raising your hand. Don't worry, I will take good care of it and never pretend to be anymore!” Charlie Wade said: “It's useless to just say it. I can stop you from swallowing that jade pendant this time, but you have to use actual actions to prove that you can really change your mind!" Sam nodded like smashing garlic: “Mr. Wade, if you have any request, I can definitely do it!" Charlie Wade glanced at Loreen and said, “It's not easy for Loreen to be in Aurouss Hilll by herself. Let me say this. What about you, go to Aurouss Hilll and be a driver for Loreen for one year. You have to be honest this year. In Aurouss Hill, if you dare to run or be passive, or if you dare to act in Aurouss Hill, I will feed you a piece of brick!" When Sam heard this, his heart was very bitter. Sam's life is so moist, how can the small place in Aurouss Hilll have access to his own law? Moreover, I still let myself go there and be a driver for my cousin for a year, but it is under Charlie Wade's nose. If I really go there, I am afraid that I can't even pretend to be forced, and girls dare not to be... ... However, when he thought that if he didn't agree, he would have to swallow the jade pendant, and Trevor would definitely not let him go. He could only grit his teeth and agree, saying, “Okay, Mr. Wade, I will definitely follow your instructions... ...." Charlie Wade nodded in satisfaction and said, “Okay, I think you can prepare to set off after you have eaten this meal. The road is quite far away, and it will take more than ten days to talk about it.” “Huh?” Sam asked in surprise: “Mr. Wade, it takes only two hours to fly from Eastcliff to Aurouss Hilll..." “Flying?” Charlie Wade said disdainfully: “It's up to you to be worthy of flying? You can ride a bike for me. Only tents and no hotels are allowed along the way. If you dare to take any other means of transportation, I will Your leg breaks!” The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1593 When I heard that I had to ride a bicycle all the way from Eastcliff to Aurouss Hilll, and then stayed in Aurouss Hilll as a driver for one year, Sam wanted to die. The key is that this road is almost more than 1,200 kilometers. If it is really cycling, it shouldn't be exhausting? And in the twelfth lunar winter, you have to ride a bike all the way south, and you are not allowed to stay in a hotel by yourself. The requirements are too harsh, right? Sam felt very wronged, and when he was not careful, tears rolled off his eyes What the hell is this.. The three young masters of the Thomas family dignified, riding a bicycle to Aurouss Hilll. With my small body, it is amazing to be able to ride fifty or sixty kilometers a day. More than 1200 kilometers, co-authored to ride for 20 days! But this is the twelfth lunar month! He choked and said, “Mr. Wade, if I go to Aurouss Hilll by bicycle now, it will be the first month when I arrive, and my sister will definitely have to go back to Eastcliff to celebrate the New Year. Wouldn't I be empty in the past?” Charlie Wade asked in a cold voice: “The first month is only here? Is your butt growing like a leg? It's 80 kilometers a day, and it will definitely be there in fifteen days! Just like the end of the twelfth lunar month.” Sam was crying and he was riding a bicycle for eighty kilometers a day. Isn't this dying? I usually say that the key point is that I have just finished the operation, and the movement range is large, and the knife edge is faintly painful, I am afraid that I will suffer the old sin... Just when he was still trying to bargain, Trevor on the side gritted his teeth and cursed: “You fcking have an opinion, don't you? Believe it or not, I fcking made you not able to return to Eastcliff?1” Sam was so frightened that he trembled and nodded hurriedly and said, “I have no objection! I have no objection! I must be in Aurouss Hill in fifteen days!” After finishing speaking, he looked at Charlie Wade again, choked up and said: “Mr. Wade, can you let me leave after the New Year... Otherwise, I will come back to Aurouss Hilll again... Charlie Wade smiled and asked him, “Sam, do you still want to come back for the New Year?” Sam said blankly: “My sister will be back then, so I can't stay there alone, right?” Charlie Wade said: “After you arrive in Aurouss Hill, the scope of your activities is limited to the administrative area of Aurouss Hilll City. Then I will ask someone to install a GPS locator on your ankle. As long as you leave Aurouss Hill, I will send someone to catch you back. After the arrest, I will neither beat you nor scold you. Every time I arrest you, I will extend your one-year period. If you run away more often, stay in Aurouss Hilll for the rest of your life!” Sam shrank his neck and said hurriedly: “Mr. Wade, don't worry, when I arrive, I will never leave Aurouss Hill...” After that, he asked Charlie Wade again: “Mr. Wade, I have one more thing I want to ask you. You see that I grow up so much and spend every lunar year with my parents. Don't let me be alone this year. Aurouss Hilll New Year..." Before Charlie Wade spoke, Trevor spoke first. He gritted his teeth and cursed: “Sam! Are you f*cking tired and crooked? Are you always bargaining with Mr. Wade? Did Mr. Wade give you a face?” “No, no..." Sam gave up the last resistance and hurriedly waved his hand: “I won't bargain...I will set off when the birthday banquet is over, and will not leave Aurouss Hilll within a year. ......" On the side, Lydia, who is eager for her son. Seeing that my son had finally escaped the pain and danger of having another operation, he was really relieved and hurriedly calmed down: “Son, rest assured, mom will let people buy you the best bicycle and the best set in Aurouss Hilll. A good house and buying the best car will never let you suffer in Aurouss Hill!" Sam finally relaxed. That said, the punishment is fine. Anyway, when I went to Aurouss Hill, I only had to avoid Charlie Wade's sharpness, and I could enjoy life in a low-key manner during the rest of the time. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1594 The only painful thing is the bicycle ride from Eastcliff to Aurouss Hilll. But it's okay, riding a bicycle for half a month is better than lying in bed for half a month after surgery. Moreover, I suffered a serious crime during the last operation, and I haven't recovered yet. If this happens again immediately, I am afraid that the pain will be doubled. But at this time Charlie Wade said: “Let you go to Aurouss Hilll to make a good reformation. Do you think it is for you to enjoy the blessing? I tell you, this time to Aurouss Hilll, you can only ride the most ordinary old Phoenix 28 bicycle, other things You are not allowed to ride a car! Otherwise, I will let you go to Aurouss Hilll with a cart full of bricks!" “In addition, after you arrive in Aurouss Hill, apart from giving Loreen the time to drive, you can rent a single room in the shanty town of the village in the city at other times. Your monthly living expenses must not exceed 1,000 Dollar, including the rent.” "Don’t worry, when you arrive in Aurouss Hill, I will let people stare at you, dare to spend more than a dollar, and the renovation period will increase by one day. If you spend tens of thousands there first, you will not want to leave in this life!” When Sam heard this, he felt that the sky was about to collapse. Let him dignified a Kilgore master to live in the village in the city? ! And can't even rent more than 1,000 Dollar a month? ! Don't you want to let yourself eat the soil? ! He cried and said, “Mr. Wade, one thousand Dollar is afraid that even the rent is not enough...” Charlie Wade said coldly: “Don’t worry, Aurouss Hill's consumption level is not as high as you think. The village in the city rents a single room for only 300 Dollar a month, and the remaining 700 is more than 20 Dollar per day. You live.” Charlie Wade himself had been at the bottom of the city for many years. He knew the poor people's lifestyle too well. The rent in the village in the city was very cheap. Back then, a small bungalow was only 100 Dollar, and meals were not expensive. In the fly house in the alley, a veggie stir-fry was only two or three Dollar, and steamed buns could buy four for one Dollar. One, enough for one day. Now it has doubled at most. One thousand Dollar per person and one month is enough. Of course, that kind of life, naturally, there is no standard of living, that is, enough to eat. However, that kind of life is the best solution for a dude like Sam, and it can definitely cure his pretending illness. Sam heard this, the whole person has collapsed. A thousand dollars is not enough to tell the truth a cigar. Now that he wants to live for a month, isn't it killing him? Lydia was also distressed and cried, looking at Loreen, choked up and said: “Loreen, please beg Mr. Wade again, don't push your brother to death!” Loreen was also embarrassed at this time, what should she say? I have already asked my cousin for love once, and at this time I asked myself to speak, and I was embarrassed. After all, the whole matter was my cousin looking for trouble, and I didn’t want Charlie Wade to ignore him at all. In that case, wouldn't Charlie Wade be wronged? Charlie Wade was her savior several times, and the only man she loved. She would rather be wronged by this hateful cousin than let Charlie Wade make compromises for herself. So, she said embarrassingly: “Aunty, you can't always be so used to cousin, it will hurt him over time!” Charlie Wade said in a cold voice at this time: “Sam, I advise you to agree to it as soon as possible before I change my mind. Otherwise, I will arrange for you to carry cement at the construction site in Aurouss Hilll. Aurouss Hilll had a GEM listed company before. The boss, his name is Jeff, do you know what he is doing now?” Sam shook his head in a panic. Charlie Wade sneered: “He is currently carrying cement at the construction site in Aurouss Hilll, and he will carry it for 20 years. Do you want to be a company with him?” The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1595 When he heard that he was going to carry cement at the construction site, Sam immediately shook his head frantically! In comparison, living in a village in the city and living expenses of 1,000 Dollar a month is just a bit of suffering and crime. If you really go to a construction site to carry cement, you might have to leave half your life on the site. Therefore, he almost nodded without thinking: “Mr. Wade, I accept the conditions you said and will never bargain with you again! Just don’t let me go to the construction site...” Charlie Wade was satisfied, and said coldly: “When you arrive in Aurouss Hilll, do a good job of reforming. Don’t be mad all day long. If you are a cynical second generation ancestor like you, stay in Eastcliff, maybe you will cause greater disaster. Come and kill the Kilgore family and the Thomas family!” The Thomas Brothers on the side shrank their necks. For them, Charlie Wade's words had a certain initiation effect. Sam's temperament, if he doesn't grind him twice, maybe he can really cause a catastrophe! Today this incident is very representative. If he is not careful, he not only offends Charlie Wade, but also offends Young Master Sun. If Young Master Sun really wants to be honest with him, the Thomas Family will definitely be destroyed. Especially Franklini, the eldest son of the Thomas family, was even more annoyed. Sam is not from the Thomas family. Although he is the child of his own sister, he is still a foreigner. If this foreigner confuses his family, he will really cry without tears. So, he said with a stern tone: “Little dragon! When you arrive in Aurouss Hilll, you must make a good reform and try to get rid of all the stinky problems on your body. Don't make troubles like you are now. Do you understand?” Sam vaguely said: “I understand the uncle...” Lydia still feels a little dissatisfied. It's okay for her elder brother not to talk to his nephew at all. It is really chilling to say such things. Franklin also knew that Lydia must have an opinion in his heart, so he said to her earnestly: “Lydia, in the future, you must strictly discipline Sam, and don't just indulge and indulge him, otherwise, someday Sam If you cause trouble outside, it will cause trouble to the Thomas family. You daughter- in-law, in the eyes of the Thomas family, are also responsible for improper discipline, understand?” When Lydia heard this, he suddenly realized that although the eldest brother's words were not very close to humanity, they were all facts. In case Sam really gets into a disaster and hurts the Thomas family, she, the daughter-in-law of the Thomas family, will inevitably take the blame. Most of the people are partial. Don't think that the Thomas elders and old ladies treat themselves well, but once Sam gets into trouble and has to be held accountable, they will definitely feel that they are more responsible for their children’s education than their husbands. If the old man of the Thomas family is really dissatisfied with him because of this, his status in the Thomas family will definitely be greatly affected. After all, the current Thomas family’s strength is much weaker than before. His natal family is not strong, and his husband is not taken seriously in the Thomas family. Naturally, his status will not rise. If he is affected by the children’s troubles, then Don't even think about raising your head to be a man in the Thomas family. Thinking of this, she also said to Sam with a serious face: “Sam! You must get rid of all those stinky problems on your body in the future, understand?” Sam could only nod honestly and agree. Now he really doesn't dare to pretend to be forced. A live-in son-in-law of Aurouss Hilll can make himself into such a miserable situation. If he really provokes the young master of the top family, he must kill him? So he hurriedly expressed his position: “When grandma's birthday banquet is over, I will immediately set off on a bicycle to Aurouss Hilll. After arriving in Aurouss Hilll, I must reflect on myself...” At this point, a farce finally came to an end.

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