The Charismatic Charlie Wade
Chapter 1396-1400

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. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1396 At this time, Claire Wilson Wilson had no intention of guarding against Stefanie Sun, who was like a fairy. In her eyes, Stefanie Sun is the perfect display of contemporary women. A woman like her who is extremely good in all aspects has no mundane smoke and fire smell on her body. Therefore, she had never thought that such a woman would be her potential rival in love. Charlie Wade was also relieved at this time. He planned to quietly go to Eastcliff after Aurora finished the finals, and quietly see Stefanie's father Orrin. Seeing that Orrin was not the goal, it was his real goal to cure his advanced pancreatic cancer. He is a good brother of his father. For so many years, he has not only paid homage to his parents every New Year's Day, but also has not relaxed for a moment, and has not given up on finding his whereabouts. This kindness must be repaid by himself. It just so happened that I could also take this opportunity to meet Stephen Thompson in Eastcliff and find him for more clues and information. Therefore, it will take at least three to five days to go to Eastcliff. To be away from home for three or five days, you can’t make your wife suspicious. The best excuse is to be invited by Stefanie Sun to go to Eastcliff to show her feng shui at home. Stefanie spoke out the invitation in front of his wife, so that the wife would no longer doubt. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1397 Seeing Claire Wilson Wilson's willingness to agree, Stefanie nodded happily, and said with a smile: “I didn't expect Mrs. Wade to be so refreshing. I am worried that you will disagree.” Claire Wilson Wilson hurriedly said: “Ms. Sun, you can recognize my husband's ability. I am too happy to have time. How could I disagree? Just in case my husband is not doing well enough, please bear with me.” "How come!” Stefanie said with a smile: “I recognize Mr. Wade's abilities very much, and I believe that my father and my family are the same, so I would like to thank Mrs. Wade for fulfilling this matter!" Claire Wilson Wilson was a little flattered, and hurriedly said, “Miss Sun, you are so polite.” Seeing that Stefanie kept using such ulterior motives to release some kind of signal in secret, Charlie Wade couldn't help feeling helpless and depressed. He knew that this was what Stefanie said to himself, and at the same time it was told to Claire Wilson Wilson cryptically, and it could even be understood that this was a demonstration of her to Claire Wilson Wilson in front of her. However, I just couldn't do anything about it. After all, all this is because I owe Stefanie, and I also betrayed the marriage contract made by both parents in the past. I have no face to accuse her anyway. Moreover, what made Charlie Wade even more depressed was that he could not simply refuse Stefanie like he refused Loreen. Although Loreen liked him, he did not owe Loreen any love, but saved her life many times, so even if he rejected her straightforwardly every time, Charlie Wade would not have any psychological burden. But Stefanie is different after all. She is my own baby relatives. She has been looking for me, waiting for me, and looking forward to me for so many years, but I have failed others. This kind of thing is my fault. At this time, Claire Wilson Wilson, who was in the dark, mustered up the courage to say to Stefanie: “Miss Sun, I... can I take a photo with you?” Stefanie readily agreed, and smiled and said, “Okay! Shoot now?” Claire Wilson Wilson nodded busy: “If it is convenient for you, then shoot now!” Stefanie nodded, took the initiative to move her chair, leaned closer to Claire Wilson Wilson, and said with a smile: “Mrs. Wade is so beautiful, it is still very stressful to take a photo with you.” "How come...” Claire Wilson Wilson said awkwardly: “I am under pressure. Miss Sun is not only beautiful, but also a top domestic star. In front of you, I will inevitably feel embarrassed...” The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1398 Stefanie smiled slightly: “Come on, I'll be a little bit ahead, so that you can make your face smaller and better." The two women took a selfie together like sisters. After the filming, Claire Wilson Wilson held the phone and asked excitedly: “Miss Sun, I... can I post this photo to Moments?” Claire Wilson Wilson herself is a woman without any vanity. When Charlie Wade bought her a BMW car, she never posted it to Moments; Charlie Wade organized her wedding in the Hanging Garden of Shangri-La, and she never posted it to Moments; Charlie Wade took her to experience tens of millions of super sports cars, but she still hasn't posted to Moments; Even if she lives in a top-notch mansion like Thompson First, she still hasn't posted to Moments. The only “show off” in the circle of friends was the vegetable garden built by her husband Charlie Wade overnight. But this time, she really couldn't hold back. After all, Stefanie Sun is her favorite female celebrity and her idol. She can eat with her idols, and even take photos with her idols. How many times can I encounter this kind of thing in a lifetime? Stefanie also nodded and smiled generously: “Of course, Mrs. Wade, please.” Claire Wilson Wilson got Stefanie's consent and immediately thanked her happily. Then she opened her WeChat account and posted the photo to her circle of friends. The essay she wrote to Moments is: “I never dreamed that I would have the opportunity to meet my idol and take a photo with her!” This photo has been sent out, and it has received numerous likes and comments. Claire Wilson Wilson's social circle has never left Aurouss Hilll. For Aurouss Hilll, a second-tier city, there are not many opportunities to meet first-tier stars. Especially the super first-line top stars like Stefanie Sun are extremely difficult to see. Therefore, Claire Wilson Wilson's circle of friends has aroused the amazement and envy of countless people. Many people even chatted with her privately, asking about the details of her meeting with Stefanie Sun, such as where she is now, whether Stefanie Sun is in Aurouss Hill, and can she help ask for a signed photo of Stefanie Sun, etc. Stefanie on the side smiled and said, “Mrs. Wade, this time I came to Aurouss Hilll and didn't let the outside world know, so if someone asks, you must not say that I am in Aurouss Hilll.” Claire Wilson Wilson nodded hurriedly: “I know Miss Sun, don’t worry, I will never reveal it!” Stefanie nodded and said with a smile: “By the way, Mrs. Wade, let's add on WeChat friends as well. You can contact me directly on WeChat if you have anything in the future.” "Add friends?!” Claire Wilson Wilson exclaimed: “You want to add my WeChat friends?” Claire Wilson Wilson dared to believe her idol and took the initiative to add her WeChat friend. She hadn't had this idea before. If she could add Stefanie Sun as a friend, even if she had no time to take care of herself, she could often see her in her circle of friends and see her latest developments. However, she later thought that after all, she and Stefanie are in a disparity in status. It is already a great fortune to have a meal together. How embarrassed to add someone else to WeChat friends? But she never expected that Stefanie would take the initiative to add her as a friend, and be able to become a WeChat friend with an idol. This is something she would never dream of! The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1399 After Stefanie and Claire Wilson Wilson added their WeChat friends, they looked at Charlie Wade and said with a smile: “By the way, Master Wade, let's add a friend too.” After that, she handed her WeChat QR code to Charlie Wade. Charlie Wade had to take out his mobile phone, scanned it, and added her as a friend. Stefanie winked at him with a successful face, and then asked him sternly, “Master Wade, when will you be able to leave for Eastcliff? Can you tell me about the time so I can prepare.” Charlie Wade said: “Next week, but I still can't decide the exact time.” Stefanie nodded and smiled and said, “Master Wade, then my father and I will be waiting for you in Eastcliffl” Charlie Wade suddenly thought of what Stefanie had said before, saying that after arriving in Eastcliff and seeing his father, he watched his father not beat him up. Hey, the more I think about it, the more shameless I am to see her father Orrin Sun. Just when Charlie Wade was having headaches for Sun's father and daughter, in the intensive care unit of Aurouss Hilll First People’s Hospital, Nanako Ito and her assistant Koichi Tanaka, as well as Jiro Kobayashi of the Kobayashi family, stood motionless and stood by Nanako Ito. Both sides of the hospital bed of the coach and Kazuki Yamamoto. Yamamoto Kazuki on the hospital bed looked extremely haggard. The doctor had just performed a third full-body examination on him, and once again confirmed that his nervous system was severely injured and there was almost no possibility of recovery. As for the bloody East Asian sick man on his forehead, 4 big characters. Still eye-catching. Nanako Ito hopes that the doctor can use gauze to cover Kazuki Yamamoto's forehead, so as not to further stimulate her teacher. However, Yamamoto Kazuki firmly rejected the proposal. The four ugly characters that Don Albertt left on his forehead can be said to be the greatest shame in his life, but they are also the most profound lesson in his life. Before Charlie Wade defeated him with a palm, Yamamoto Kazuki still felt that he was a world-class martial arts master. It wasn't until Charlie Wade's palm that he realized that he was just a tiny ant on the way to martial arts. But everyone who is dedicated to martial arts has a sense of integrity. Even if they lose, most people are willing to gamble and surrender. What's more, even if they are missed to death in a competition, they can be calm before dying. face. Although Yamamoto Kazuki“s mind was not so broad, he was convinced at the bottom of his heart when he thought of Charlie Wade's terrifying strength. At this time, Nanako Ito looked at him sadly, and said: “Master, I have communicated with my father. He will contact the best hospitals and doctors in Tokyo to help you treat and recover, and there will be a special plane to pick you up tomorrow. You go back to Japan!” The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1400 “No, I won't go!” Yamamoto Kazuki couldn't move, but he could gently shake his head. At this time, he said hoarsely: “My injury cannot be cured by a doctor, and I cannot be better than here when I return to Japan. As your master, I cannot leave you here alone. I want to After participating in the competition with you, I will return to Japan with you.” Nanako Ito hurriedly said: “Master, I may not be able to win the championship in this competition. I watched the video of Aurora's competition after today’s competition. Her strength is much stronger than the last time. To a talented player like Joanna, it may take a long battle to win the battle, but Aurora faced Joanna and defeated her with just one move. This kind of strength is far beyond me...” Yamamoto Kazuki sighed: “I watched the live broadcast of Aurora's match at the hospital and also on the Chinese mobile phone video network. Her current strength is indeed very strong. It is more than several times stronger than when she was in the last match! I really can't imagine that a person can make such huge progress in such a short period of time! This has simply subverted my perception!” Nanako Ito said seriously: “I think this should be related to her coach Charlie Wade. Charlie Wade only started to be her coach during the last match.” Yamamoto Kazuki thought of Charlie Wade, and couldn't help feeling: “This Charlie Wade is really the martial arts master of the world! It seems that he is the legendary inner disciple who can practice internal strength in Chinese martial arts! I used to think that those were all lie. Yes, I really understand today!” On the side, Jiro Kobayashi said: “I have studied ancient Chinese medical books and ancient books. The earliest "Huang Di Nei” in China contains a description of internal chi. There is also a special article about how to carry out internal chi in the body. It can be seen from this that the Chinese have been practicing internal strength thousands of years ago.” Yamamoto Kazuki said with a fascinating look: “I really didn’t expect that there is such a thing as internal power in the world. If I could know this 10 or 20 years earlier, then I must come to China and visit all of China. The famous Sichuan Dashan, worship a real master as a teacher, concentrate on learning internal power..." Having said this, Yamamoto Kazuki sighed again: “It's a pity that I learned too late...” After a pause, two lines of tears rolled down the deeply wrinkled face. Nanako Ito couldn't help crying when she saw the miserable end of her mentor. At this time, Yamamoto Kazuki looked at her with a bit of enthusiasm in his eyes and said: “Nanako! To this day, I am no longer qualified to be your teacher, if you wish to have a greater career in martial arts. For the breakthrough and progress of the world, then you must find a way to worship Charlie Wade as your teacher!” "What?!" Nanako Ito blurted out exclaimed: “Worship him as a teacher?! I...I shouldn't! Nanako has only one mentor in this life, and that's you! Besides you, Nanako will never again Worship other people as teachers!” “Stupid!” Yamamoto Kazuki shouted angrily, “What can I teach you like this? Don't say that I am a cripple now. Even if I am not a cripple, what I can teach you has already been taught to you. The rest is nothing more than some so-called actual combat experience.” “But if you look at my current fate, you will know the actual combat experience. In front of real masters, in front of absolute power, it has no meaning at all. An ant, even if it has experience in biting and fighting, is just It is effective against other ants, but in front of a human, it still can't resist a finger of the opponent!” "And Charlie Wade made me realize that when I was in the martial arts, I was a complete ant. As the apprentice I taught, you haven't been able to come out of the blue. This proves that you are just like me, but just martial arts. The ants on the way!" Speaking of this, Yamamoto Kazuki excitedly asked Nanako Ito with a hot eye: “Nanako, you have been obsessed with martial arts for nearly 20 years. Are you willing to be an ant on the way to martial arts?” When Nanako Ito heard this, she bit her lower lip and said word by word: “Master, Nanako is not willing to be an ant!” Yamamoto Kazuki immediately said loudly: “Then go to worship Charlie Wade as a teacher! Let him teach you the real martial arts, only in this way can you have the opportunity to grow into a real strong, otherwise, I advise you to give up the so-called now Forget about the martial arts, because the so-called martial arts we pursue, compared with Charlie Wade, is simply rubbish among rubbish!”

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