The Charismatic Charlie Wade
Chapter 1321-1325

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. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1321 In Aurora's eyes, Charlie Wade's status is almost second only to her father Mr. Quinton. But this coach Blanks didn't know. He also felt that Charlie Wade was just a moment of luck, so Aurora, who had just fooled around, believed in him So he snorted and said disdainfully: “Aurora, don't be fooled by this kind of hairy boy. This kind of person can only talk on paper and has no real ability at all. If you really let him be your coach, Then you will definitely not have a chance to win the subsequent games!” Aurora said with a bit of annoyance: “I forbid you to say that about Master Wade! Master Wade's strength is what you can imagine! If it weren't for Master Wade remind me today, if I listen to your tactical arrangements, then I must have lost this game now, it is impossible to advance to the quarterfinals, and there is no chance to play the subsequent games!” Coach Blanks did not expect that Aurora would not even buy his own account. This made him very angry. Moreover, Aurora mentioned that her tactical arrangements just now were not as good as the young man surnamed Wade, which made him even more unhappy. Because for someone like him, even if Aurora used Charlie Wade's tactical arrangement to defeat the Thai player just now, he didn't think that Charlie Wade was better than himself. He even felt that if Aurora used the tactics she had just arranged, she would probably win the same, and even win more beautifully and simply. So he said in a weird manner: “Aurora, I kindly give you a chance, don't you know how to promote!” “Professional players in Aurouss Hilll who want to practice Sanda with me line up and beg me to accept them as apprentices. I choose you. This is your luck. If you miss me, then your career will have come to an end! There will never be any real progress!” “If you want to become a true national professional athlete in the future, without my guidance, you can only be wishful thinking.” Mr. Quinton did not expect this coach Blanks to speak so unceremoniously. He said in an angry cold voice: “Coach Blanks, your tone is really loud. Why do you think my daughter chooses you as the coach is my daughter's Luck? Let me tell you that if my daughter can get Master Wade's guidance, that is the luck of the gods. As for you, it's just rubbish!” Because Aurora is usually very low-key in school, many people don't know her family background at all, and they don't know that she is Mr. Quinton’s daughter. Mr. Quinton has always been a person who does not show up or leaks. He is not as popular as other rich people in Aurouss Hill, so although there are quite a few people who know him, not many people know him. Coach Blanks has trained Aurora for more than a year. He has never seen Mr. Quinton. He doesn’t know how good Aurora's family is. He thinks that Aurora is just the daughter of an ordinary family, and he might even count on practicing Sanda to get ahead. I thought I was holding each other. But I didn’t expect that the other party would not put himself in the eyes at all, and even said that he was rubbish. This is really intolerable. So, he said coldly: “It's true that Rodney Blanks has some connections in Aurouss Hilll and even the whole country’s Sanda circle. If I want to block someone, it's just a matter of one sentence. Therefore, before talking to me, I must weigh my mind. clear!” The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1322 Mr. Quinton said coldly: “It's just a Sanda coach. Why is your tone so big? I am Graham Quinton of Aurouss Hilll. Although I am not among the top ones, I still have some skills. I really don't believe it. In a word, I can have anyone killed that threatens my daughter!” “Graham Quinton?!" Blanks exclaimed and asked nervously, “Are you Mr. Quinton, the Patriarch of the Quinton Family?” Mr. Quinton said coldly: “It's me, why? What's your opinion?” “Don't dare!” Blanks hurriedly said with a smile: “Mr. Quinton I am really embarrassed. I didn't expect you to be Aurora's father. You have been admiring your name for a long time. Our Sanda Hall of Aurouss Hilll University of Finance and Economics is still yours Donated...” Mr. Quinton disgusted him and said coldly: “Well, you are no longer Aurora's coach. I have nothing to say to you, please go back.” Coach Blanks was very upset in his heart. He did not expect that he had just forcibly pretended to be a force in front of the famous Mr. Quinton just now. What made him even more unacceptable was that he had actually lost the qualification to choose Aurora as a coach. This loss is really too great. If he can lead Aurora to achieve a good result, Mr. Quinton will naturally not treat himself badly. There are rumors that Mr. Quinton is very generous. Take the Sanda training hall of Aurouss Hilll College of Finance and Economics that he donated to build. It is obvious that 10 million can be built into a first-class Sanda training hall in China, but Mr. Quinton directly donated 27 million and built one. The international top-level Sanda training hall. I used to think that Mr. Quinton must be very rich, but today I figured out that Mr. Quinton’s daughter is Aurora. It can be seen that in order for his daughter to practice Sanda well, Mr. Quinton can donate 27 million Dollar to the Aurouss Hilll University of Finance and Economics to build a training hall. If he can bring her daughter to get a good result, he will give it to Aurouss Hill. A few million in bonuses? Thinking of this, he hurriedly tried to make it back, and said sincerely: “Mr. Quinton, to tell you, Aurora is indeed a very talented Sanda player, but the most important thing for her now is to have a truly professional coach. Train her systematically and guide her tactics.” After he finished speaking, he looked at Charlie Wade disdainfully, and said: “Mr. Quinton, like this young man who can only talk about soldiers on paper, it is impossible to have any real experience and strength. If you give Aurora to him, only Delaying Aurora's future! A talented player like Aurora should be given to a professional coach like me to maximize her talent!” When Mr. Quinton heard that he was disrespectful to Charlie Wade over and over again, he yelled angrily: “Coach Blanks, I think you have taught Aurora for more than a year. I don't want to be familiar with you. But if you say anything rude to Master Wade, then Don't blame someone for me being rude to you!" Coach Blanks’ heart was very angry, what kind of fascination was Mr. Quinton poured into? He would believe in such a young commoner. If he persists in understanding it, wouldn't he have no chance at all? Thinking of this, he was anxious to prove his strength in front of Mr. Quinton, so he sternly said: “Mr. Quinton, Sanda is a boxing skill. You can't put it on your mouth, but put it on your fists and feet. Some people talk about it. But when you start, you are just a paper tiger! Don't be blinded by anyone!” After speaking, he glanced at Charlie Wade coldly, and then suddenly attacked, and quickly punched at Charlie Wade in the face! Coach Blanks’ thinking was very simple. He had to prove his strength in front of Mr. Quinton, and prove that he was much stronger than the smelly surname Wade. Only in this way could he let Aurora train with him again Only in this way can I get on the big boat of the Quinton family! The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1323 When Blanks punched at Charlie Wade, he was full of disdain for Charlie Wade. He used full strength with this punch, and he also believed that his punch would be able to directly defeat Charlie Wade in front of everyone. I have to say that Blanks does have some strength. After all, he has won the national Sanda championship, and the average person is really not his opponent. His punch was quick and hard, and even Aurora, who had also practiced Sanda for many years, did not respond, let alone Mr. Quinton and Steven Quinton. However, the speed at which Blanks is proud of, in Charlie Wade's eyes, is like slow motion, without threat. Moreover, he really didn't have much strength in this punch in his opinion. Even if he stood still and sturdy enough to give him a punch, he couldn't hurt himself with that punch. However, even if there is no threat to him, Charlie Wade is absolutely impossible for this kind of d*ck to hit him. Therefore, when Blanks was about to hit his face with a punch, he suddenly raised his fist to meet the opponent's fist and smashed it. Charlie Wade's punch was as fast as a cannonball out of the chamber, and Blanks couldn't react to it at all. Just when Blanks thought he could KO Charlie Wade with a single blow, he suddenly felt that his right fist was hit by an iron punch, and with a thud, there was severe pain and the sound of broken bones. In front of Charlie Wade's fist, his fist was not even squeezed, and after a crit, the entire fist was completely destroyed. Blanks held the shattered right fist, cried out in pain, and looked at Charlie Wade with an incredulous expression on his face. He couldn’t understand how this young man could have such a terrifying, even somewhat abnormal strength. One punch can burst out such a strong strength, which is far beyond the scope of his own recognition. Charlie Wade looked at him at this time, and said in a disdainful voice: “You are at a level like you, and you are far from coaching a world champion. With this kind of hard work everywhere, it's better to practice your business skills. To avoid being embarrassing. Although Blanks was full of resentment towards Charlie Wade in his heart, he did not dare to disobey Charlie Wade any more and could only flee the scene in a desperate manner. At this time, Aurora smiled and said to Charlie Wade: “Master Wade, you are now my coach. When are you going to guide me to practice?” Charlie Wade smiled and asked her: “When is your next game?” Aurora hurriedly said, “The next game is the afternoon of the day after tomorrow.” Charlie Wade asked again: “Who will you play in the next game?” Aurora thought for a while, and said nervously: “I am a qualifying player in Group 5. I have to play against the qualifying players in Group 6 in accordance with the regulations. The No. 3 seeded player in this game is in Group 6, so I must be It's going to be the next game with her!” Charlie Wade asked: “Who is the No. 3 seed player?” Aurora said hurriedly: “The No. 3 seeded player is Joanna from Brazil...Oh my god, I definitely can’t beat her..." The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1324 Charlie Wade smiled and said: “You haven't started fighting yet, how do you know that you can't beat her, I think you can definitely defeat this Joanna.” Aurora said with some shame: “Master Wade, My strength, I know very well, this Joanna is very strong, she is a leader among young Brazilian female Sanda players, and her strength is indeed much stronger than me, there is no chance...” Charlie Wade smiled slightly in her ear: “Don’t forget the magic medicine I gave you last time. Although your current physical fitness is very good, there is still a big gap between it and the real master. However, if If you take that magic drug, your physical strength, reaction speed, will be greatly improved, then, I believe your strength will also improve a lot, defeat that Brazilian Joanna, absolutely not Come on!” Aurora remembered the magic medicine that Charlie Wade had given herself before. At that time, I was looking for Master Wade for his father to ask for medicine. Originally I only wanted one medicine and I was satisfied, but I didn’t expect Master Wade to give me two medicines, so my father gave him another magic medicine. But that magical medicine has been properly kept by myself, and I have never thought of eating it. This was mainly because I didn't know that this magical medicine could also strengthen the body. At that time, I only thought that this magical medicine was the healing medicine after injury, so I kept it in a safe place for emergency. So Aurora looked at Charlie Wade and asked in surprise: “Master Wade, can that magic medicine still improve personal strength?” "Of course.” Charlie Wade nodded and said: “It can improve your physical fitness in many ways. Although your physical fitness is already very strong, to be honest, compared with the colored people in Latin America, it is indeed still There are gaps, genetic gaps, and sometimes it is difficult to break through. It seems that black people are always good at sprinting. That's because black people are more explosive than other people.” After speaking, Charlie Wade said again: “However, if you take the magic medicine I gave you, you can fundamentally improve your physical function, and even make your body function surpass those people.” Aurora hurriedly asked: “Master Wade, if I take it, can the magic drug you give pass the doping test? The doping test for sports games is very strict. If you are found to have taken a doping drug, you will be Disqualified or even banned permanently...” Charlie Wade smiled and said: “Don’t worry, my magic medicine relies on wonderful prescriptions and pure medicinal power, and has nothing to do with chemically purified stimulants. There will never be any problems.” Aurora said excitedly: “Then I will take that magic medicine when I go back today!” Charlie Wade nodded: “I will come back when you play the next afternoon.” "Great!" Aurora was extremely excited and cheered happily. Mr. Quinton on the side hurriedly said respectfully: “Master Wade, it's almost noon now, or else I would like to invite you to enjoy the noodles at noon and have a home-cooked meal at the next home?” Charlie Wade wanted to decline, but she thought that if Aurora was going to take the medicine in the afternoon, she could pay close attention to her and at the same time help her guide the absorption of medicine. Besides, Claire Wilson Wilson recently worked overtime at the company at noon, and generally did not go home to eat. The old man was also busy with the elderly college where Matilda was studying, so he would definitely not go back at noon. Elaine Ma, mother-in-law, is alone at home, and there is no need to go back and cook for her. So he nodded and said, “If that's the case, then I will go over and make some noise. By the way, I will be at your house this afternoon to help Aurora absorb the medicine.” Mr. Quinton and Aurora's father and daughter raised their eyebrows with joy when they saw Charlie Wade promised to eat at home. Charlie Wade has never been a guest at their home, so the two of them are looking forward to it, and hope that they can get closer with Charlie Wade this time. Especially Little Pepper Aurora, she has been obsessed with Charlie Wade for a day or two. She has always wanted to find a chance to develop with Charlie Wade. Today's opportunity is really good. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1325 Seeing that Charlie Wade was going to be a guest at home at noon, Aurora happily went to the lounge to change clothes. Before leaving, she said to Charlie Wade: “Master Wade, wait for me, I have to take a shower, but don't worry, it will be soon.” Charlie Wade nodded and smiled: “Don’t worry, you will be busy with you first.” Mr. Quinton on the side said: “Master Wade, it's quite messy here, or let's take a rest in the stroller, I'll let someone drive over in an RV today.” Charlie Wade smiled slightly: “Okay, then go to the car and wait.” Steven Quinton said in a hurry, “Master Wade, please!” When Charlie Wade left the stadium with Mr. Quinton and Steven Quinton, Rodney Blanks, who had just been smashed with his right fist by Charlie Wade, came to an athletes’ lounge with a black face. At the entrance of this lounge, there is a Japanese flag with the words “Japanese player: Nanako Ito” written on it. Blanks hesitated for a moment at the door, but still knocked on the door of the lounge. Soon, the door was opened, and a young man spoke fluent Chinese, looked at him suspiciously, and asked, “Who are you?" Blanks hurriedly smiled and said, “Hello, hello, I want to find Miss Ito Nanako, and her coach, Mr. Yamamoto Kazuki.” The young man turned his head and said to the middle-aged man and young girl in the lounge: “Mr. Yamamoto, Miss Ito, this gentleman is here to see you two.” Yamamoto Kazuki's eyebrows stood cold, and he asked, “Who are you? Do we know each other?” Blanks smiled and said humbly: “Mr. Yamamoto, my next name is Rodney Blanks. In the Sanda competition ten years ago, I participated in the battle on behalf of China, but I was defeated by you at that time. Don't you remember?” Yamamoto Kazuki said arrogantly: “I can't count the people who lost to me. How can I remember them all?” Blanks nodded awkwardly, and said, “Well, Mr. Yamamoto, I have another identity. It is the coach of Chinese contestant Aurora for this competition. Oh no, the former coach, I have resigned now.” Yamamoto Kazuki frowned and said, “Aurora? Why haven't I heard of this player? In this competition, among the top five seeded players, there shouldnt be this one, right?” Blanks nodded quickly: “No, she has not been selected as a seed player before, so you may not pay attention to her." Yamamoto Kazuki asked coldly: “Then what do you mean by coming to me?” Blanks hurriedly said: “I want to reveal a message to you. This Aurora has found a very sinister and venomous kid as a coach. If Ms. Ito Nanako will meet Aurora in the subsequent games, she must Be careful of her coach!” Yamamoto Kazuki disdainfully said: “I don't believe that this kind of person would be great. I am Yamamoto Kazuki, a national treasure-level fighter in Japan. The apprentice I taught is also a Japanese national treasure-level Sanda fighter. Nanako’s strength, not to mention college students from all over the world, even if the current athletes from all over the world participate in the Olympic Games, Nanako has the strength to win the championship! I will not hide it from you. Nanako’s participation in this competition is actually just training. The real goal is to participate in the next Olympic Games and win the gold medal!” Blanks nodded and complimented: “I know Mr. Yamamoto, your strength is extraordinary, and the personal disciples you trained yourself are naturally very powerful, but the young man I am talking about does have a few brushes. Look at my right hand! “ With that said, Blanks immediately handed over his right hand. Yamamoto Kazuki couldn't help looking at the wound on his right hand.

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