The Charismatic Charlie Wade
Chapter 1126-1130

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. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1126 As she said, she looked at Christopher and said coldly: “Christopher, you think Hannah puts a green hat on you, you are upset, but have you ever thought that you two personally took Wendy for five million? In the arms of Kenneth Wilson?" When these words came out, everyone bowed their heads. Wendy 's face was ashamed and unbearable, but she didn't dare to refute anything. Christopher's face flushed even more. Yes, the Lady is right. When I was cuckold, I became furious and felt that Hannah was insulting, but as a father, he once sent his daughter to an old man who was one year older than him. Lady Wilson saw that everyone was afraid to talk, so she said coldly: “Now, everyone's buttocks are not clean. Don't think anyone is dirty. They will unite me, work together, and revitalize the Wilson Group. Listen. Do you understand?” Everyone hurriedly said: “I understand!” After that, the Lady Wilson said to other people: “Also, no one is allowed to mention this matter again in the future, otherwise, drive out of Wilson's family in order to follow your example.” Christopher and others looked solemnly. Everyone knew that Mrs. Wilson was not joking, and it was impossible to publicize such scandals. Hannah's matter has come to an end. Christopher's inner anger has alleviated a lot, and the Lady's mobilization has indeed worked. So, a family of five lay back on the hospital bed. Seeing that the farce had ended, the doctor immediately came over and gave them an infusion to neutralize the daffodine in their bodies. However, Christopher suddenly felt that itching in his crotch was unbearable. He put his hand under the bed and scratched it quietly, unexpectedly, the more itching became. But he thought it was a sign of poisoning, and didn't care too much. At this moment, Thompson First. Charlie Wade's family just finished eating. Two middle-aged men in suits knocked on the door and said respectfully to Charlie Wade: “Hello sir, we are from Thompson First Property Management Company. Just now, a group food poisoning incident occurred in our community a04. A family of 5. Everyone has been taken away by ambulances, so our property here specially reminds owners to pay attention to food hygiene and safety. Please pay more attention.” Before Charlie Wade spoke, his mother-in-law Elaine Ma approached her curiously: “The five members of the a04 family were all pulled away by the ambulance? What happened to them?” One of the men in a suit said respectfully, “Ms. Hello, the owner of a04 has a family of five. All of them have been poisoned by food and have been taken to the hospital. Do you eat any wild animals or wild mushrooms in your home? ?* Elaine Ma smiled and said: “Oh, our family doesn't eat that kind of food. Unlike the poor a04, the poor went to other people's homes to steal food!” The person from the property company smiled awkwardly and said: “We also inform you to pay more attention. Since you have this awareness of prevention, it would be best!” After the people from the two properties left, Elaine Ma said with a smile: “Oh, it's really evil and retribution. I said that the Wilson family didn't live in Thompson First's life! Sure enough, something went wrong, haha, really good 1" Claire Wilson Wilson asked curiously: “Mom, what's the matter?” Elaine Ma smiled and said, “Your grandma and his family were poisoned by food and were taken away by an ambulance. Haha, it deserves it!" “Food poisoning?” Claire Wilson Wilson asked in surprise: “How could food poisoning happen? Didn't they steal our food? We are fine.” Jacob Wilson also said in surprise, “Isnt they eating stale meat?” Charlie Wade said lightly: “I guess they should have eaten the daffodils I planted.” The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1127 “Daffodils?” Claire Wilson Wilson asked in surprise: “Where are the daffodils? How can they eat them?” Charlie Wade smiled and said, “The pile of plants I planted at the foot of the wall, which looks like leeks, is actually daffodils.” “Mom!” Claire Wilson Wilson blurted out, “Isn't that leeks? I really want to eat it!" Charlie Wade smiled and said, “It looks like leek, but not leek.” Claire Wilson Wilson said, “I remember it was said in the biology book that daffodils are poisonous?” Charlie Wade nodded and said with a smile: “My wife knows a lot. Daffodils are indeed poisonous. There is a kind of daffodil in the body. Excessive consumption can cause poisoning.” Elaine Ma widened her eyes and exclaimed: “Oh, Charlie Wade! You did it on purpose? No wonder you asked me what vegetables my Lady likes to eat. I told you that she likes to eat leeks. You made so many daffodils. This is deliberately cheating them!” Charlie Wade said with a serious face: “Mom, you can't say that. I don't mean to cheat anyone. I just planted daffodils in our yard. As for who stole it, After eating it again, it has nothing to do with me.” Elaine Ma hurriedly smiled and said, “Oh, my dear son-in-law, where did you think of it? Do you think your mother will blame you? Mom is grateful that you are too late! You did such a beautiful job today and helped her out. A breath of bad breath!” Jacob Wilson couldn't help asking: “This Charlie Wade, if you eat too much daffodil, will it be life- threatening?” Charlie Wade smiled and said, “No, it's a food poisoning at best.” “That's good.” Jacob Wilson breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Although their family is too much, but after all, blood is thicker than water. You can teach them, but you can't kill them.” Elaine Ma pointed at Jacob Wilson and cursed: “You are the benevolence of women! You don’t want their lives, they want yours! Do you know how your mother did me in prison? My leg is It was broken by your mother!” Speaking of this, Elaine Ma was very indignant and reprimanded: “This damn Lady is poisoned! She should also be taught a lesson, see if she dare to be so terrible in the future!” Jacob Wilson said helplessly: “It's okay to give a lesson, as long as you don't kill anyone.” Elaine Ma snorted coldly: “Your mother has treated you so badly for so many years, and you still have such affection for him. I have worked hard with you for so many years, and you have to live with me and divorce me. , You have no conscience!” Jacob Wilson said angrily: “You don't want to talk about us in everything!” Elaine Ma contemptuously said: “I don’t want to say, I just want to tell you, it's impossible for me to divorce you anyway!” Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Claire Wilson Wilson hurriedly said: “Oh, don't quarrel, dont talk about it every time, no matter what topic you talk about.” Elaine Ma curled his lips: “I don’t want to talk to him.” As she was talking, she suddenly received a WeChat message on her mobile phone, and a woman sent her a voice message: “Oh, Sister Elaine Ma, have you watched the video website? There is another major incident in your family!” Elaine Ma exclaimed and hurriedly asked: “What happened to our family?” The other party said: “Your mother-in-law, and your husband and his brother's family were fighting in the hospital. The video was taken by a nurse and uploaded to the Internet.” “Really?!” As soon as Elaine Ma heard that it was an Lady and they were fighting in the hospital, he immediately became interested and hurriedly said: “Send it to me, hurry up, hurry up!” So the other party immediately sent a video. Elaine Ma hurriedly clicked on the video. After the video was buffered, he saw Christopher and Mrs. Wilson beating Hannah violently. Charlie Wade and the others were stunned. No one thought that this family would have food poisoning, and they would still have time to fight when they entered the hospital. And looking at this posture, how did it look like food poisoning? However, more shocking is still to come. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1128 Through Christopher's swearing words, everyone heard the root cause of their big fight in the hospital! It turned out that Hannah was pregnant! And the child she was pregnant with was not done by Christopher! When Elaine Ma saw this, she burst into laughter: “Hahahahaha, I really wanted to laugh at my Lady. It turns out that Hannah was pregnant with someone else's child outside, hahahaha!” Jacob Wilson couldn't help but exclaimed: “This woman is too shameless. She went out with other men. She still has the face to come back when she is pregnant with other people's children?” Elaine Ma laughed and said, “Lady Wilson is mad now. Didn't she always think that the eldest daughter-in-law is particularly good? This time is so good, I really have to give her a face!” Claire Wilson Wilson said embarrassingly: “This matter is so violent, then it is estimated that the uncle is going to divorce Hannah, right?” “Is hr still waiting for her to have a baby?” Jacob Wilson is also a man. Although he is very uncomfortable with his brother, he can also experience his despair. So in his opinion, a woman like Hannah who is not obedient to women’s way must divorce her and drive her out of the house. Charlie Wade couldn't help but slander. Presumably, Hannah was pregnant in the black coal kiln. He didn't expect that this Lady was playing very well, and there would be an affair in the black coal kiln. But it does not rule out the possibility of being forced. At this time, Elaine Ma's friend sent another voice: “Sister Elaine Ma, is this video irritating?” Elaine Ma laughed and said: “The excitement is really too exciting, it makes me feel refreshed!” Her friend laughed and said, “I just came back to another video, which is more exciting!” Elaine Ma hurriedly said: “Send me, send me!” Immediately afterwards, a video was posted on her WeChat. When I clicked on this video, I found that Mrs. Wilson was trying to persuade Christopher to make peace with Hannah! When he saw this, Elaine Ma was stunned. She couldn't understand in any case, how could a face-saving person like Lady Wilson allow Hannah to stay in Wilson's house with other people's children? ! And the following content is even more shocking! That's how the Lady persuaded them. She said that although Hannah put a green hat on Christopher, Christopher gave her daughter to an older man who was older than him for five million! The whole family is very dirty and the bottoms are not clean. Don't blame anyone. This is simply subverting the perception of normal people! Not only did they subvert the understanding of the relationship between Christopher and Hannah, but also broke out a bigger melon by the way. It turns out that not only was the mother stealing people outside, but the father also sold his daughter to other bad old men... People were shocked and criticized on the Internet. They said: “This family is simply the most subversive family they have ever seen. There is no good person in the whole family. They are all shameless people, and they are extremely shameless! People getting together really complied with the old saying, it's not that a family doesn't enter a family!” The Wilson family, who had just experienced a poisoning and a big uproar, did not know that they are now famous throughout Aurouss Hilll! The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1129 That night, the video of the Wilson family spread rapidly throughout Aurouss Hill. This video was quickly posted on Facebook, but Charlie Wade instructed Facebook to block the video. He still doesn't want this video, it exudes too strong influence, especially does not want this video to spread outside Aurouss Hill. As for the reason, he knew that Donald would definitely invest a sum of money in the Wilson family to support the Wilson Group. If the Wilson family is now notorious all over the country, it is likely to affect Donald's decision. Charlie Wade didn't want the Wilson family to cool off too early. It would be better if Donald invested in the Wilson family and then broke the Wilson family scandal, so that not only the Wilson family’s face could be hit, but Donald's face could be hit. The Wilson family tossed all night, coupled with their infusion of drugs specifically for daffodine, all five people became lethargic, not knowing that their scandal had spread in Aurouss Hilll. The next morning. After the doctor checked Wilson's family, he confirmed that they were not in any serious condition, and then let them go home. The first thing the Lady Wilson did after she was discharged from the hospital was to call Donald and ask Donald when she promised to invest in the Wilson Group's 80 million Dollar and when it will be honored. Although Donald was disgusted enough by this family, he believed that after unanimously outside, the family could explode more powerful energy in the direction of disgusting people, and then disgusted Charlie Wade well, so he immediately benefited from his assistant. Directly inject 80 million Dollar into the Wilson Group. Thinking of this, Donald said again: “Well, I promised to support your Wilson family before. It just so happens that the real estate project I invested in Aurouss Hilll is about to start. I will soon participate in the bidding of urban land. After the bidding is over, a large-scale project is needed. The decoration company, let this project be done by your Wilson family.” When the Lady Wilson heard this, her excited face flushed, and she hurriedly said, “Mr. Webb, please rest assured that the Wilson family was originally in the construction industry, and it is absolutely no problem to leave the decoration to us.” Donald said coldly, “The reason for investing in you and giving you projects is to let you unite and deal with Charlie Wade unanimously, so you must not give me any more moths, otherwise, I will not only If you want to withdraw your investment, you will also be suspended, and you will be kicked out of Thompson First. l, Donald, can hold you up and step on you. Do you understand?” Mrs. Wilson was so excited that she nodded her head like garlic and said: “Don’t worry, Mr. Webb, the Wilson family will definitely unite in the future! Moreover, the Wilson family will be your dog, Mr. Webb, as long as you say a word, Wilson Don't dare not follow your family up and down!” Donald said with satisfaction: “Remember what you told me just now, and be a dog. I will not treat you badly.” "sure!" After hanging up the phone, Mrs. Wilson immediately informed Christopher and others about these two things. When Hannah heard that Donald made them unite, she felt even more proud She knew that this was her own death-free gold medal, as long as Donald's words were there, Christopher would never dare to divorce herself. Looking at Hannah's triumphant expression, Christopher felt even more uncomfortable. It is absolutely impossible for him to swallow this breath, but to let him really give up Hannah will offend the Webb family. Give him ten thousand courage, he wouldn't dare to do that! Lady Wilson also saw that her eldest son was upset, so she again urged: “Christopher, you have heard what Mr. Webb said. If you ruin the Wilson family and the Wilson group, don’t blame me, this mother You're welcome.” Thinking of this, Christopher said humiliatingly: “I know Mom.” However, although Christopher was a little depressed about Hannah's affairs, the Webb family’s willingness to invest in the Wilson family to allow the Wilson-style group to be established again, and even willing to hand over the decoration of the new project to the Wilson family, still made him feel inexplicably excited The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1130 Not only him, but the entire Wilson family was very excited. Because everyone knows that the Wilson family will finally look up this time! Harold smiled and said to Mrs. Wilson: “Grandma, now our Wilson family is going to develop, and Webb family will give money and projects again, making it clear that we are going to start praising us!” While speaking, Harold secretly made plans in his heart. Once upon a time, Harold was also a well-known rich second generation. He lived every day with rich clothes and food, surrounded by countless people and complimented him. But during this time, his life was like hell, and everyone who knew him in Aurouss Hilll knew that he had now become a bereaved dog. Now it was finally time for his Harold to turn over. Wendy also looked forward to saying, “When our family develops, won't it be possible to make more money and live more extravagantly than before?!” For such a long time, Wendy 's life has been extremely miserable. Not only has her reputation been ruined, but her money has also been lost, and her life has been particularly poor. But now she can resume the extravagant and wasteful life of the past, which makes her extremely excited. Lady Wilson was even more excited. She knew that after the money arrived, it would not only solve all the debt crisis of the Wilson Group, but also allow the bank to return all the houses and antiques that were sealed up. The news of the resurgence of the Wilson Group's investment from the Webb family once again caused quite a stir in Aurouss Hilll. Originally, based on the size of the Wilson-style group, it simply couldn't attract so much attention. But this time, it was the Webb family supporting the Wilson Group, so the Wilson Group received high attention all of a sudden. Although the Webb family is now deeply condemned by public opinion and suffered heavy losses, it is after all a large family of 100 billion Dollar. They support the Wilson Group. In the eyes of others, the Wilson Group has already become a phoenix. So for a time, the Wilson Group became a hot company in Aurouss Hilll. Many people specially came to send gifts to the Lady Wilson Wilson, making the Thompson First Villa of the Wilson family so lively. In one day, Mrs. Wilson received countless guests in the Thompson First Villa, and received a large number of congratulatory gifts from the guests. She was so happy from ear to ear. She knew that this was the benefit of leaning on the tree. Leaning against the big tree, not only can the big tree let yourself be cool, but there will also be a lot of fruit from the big tree falling down and smashing into your arms. At this time, the Wilson family card was immersed in the joy of receiving a large number of gifts. Harold, Wendy , and Hannah unwrapped the gifts, and they were almost soft. Charlie Wade guessed that the Wilson family was in the mood, so he asked Facebook to release the video of the Wilson family in the hospital and put it on the front of the screen. And the title of this video is: “The reason behind southern region Webb Family's investment in Wilson Group is the noble morals of Webb family moved by Wilson family!"

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