The Charismatic Charlie Wade
Chapter 1096-1100

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. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1096 Because all doctors have clearly warned that STDs must never touch seafood! That will not only aggravate the symptoms, but may also cause erosion! Hannah was shaking with fright! I couldn't help eating so much seafood just now, wouldn't I be out of luck tonight... At this time, Wendy added a sea cucumber and handed it to Hannah's bowl, and said, “Mom, you suffered a while ago. Take more sea cucumbers to supplement it.” Hannah saw the sea cucumbers, her whole body was hairy! Immediately afterwards, I felt that that kind of itching seemed a bit more serious. She hurriedly returned the sea cucumber to Wendy , panicking and unbearable. At this time, the heat from the six small hot pots has turned the box into a bathhouse. Hannah felt sweating all over her body, and her itching was still increasing. She hurriedly stood up and blurted out: “I'm full and go out to get some breath. You can continue to eat.” Harold said, “Mom, there are so many abalones and oysters.” Hannah said irritably, “Oh, I'm full but I'm not eating anymore!” After speaking, busy got up and went out. Before leaving the stuffy box, Hannah felt a little better. But she also knows that she has just eaten so much seafood, and she hasn't started to work hard for a while. But when I got hemorrhoids, I didn't eat seafood before. I probably knew that seafood attacks would occur about three hours after eating. In this way, I can feel it tonight... She was very depressed. When the sound with her husband was still the same yesterday, she was still thinking that her husband was indeed much worse than the overseer. Thinking about it at the time, she didn't hate the overseer so much. Give yourself a lot of happiness. But I didn't expect that just one day later, things would become like this. If you really get sick, wouldn't it be finished? Hannah, who was so depressed, did not dare to return to that sultry box. She waited. After the rest of the family had finished eating, they walked back with the family. At this time, the seafood seemed to have begun to take effect, and the itching sensation continued to intensify, making her very uncomfortable walking. When returning to the Thompson First Villa, Hannah was already itchy. The first thing she did when she returned to the villa was to look around to see if there was anything inconspicuous that she could sell. After looking around, she found that there was an imported Delong coffee machine in the kitchen, which seemed quite high-end. Mrs. Wilson never drinks coffee, she always drinks tea, so she will definitely not pay attention to this coffee machine, even if she sells it stealthily, she will not know. So she went online to check the model of the coffee machine. This investigation did not matter, and found that the coffee machine turned out to be a top imported high-end coffee machine, regardless of the size of this thing, it was worth more than 50,000 Dollar! So she learned how her son used it, went to the second-hand website and found that the second- hand machine cost more than 30,000 Dollar at least. In order to be able to find the seller earlier and change to the money to go to the doctor earlier, she directly marked a price of 25,000 Dollar on the local second-hand website. Afterwards, she resisted the itching and waited for more than 10 minutes with her mobile phone. Someone contacted her and said directly: “I want something. Can I pick it up tomorrow morning?” Hannah hurriedly replied: “No problem, see you at the gate of Thompson First Yipin at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning!” At this time, Donald, who is far away in Southaven, is studying how to stop the endless decline in stocks. His assistant stepped forward and said softly: “Mr. Webb, the Wilson family’s Hannah, just hung up the coffee machine in the villa. Sold on the website.” When Donald heard it, he blurted out: “My mother...this family is a special bandit?!" The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1097 Since tonight is the first night of the Wilson family staying at Thompson First, everyone has a very strong sense of ritual in their hearts. Lady Wilson summoned everyone to the living room and sat on the luxurious European-style sofa. The Lady seemed to have found the aura of the Wilson family group. She has a smile on her face, but there is no loss of majesty in this smile. After looking at everyone, he said unhurriedly: “Today is a staged victory for us. Although the Wilson Group has not yet landed ashore, our family is now ashore. Just this point. It's worth celebrating.” Everyone nodded their heads, except for Hannah's ugly expression, everyone else was excited. Hannah had already felt the role of seafood at this time, and the itch made her restless. Lady Wilson glanced at her, and said with a bit of disgust in her expression: “Hannah™, you are so old, what are you always doing with pupa like a maggot?” Hannah's expression is very ugly. The Lady is really hurt when she speaks, pupa like a maggot? Is there such a description of a daughter-in-law? However, she didn't dare to have any disobedience to the Lady, so she had to apologize and said, “I'm sorry mom, my stomach is a little uncomfortable...” The Lady Wilson white gave her a look and said, “I see you, you have suffered too much in the black coal kiln. When you ate seafood hot pot just now, you ate as much as if you were hungry for three years. How could the stomach stand it?” Hannah was even more depressed, but she could only honestly nod her head and said, “Mom, you are right.” Mrs. Wilson was too lazy to talk to her any more and continued: “Since our family has already landed, the next step is to let the Wilson Group go ashore. After Mr. Webb puts the money on the company's account, the Wilson Group will resume. normal operation.” Then, she looked at Christopher and said, “Christopher, when the group resumes operations, you will become the business manager and will be responsible for negotiating cooperation with the Wilson Group.” Christopher nodded: “Okay, Mom, I know, I will give my all!" Mrs. Wilson nodded slightly with satisfaction, and then looked at Harold aside: “Harold, you will be the director of the Wilson Group from now on, so you must put your slouchy look away from me. Don't let people watch the jokes. Especially not let Claire Wilson Wilson read the jokes, understand?” Harold hurriedly said: “I know grandma!” Lady Wilson looked at Wendy again: “Wendy, you are young and beautiful. When you were with Gerald White before, you knew how to play every day, and you have to do things for the group in the future. I think you will be the Wilson family. The group's public relations manager is responsible for market and customer public relations.” Wendy nodded obediently: “Good grandma, Wendy listens to you.” “Yeah.” The Lady Wilson said with satisfaction: “You all have to give me the spirit of twelve points. It is not easy for our Wilson family to have this opportunity today. We must not miss this great opportunity for development. Do you understand everything? ?” “Understood!” Everyone responded with impassioned attitudes. Christopher hurriedly said, “Mom, arrange a job for Hannah?" Lady Wilson snorted and said, “Hannah will stay at home to do housework, and there must always be one person at home to manage her life.” After finishing speaking, before Hannah expressed her position, she stood up and said, “Okay, so be it. 'm going upstairs to sleep, so please rest early.” Harold and Wendy had long been eager to return to their rooms and had a good time. After all, the decoration style and standard of the house were very high, much better than the room they lived in before. So after the Lady left, the two got up one after another and went back to their respective rooms Christopher looked at his wife, and suddenly had the idea of keeping the waves with her again, so he hurriedly said: “Wife, let's go back to the room and rest.” The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1098 Hannah felt more and more itchy and upset, but she had no other way to deal with this night. Even if I go to the hospital, I don't have money. I have to wait for the coffee machine to be sold tomorrow. No way, she could only get up and go back to the second floor room with Christopher. As soon as he entered the huge and luxurious master bedroom on the second floor, Christopher couldn't wait, and muttered: “My wife, I want to talk to you tonight..." Hannah was shocked when she heard it, and while struggling to get rid of it, she said, “Forget it today, let's rest soon when you are tired.” Christopher pleaded: “Don't be like this wife.” Hannah felt extremely uncomfortable at this time, and she blurted out: “If you say no, it won't work. Today, we two will sleep on a bed alone!” Although Christopher was very depressed, seeing his wife's emotions was so excited, he couldn“t force it, so he had no choice but to agree. The two were lying on the bed. Christopher was still trying to persuade Hannah, but Hannah's attitude was very determined. In desperation, Christopher fell asleep in deep sleep. But Hannah, who was lying next to him, could not fall asleep tossing and turning. The itching of scratching her heart and liver made her feel extremely uncomfortable, and her heart became more flustered, feeling as if she had really gotten the disease. She was thinking about going to the hospital tomorrow to check it carefully, and at the same time worried that her husband would be infected because of herself. Charlie Wade kept thinking about preparing a vegetable garden for his wife to pick. Claire Wilson Wilson was still looking forward to tomorrow's picking trip until she went to bed. She thought her husband would take her to a vegetable and fruit base in the suburbs. But she never dreamed that her husband and wife, Charlie Wade, the mad devil, was already preparing to create a unique vegetable garden for her in the yard tonight! At 12 o'clock in the evening, Mr. White sent him a WeChat message, saying that he had brought someone over. And Claire Wilson Wilson, who was lying beside Charlie Wade, was already asleep, his breath was very even, and he seemed to sleep very securely. However, in order to ensure that she would not wake up, Charlie Wade quietly gathered a little Reiki on his fingertips and lightly tapped it on her forehead. In this way, you can ensure that your wife sleeps until tomorrow morning. After all, I want to prepare a surprise for my wife. If she falls asleep, and suddenly hears a movement, wakes up and lie down on the window, then the surprise will be exposed in advance. After that, Charlie Wade turned over and got out of the bed and went to the courtyard downstairs. A few minutes later, Mr. White personally brought a few light trucks to the door of the villa. The truck is full of various vegetables, melons and plants, and each of them is fruitful and growing very gratifying. When Mr. White saw Charlie Wade, he respectfully said: “Master Wade, I've got all the best fruit and vegetable plants we can find in Aurouss Hill!” "Any variety or plant on this one is carefully selected in countless large sheds, and the best is selected! The vegetable garden that I will get you, I can't find the second one in Aurouss Hilll or even the whole country. One!” Charlie Wade nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile: “You have worked hard, I will remember this matter.” The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1099 Upon hearing this, Mr. White said with excitement: “It is an honor for White to be able to serve Master Wade!" After that, Mr. White hurriedly said: “Master Wade, the total number of plants I have is more than 200. If all of them are transplanted and cultivated, it will take a long time. Or I should let the workers do the work quickly. It is estimated that at least it will work until five or six tomorrow morning.” Charlie Wade nodded and said: “Okay, then let the workers get busy.” Mr. White hurriedly waved to one of his men next to him, blurting out: “Instruct the workers to work quickly and be careful to ensure that all plants are not damaged in any way, especially the fruits and melons. Well, I have a lot of rewards, and each person will get a 10,000 dollar bonus. If you don't do a good job and make Master Wade dissatisfied, don't blame me for not being polite!” The assistant nodded hurriedly, and then came to the workers and blurted out: “Everyone must work hard. As Mr. White said, as long as everyone completes the task on time and according to the amount, each person will give 10,000 Dollars!" When this word came out, all the workers were extremely excited. They usually can't make 10,000 Dollar a month, and they can only make 5,000 Dollar if they are exhausted. But now as long as they do their job well tonight, everyone can earn two months’ salary, which for them is simply a pie in the sky. So a bunch of workers started working in full swing. Charlie Wade didn't sleep anymore. He watched the workers with his own eyes and carefully planted various plants in the courtyard of the villa. The courtyard of Thompson First villa is huge, divided into a front yard and a back yard, covering an area of at least four or five acres. Charlie Wade simply let people stick to the wall, planned a space of about one acre, and then planted all the vegetables and fruits in order. If his wife Claire Wilson Wilson really likes it, he can let someone prepare another one. The sun room covers all the vegetable gardens, and then sets up constant temperature and humidity equipment inside. In this way, even when it snows in winter, there will always be fresh vegetables and fruits inside. At that time, Claire Wilson Wilson could pick it by himself every day. I don’t know how happy it is. Although it took a little effort, it was better than anything to make my wife happy. Although Jacob Wilson and Elaine Ma were separated, after hearing the movement, they both rushed to the terrace. At the same time, they looked down on the terraces of their respective rooms and saw such a magnificent scene underneath. Jacob Wilson didn't know what Charlie Wade was doing, so he hurried down and asked him, “Charlie Wade, what are you doing? Why do you get so many fruits and vegetables? Are you going to grow the land at home? * Charlie Wade nodded and said with a smile: “Yes, I heard that Claire Wilson Wilson likes picking very much, so I am going to take out part of the yard to make a vegetable garden, and I can pick it here every day from now on.” Jacob Wilson gave him a thumbs up: “I liked picking at first, but my dad forgot about it. I didn't expect you to know it.” After that, he couldn't help but sighed: “It seems that it is a good blessing to marry you in the first place, and ordinary men are not willing to put such a great effort on their wives.” At this time, Elaine Ma on the terrace on the third floor snorted coldly: “Jacob Wilson, a man is better than you! A man loves his wife better than you! Only a scumbag like you can suffer so many crimes for you with his wife. After that, I have to separate from her and divorce her!” Jacob Wilson raised his head in a dark face and shouted: “Elaine Ma, you don't fart there. Don't you know what your own virtues are? If this family wasn't for Charlie Wade, you would have been defeated long ago! If you don't divorce, mine Let your life go in!” Elaine Ma cursed, “f*ck your mother! I tell you Jacob Wilson, as long as Elaine Ma is still alive, I don't want to divorce!” After speaking, Elaine Ma let out a cold snort and turned back to the room Jacob Wilson was uncomfortable, but he couldn't get it. He could only say to Charlie Wade with a sad look: “Have you seen? This is a shrew.” Charlie Wade smiled lightly, I know better than you whether she is a shrew. But this is of course unspeakable. So he asked Jacob Wilson, “Have you met Matilda these days?” Jacob Wilson waved his hand in fright: “You can keep your voice down. What if you let the shrew hear you and know that your Matilda is back to China?” The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1100 Charlie Wade smiled faintly. It seems that the old father-in-law Jacob Wilson is now very worried about Elaine Ma knowing about Matilda's return to China. However, this kind of thing may be kept secret for a while, not for a lifetime. How long you can hide it depends on the good luck of the old man. The Lady next door felt light, and when she heard the movement outside, she got up from the bed and walked to the terrace. I took a glance and found that Charlie Wade's house was brightly lit, and after a closer look, it turned out that there were a lot of workers growing vegetables for them! What the hell is this? Shouldn't planting vegetables start with sowing? Charlie Wade is equivalent to moving the entire vegetable plot to his yard. This is a good villa, it is a violent thing to get a bunch of fruits and vegetables! If you change to be yourself, you must plant some high-end flowers, then you can show the force of this big villa! But looking at it this way, the quality of the vegetables and fruits they got is pretty good, and they should all be organic food, the expensive ones. Thinking of this, Mrs. Wilson planned to find a time tomorrow to let Hannah go over and steal an order. At this time, Hannah was tossing about in bed and couldn't sleep. The itchiness became more and more unbearable, and she couldn't hold on to it. It was too itchy to bear, so she went to the bathroom and took a shower. But this time, Hannah was horrified to find that her body had begun to grow red spots, and she looked very frightened. Deep down in her heart, she couldn't choose her way, just looking forward to dawn, so she could go to the hospital as soon as possible. This night was extremely torturing for Hannah. In the first half of the night, she just lay on the bed tossing and turning, but in the second half of the night, she was basically unable to lie down. She didn't understand why this disease came as soon as it came from, and it came so quickly. I checked with my mobile phone for a long time, and found that everyone said that if you have a venereal disease, you should avoid it, especially seafood and spicy food. Seeing this, she regretted that her bowels were blue. For dinner with seafood hot pot in the evening, she wanted spicy pot bottom. This time I really don't want to eat these two things in my life. Hannah was worried about leaving too late and unable to take the coffee machine away in front of her family, so she got up quietly around 5 o'clock in the morning, sneaked into the kitchen, and went out with the coffee machine in her arms. When passing by Charlie Wade's house, Charlie Wade's vegetable garden prepared for his wife was almost done. Across the fence of the yard, Hannah was surprised to find that there was a large vegetable garden in Charlie Wade's house overnight. She was a little surprised, but she didn't care about it, because her attention was not at all else. People. She waited at the door of Thompson First for more than an hour, and the talents who bought the coffee machine rushed over. The first thing Hannah did after he took the coffee machine and got the money was to take a taxi immediately and went to the People’s Hospital in a hurry!

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