The Charismatic Charlie Wade
Chapter 1181-1185

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. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1181 Paul looked at Charlie Wade in shock. Although it felt unbelievable, he didn't feel that Charlie Wade was bragging. So he hurriedly started the car and drove to Weaver's Pharmaceutical. Weaver's Pharmaceuticals has a production base in the southeast of Aurouss Hill. In addition to all the medicines produced here, their management also works here. In Weaver's own production base, there are not only workshops, warehouses, office buildings and dormitories. As soon as Paul parked the car in front of the Weaver's pharmaceutical office building, Liam was already waiting here. I have to say that Charlie Wade was in Golim Mountain that day and gave Liam a huge shock. So that Liam already regarded Charlie Wade as the god he believed in in this life, and had a strong urge to go through water and fire in his heart. Respectfully welcomed Charlie Wade and Paul to his office. Liam immediately took out the contract template he had drawn up and said to Charlie Wade: “Master Wade, I probably have drawn up the contract. You can ask your lawyer to go over it and see if there are any problems.” Speaking of this, he opened a contract and introduced: “The main clause in this contract is that on behalf of the Weaver Group, I will unconditionally transfer 80% of the shares to you.” Charlie Wade didn't expect Liam to be so simple. So he nodded and said, “Let Paul go with your lawyer about the contract.” Liam hurriedly said, “Then I will let the lawyer in now.” Then he made a call and several lawyers from the pharmaceutical factory walked in. Paul worked very professionally and immediately confronted them with the details of the contract. The contract was drawn up quickly and Charlie Wade and Liam signed the contract together. After signing, Charlie Wade has become the largest shareholder of Weaver's Pharmaceuticals, owning 80% of Weaver's Pharmaceuticals. Because Charlie Wade has hired Paul as his lawyer, Paul's name is also written in the lawyer column in this corporate equity transfer contract. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1182 Here, Liam respectfully asked him after signing, “Master Wade, is Weaver's Pharma going to change its name now?" He felt that Charlie Wade is already a major shareholder of Weaver's Pharmaceuticals, and it seems inappropriate to continue to call Weaver's Pharmaceuticals. Charlie Wade also thinks that the company he controls is called Weaver's Pharmaceutical, which is really strange. So he thought for a while, and said: “Then let's change the name to Oracle Pharmaceutical.” Charlie Wade felt that his ability to master so many classic medical techniques left behind by his ancestors was entirely the result of the “Apocalyptic Book”, so he simply named Oracle Pharmaceutical, which can be regarded as his own contribution to the “Apocalyptic Book” and how he gained his knowledge Although Liam didn't know what the name “Oracle” meant, but since Master Wade had already said so, he naturally wouldn't have any opinions, so he immediately said, “Master Wade, then I will submit a statement today and register at the same time. The trademark of Oracle Pharmaceutical.” Charlie Wade nodded and said, “You told me that Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall’s stomach powder was very suppressing you, didn't it?” "Yes!" Liam sighed and said, “It is now sold throughout Asia. The pressure on us is very high.” Charlie Wade said to Liam, “Kobayashi Pharmaceutical is nothing. I'll give you a prescription for treating stomach problems. After you produce it, you will call it “Nova Dias". Did you bring paper and pen? I will write it for you. After you go back, you will produce a prescription according to this prescription and put it on the market as soon as possible.” Liam was overjoyed, but he didn't expect Charlie Wade to draw up a prescription himself, quickly took out a pen and paper, and handed it respectfully. Charlie Wade thought for a moment, and selected a pill formula called “Reliever” from the "Apocalyptic Book". I chose this because the medicinal materials used in this formula are relatively easy to find. Although this is only the primary prescription for stomach problems in the “Apocalyptic Book”, this medicine has miraculous effects on ordinary people. As long as Liam can produce this stomach medicine, it is definitely not a problem to press down the stomach powder of Kobayashi Pharmaceutical So he wrote down the prescription and the ratio and handed it to Liam. After Liam took the notebook and looked at the formula written on it, he couldn't help being surprised. Liam has also studied some Chinese medicine and tried to discover ancient Chinese prescriptions, so he has some understanding of the prescriptions. However, looking at Charlie Wade's formula, it seems that many medicinal materials have nothing to do with the treatment of stomach diseases, so it still feels a little suspenseful. The prescription Charlie Wade took out was the prescription in the “Apocalyptic Book”. The “Apocalyptic Book” was originally a sacred book. The prescriptions that can be recorded here are absolutely awesome, and most people cant see them. Understand, it's really weird. However, although Liam couldnt understand this prescription, where exactly was the god, he didn't dare to doubt Charlie Wade in his heart. Liam put a lot of emphasis on the prescription, ready to go back to arrange the production first, and try the effect of the medicine. He settled the contract with Paul and left from Weaver's Pharmaceutical, which is now Oracle Pharmaceutical Paul is full of respect for Wade beside him, he thinks Charlie Wade is too unpredictable. Take any prescription, and others are willing to give him the entire group. May I ask, who else in the world can have such an ability? No wonder, all the people in Aurouss Hilll who have a face and respect him, Master Wade. Moreover, when they mentioned Master Wade, they would give a four-character evaluation: A true dragon in the world! The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1183 On the way back, Charlie Wade asked Paul: “By the way, what has Matilda been up to these days?” Paul said: “My mother recently. She likes to run to senior colleges. An old friend of hers invited her to go there and be a visiting professor at senior colleges, specializing in general education for senior citizens.” "Oh?" Charlie Wade said in surprise, “Then Matilda is Professor now?” Paul smiled and said: “It's not a professor. The senior university itself is not a university in the true sense. It is just an interest training class for the elderly. Although my mother teaches there, she is also a student there. Learning calligraphy and traditional Chinese painting from others, I am very busy every day.” After that, Paul asked curiously: “What has Uncle Wilson been up to lately? My mother often talks about him, but she always seems to stop talking.” Charlie Wade felt that Paul was not an outsider, so he sighed and said to him: “When you and Matilda just came back, my mother-in-law disappeared during that time, but she is back now.” After speaking, Charlie Wade said again: “My mother-in-law, who has a more aggressive personality, my father-in-law is afraid. She knows that Matilda will come back and will trouble Matilda, so he dare not ask Matilda.” Paul nodded lightly, and said with emotion: “It is really hard for us to intervene in matters of our parents’ generation.” At this time, Charlie Wade's phone rang suddenly, and it turned out to be Jasmine who hadn't seen her for many days. He answered the phone and smiled and asked, “Miss Moore, what are you up to lately?” Jasmine smiled and said, “I'm just busy, I'm sure you are not busy Master Wade.” After speaking, she asked curiously: “Master Wade, do you have time for the night after tomorrow?” Charlie Wade thought for a while and said, “It seems there is nothing planned, what's wrong?” Jasmine smiled and said: “It's nothing, I just want to invite you to have a meal at home, just because Grandpa kept talking about you.” Charlie Wade smiled and said, “Okay. Then I'll go to the house the night after tomorrow and talk.” Jasmine said happily, “Great, Master Wade, is it okay at 7 pm the next day?” “Perfect.” "See you then!” "Okay, see you then.” Hanging up Jasmine’s phone, Paul on the side smiled and asked, “Master Wade, is Miss Moore calling you?” Charlie Wade knew that he knew Jasmine, so he didn't hide it. He nodded and said, “That's right.” Paul smiled: “Miss Moore called you for her birthday party, right?” "Birthday party?” Charlie Wade said surprised: “Miss Moore didn't tell me on the phone just now, she said she would go to her house for dinner the next night.” Paul smiled profoundly and said: “It is estimated that Miss Moore didn't want you to spend money on preparing gifts for her, so that's why she told you that. When she told me, she said directly about the birthday party.” Charlie Wade couldn't help being a little surprised. Why should I hide it on my birthday? It won't look pretty even when it comes to the past empty-handed. Is it really like Paul said, do you want to spend money? Charlie Wade thought for a while, and thought it was really possible. Jasmine always felt that she owed her favor because she had helped her break through the trapped dragon formation before and confiscated the money. When he made medicine for her grandfather and Dr. Simmons, he quietly gave her a pill. After practicing the Rejuvenation Pill, she gave it to her grandfather so that her grandfather was at least a dozen or twenty years younger, and it was entirely in her face. It was also the one who gave him the Rejuvenation Pill to Lord Mooore, which made him treat Jasmine very seriously, so Jasmine's position in the Moore family is getting higher and higher. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1184 It is for these reasons that Jasmine has always respected herself. So Jasmine may deliberately conceal her birthday because she was afraid of owing her favor. Charlie Wade thought of this, suddenly felt very interesting. Jasmine, aren't you afraid of owing me favors? Then I will give you another great favor this time. For this birthday gift, I won't go out and buy it for you. I will prepare a rejuvenating pill for you. No one in the upper class of Aurouss Hilll knows how magical the Rejuvenation Pill is. At the banquet that day, Lord Mooore took the Rejuvenating Pill in public. Everyone witnessed the magical effect of the medicine. Charlie Wade even heard that someone wanted to spend one hundred million or even several hundred million to buy a rejuvenating pill However, Charlie Wade never thought about selling medicine. He is not short of money at all. A few hundred million, a dozen billion, or even a few billions are meaningless to him If you sell Rejuvenation Pills everywhere for money, it will suppress the value of Rejuvenation Pills. It is to make everyone feel that Rejuvenation Pill is a super treasure that they can't ask for, and may not have a chance to get it in a lifetime. They will be full of endless worship and longing for the rejuvenation pills. As for why he should give Jasmine a Rejuvenating Pill, Charlie Wade thought very simply. First of all, he does regard Jasmine as a good friend. Since it's a good friend's birthday, it makes sense to send a valuable gift. Secondly, Jasmine is the eldest lady of the Moore family. She has seen countless good things since she was a child. If she gives her a gift, it must be a gift that she can't buy with money. Once again, this thing, Rejuvenating Pill, I gave to Jasmine, but it was not for Jasmine. Jasmine is still very young now, she is only about 25 years old, and she doesn’t need to take Rejuvenating Pill at all. I gave her a rejuvenation pill, the fundamental purpose is to use this rejuvenation pill in exchange for the love, attention and resource preference of Lord Mooore. Last time I gave Lord Mooore a rejuvenating pill. Lord Mooore took the entire Moore family and knelt down in front of all the upper-class people in Aurouss Hilll. This shows that Lord Mooore's desire for Rejuvenation Pill is beyond everything. But Lord Mooore must also know in his heart that giving him a rejuvenating pill by himself is already a great favor, and it was given in the face of Jasmine. He certainly didn't dare to hope, there was still a chance to get a second one from himself. Now I give this rejuvenation pill to Jasmine. A clever person like Lord Mooore will know his intentions, and he will pay more attention to Jasmine, and may even let Jasmine inherit the entire Moore family. Charlie Wade could tell that Jasmine herself was also a very smart and ambitious woman. Otherwise, she would not have worked so hard for the family all the time. And because her parents died early, she was in the Moore family, somewhat helpless. Under such circumstances, it may be very difficult to fight a turnaround and successfully inherit the Moore family. That being the case, you might as well give her a hand! The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1185 After Paul sent Charlie Wade to Thompson First, he drove home. Charlie Wade went back to the villa by himself, and Jacob Wilson, the old father-in-law, hurriedly greeted him and asked him: “Good son-in-law, have you gone out with Paul today to see your Matilda?” Charlie Wade said helplessly, “Dad, how can I see Matilda when I go out with Paul on errands?” Jacob Wilson couldn't help sighing, feeling very depressed. He missed Matilda very much these days, but Elaine Ma was at home, so he really didn't dare to risk seeing her. So at this time I was scratching my heart. He asked Charlie Wade again: “Then have you asked Paul about the current situation of your Matilda? How is she doing these days?” Charlie Wade laughed and said, "Auntie Matilda should be doing well recently. I heard Paul say that Auntie Matilda now teaches in senior colleges every day. Not only does she teach classes, she also learns calligraphy and painting from others. She has a very good life. Enrichment.” When Jacob Wilson heard this, he was anxious: “Oh, how can she go to senior college?” Charlie Wade asked in surprise: “What's wrong with the university for the elderly? Isn't the university for the elderly the place for the elderly?” Christopher said with a gloomy expression: “Don’t you know that there are so many old men without a wife in this elderly university. They are a bunch of bad old men who went in not to learn things, but to find a wife.” After speaking, he said nervously again: “Your Auntie Matilda is so beautiful, so after entering, you can't let these old men worry about it?” Charlie Wade smiled and said, “Then can you stop others from worrying?” Jacob Wilson sighed: “That's right, now this situation is really depressing!” After he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly brightened and said: “Yes, I can also go to senior college. Then, won't I be able to meet your Matilda?” Charlie Wade asked him: “Aren't you afraid that mom would know?” “It's okay.” Jacob Wilson said earnestly: “What kind of woman your mother is, don't you know? She is desperate for face, you see, she is now limping, crutches, and has lost two front teeth. She can't make up for the time being. How dare she go to crowded places now? Every time she goes out to buy things, she has to wear sunglasses and a mask, for fear that others will recognize her, so she dare not go to senior college.” "Okay." Charlie Wade nodded and didn’t say much. In fact, he doesn't care much about Jacob Wilson and Matilda's affairs. If Jacob Wilson and Matilda walked too close and his wife Claire Wilson Wilson knew, he would definitely be very sad and very depressed. If his mother-in-law Elaine Ma knew about it, it would be terrible. So I can only wronged the old man. Two days later. Charlie Wade told his family in advance that he had a friend's birthday tonight. In the afternoon, he went to the street and bought a redwood gift box, and then put a rejuvenating pill in it. After putting it away, I asked the owner of the gift shop to help meticulously pack the gift box. Since it is a birthday present for others, it naturally requires a sense of ritual. Because Paul was also invited, he simply drove to pick Charlie Wade to the Moore's villa. On Jasmine's birthday, the Moore family didn't put up lights and festoons, but made some modern and warm decorations. When Paul drove the car into the courtyard, Charlie Wade couldn't even see that these arrangements were for a birthday party. Tonight Jasmine is wearing a tailor-made white dress. This skirt is a tube top, so it looks very sexy and beautiful, especially Jasmine's collarbone, which is not only very obvious, but also beautiful in shape, even women will be jealous. A lot of luxury cars have been parked in the yard, and it seems that there are still a lot of guests here today. Jasmine originally greeted the guests inside, but when she heard that Charlie Wade was here, she hurried out to meet him.

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