The Charismatic Charlie Wade
Chapter 1076-1080

Table of Contents





. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1076 Why is one generation inferior to a big family? In fact, this has a lot to do with the environment in which they live. The older generation was born in a reckless way. Every meal was spent with fate, and every penny was earned with fate. Therefore, in that era, no one was mediocre who was able to make a family business. Generations can be said to be elites. But when they lay a piece of land and their son was born, he had already lived a life of adequate food and clothing. With adequate food and clothing, they didn't need to work hard and did not need to fight their lives, so the wolf nature was naturally much weaker. By the time their grandson was born, they were already born with the golden key. Let alone let them go out and fight hard. For this second generation ancestor born with the golden key, let him go to bed early and wake up every day. Unable to realize the extravagant hope, what kind of fighting spirit can be expected in them, what bloody wolf nature is there? Those born in the wild and risking their lives to prey and grow are real wolves. Born in a zoo, there are wolves that eat meat every day when you open your eyes. In terms of blood, it may not be as good as a wild dog on the side of the road. Donald also knew that his abilities were much worse than his father, and he knew that his son was much worse than himself, so in this situation, he felt an unprecedented sense of loneliness. This kind of loneliness is isolation and helplessness. I feel that no one in the world can help me, and the only dad who can help me has also suffered a stroke and coma. Just as he sighed with emotion, his brother, Thomas Webb, stepped in and blurted out: “Brother, you asked me to hang silk from the family that I brought to Aurouss Hilll. I have brought it back.” Donald nodded and asked, “Where is the person now?” Thomas Webb said: “People are in the living room.” Donald said: “Okay. I'll go and meet them first, you go and call Hannah over.” "Okay brother.” Thomas Webb nodded hastily, and stepped to find Hannah. Donald lit a cigar, and while smoking it, he walked out of his study and walked to the living room. In the living room, the four members of the Wilson family were waiting nervously. Seeing Donald come out, all four of them are bright, and each of them has flattery and flattery written on their faces. As the head of the family, Mrs. Wilson immediately greeted her and said with a smile on her face: "Oh, Mr. Webb, I used to see you on TV. I finally saw you today. I didn't expect you to be better than TV. The more generous!” Donald nodded blankly, he naturally wouldn't take the compliments of an Lady seriously. So he said lightly: “I let Thomas take you over for two purposes.” Lady Wilson quickly said, “Mr. Webb, what do you want or what you want to tell us, just say it!" Donald nodded and said, “The first purpose is to let you meet someone; the second purpose is to help me deal with someone.” The Lady Wilson knew very well that the Webb family was a life-saving straw given to the Wilson family from heaven. In the past, the Wilson family wanted to be a dog for the big family, but the big family simply didn't look down on it. But now it is different. Now the Wilson family has the opportunity to be a dog for the Webb family. This is a rare opportunity in a lifetime! So she hurriedly flattered: “Mr. Webb, everything in the Wilson family is based on your head. We will see whom you let us see; we will deal with whom you let us deal with!” As he was talking, Thomas Webb brought Hannah over. Donald pointed to Hannah and said to the Wilson family four: “I want you to see her!” The four of the Wilson family followed the direction of his fingers and saw that it was Hannah. Everyone's expression became extremely ugly! Christopher was furious in an instant, and gritted his teeth and cursed: “Hannah, you shameless frame, I must beat you to death today!” The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1077 During this time, Christopher hated Hannah deeply! After all, for a man, there is nothing more painful for him than the betrayal of his beloved woman. When Hannah disappeared, Christopher was brought into the rhythm by Charlie Wade, so confused that Hannah really eloped. In addition, all the money in the family was with him at the time, so he was even more angry with Hannah. After so many days and nights, every time he thinks of Hannah, he wants to catch her and beat her to death! But he also knew that since Hannah ran away with the money, she would never be able to meet her again in this life, and it was even possible that she took the money and fled abroad. But he never expected that he would meet Hannah, whom he hated so deeply, in the mansion of Webb's family in southern region today! So he rushed towards Hannah almost without thinking, stretched out his hand and slapped her face severely, and slapped Hannah to the ground. After a slap was passed, Christopher pointed at her furiously and said: “Okay, you b*tch, you dare to come back! Where the hell did you take my money? Do you know it's because of you, we How miserable the family is now!” Hannah was beaten up, she didn't expect that her husband Christopher, who she was thinking about day and night, would slap herself severely when they met. Her leg was still a little lame, she could only struggle, trying to crawl open her mouth and blurt out and shouted, “Christopher, what are you hitting me for?!” “What are you doing?” Christopher gritted his teeth and cursed: “I not only want to beat you, I want to kill you! How dare I use my money to raise a little white face, and I don't leave a single cent for me, f*ck you So cruel!” Hannah screamed and blurted out: “Christopher, what are you crazy? When did my Lady take care of the little white face? I was cheated by Charlie Wade!” "What?!" Christopher frowned, “What does this matter have to do with Charlie Wade?" Hannah thought of the torture she had suffered for many days, and suddenly burst into tears: “Have you forgotten what we were going to do for Elaine Ma?" Christopher nodded: “Of course I won't forget!” Hannah cried and said, “I had done almost the same thing as Linda, but the bastard Charlie Wade suddenly rushed over, and then he took someone to beat us up and forced me to take All the money in the bank card was donated, and then all of us were sent to the black coal mine to dig coal...” Speaking of which, Hannah was already in tears. She wiped her tears and continued to choked up: “Do you know how miserable I was during this time? Every day I work hard in the dark black coal kiln, and can only rest for four or five hours a day, and the rest of the time is all Working under a black coal kiln, I can’t eat enough, don't wear warm clothes, and I'm often beaten. This is the torture like hell. You unscrupulous, not only don’t seek me or save me, but now I'm so It's easy to be rescued by the Webb family. You even beat me and framed me for raising a little white face. Is that what you did to me?” When Christopher heard this, he was dizzy! He never dreamed that instead of taking the money to live with a young man, his wife suffered so much! For a moment, not only was he full of distress and guilt for his wife, but he also hated Charlie Wade to death. It turned out that the culprit who took away all of his savings and sent his wife to work in a small coal mine turned out to be Charlie Wade! At this moment, the new hatred and the old hatred made him extremely angry. Harold and Wendy were also gritted with hatred The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1078 In the front-end time, the two of them were the same as their father Christopher. They both hated her. The selfish mother who fled with money and flees. After the hard life of this time passed, they often scolded her in their hearts. But until today did I know that my mother had a harder life than them, and much harder. At most, the four of them suffered some crimes in the detention center, while Hannah suffered extensive torture in the black coal kiln. The Lady Wilson on the side looked very ugly. She didn't sympathize with Hannah's experience, but sympathized with the money that Charlie Wade had lost! At this moment, the Lady walked towards Christopher in anger, and slapped him severely in the face when he was unprepared. With a snap, Christopher was stunned. He looked at his mother, exclaimed and asked: “Mom, what are you doing with me?” The Lady Wilson angrily scolded: “I'm hitting you, an unfaithful and unfilial bastard! I told you a long time ago, give me the money, give me the money! If you want to play with me carefully, just grab it. With that little money, you don't let it go. What happens? The Wilson family is over, don't you have all your money?” When Christopher heard this, he immediately lowered his head in shame. If I had known that Charlie Wade would get the money out of the money, I might as well give the money to my mother. At the very least, I could solve the difficulties of the Wilson Group. But at that time, I didn’t want to sink with the Wilson Group, so I started thinking carefully. But I didn’t expect to be self-defeating, beating my own wife, and hurting my wife... When he thought of this, he was full of guilt for his wife, mother, and even the two children. Thinking of his wife suffering so much, I felt even more uncomfortable, hugging Hannah and crying bitterly. Donald walked up to a few people at this time and said in a cold voice: “It seems that you and Charlie Wade both share the same vengeance. If I give you a chance for revenge, will you accept it?” When Christopher heard this, he suddenly blurted out: “Yes! I am willing! I want to tear Charlie Wade's bastard alive!” The Lady Wilson was a ghost, she had guessed that Donald had found her family here just to let her family deal with Charlie Wade. From this, it can be seen that he and Charlie Wade must also have antagonisms. As a result, the Lady nodded again and again: “Mr. Webb, as long as you give us a chance, we will definitely go all out to deal with Charlie Wade!” Harold said angrily: “If anyone gives me a gun, I will go and kill the bastard tonight!” Donald was very satisfied with the attitude of this family, what he wanted was this desperate heart that would kill Charlie Wade. So he smiled slightly and said: “I'm telling you, Charlie Wade and I also have a deep hatred. I want to kill him personally. The enemy's enemy is a friend. That's why I called your family here. If you want revenge, too, Then you might as well cooperate with me.” Lady Wilson blurted out: “Mr. Webb, just give your orders! What do you need us to do?” Donald said indifferently: “Charlie Wade's life, I will personally take it. As for you, I will send you back to Aurouss Hilll to help you solve all the other problems you are facing now. From then on, your goal is one. By all means, disgusting Charlie Wade, let his family jump and distract him! Before I kill him, I will make his backyard catch fire!” The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1079 When the Lady Wilson heard this, her heart was ecstatic. Whether Donald could kill Charlie Wade, she didn't really care deep in her heart. What she really cared about was that she needed her own help in Donald. In this way, she would tie the Wilson family to the big boat of the Webb family. The Wilson family was almost dead, but now that it can become a partner of the Webb family, then there is a chance to come back to life. And not only can it bring the dead back to life, it's probably even more powerful than when it was at its peak and heyday! So the Lady opened her mouth and said to Donald: “Mr. Webb, my granddaughter is Charlie Wade's wife, Claire Wilson Wilson, and now she also runs a decoration company. There is a business conflict with our Wilson Group. If you If we can bring the Wilson Group back to life, we can hit each other in business.” Donald nodded and said faintly: “Don’t worry, I will invest 80 million Dollar in your Wilson Group to help you clear all your debts. If you do well, I will continue to invest.” Lady Wilson was almost ecstatic when she heard this. This is really nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes. In other words, it's another village. During this period of time, I have always felt that the Wilson Group could never come back from the dead, but I didn’t expect Donald to give him a powerful life. The only problem with the Wilson Group is that it has no money and owes tens of millions of foreign debts. It still doesn't know how to deal with it. The bank has been pressured to get the loan back, but as long as the money is paid back, nothing will happen. The Wilson Group originally owed 80 million Dollar, but Kenneth Wilson had already invested 10 million Dollar, and the bank also took away his own villa, as well as so many antiques of his own. When that time comes, just return the remaining tens of millions to the villa. And antiques, the bank will return it, and there will be tens of millions of surplus on the company’s account at that time, and it will suddenly turn over! Harold and Wendy were already very excited when they heard this. They looked at the Lady and asked excitedly: “Grandma, can we return to our Wilson family villa this time? Should we never use it again? Down the street?” Wendy also shed tears in excitement: “Do I no longer need to use Dabao sod honey?” Lady Wilson just wanted to nod, but suddenly she thought of a brilliant idea. So, the Lady said to Donald: “Mr. Webb, Charlie Wade's family, and our family are like water and fire, and they are incompatible with each other. They are anxious to send us to the small coal mine and to the detention center. But if we go back this time, we will be under their noses every day, and it will definitely cause them great pain. Don't you want them to catch fire in their backyard? You just need to put us behind them, and they will be behind them all day long. It's all fire!” When Donald heard this, he immediately became interested and raised his eyebrows and asked: “Lady, what do you mean specifically? To be clear, you don't have to go around with me.” Mrs. Wilson hurriedly said flatteringly, “Mr. Webb, the Charlie Wade family live in the villa of Aurouss Hilll Thompson First A05. Don't you know what they are doing all the time because of this villa? Looks like! Especially my second daughter-in-law, whose nostrils are almost going to the sky, and tell us every day that people like us are not even qualified to show them the door, if we suddenly become successful with them. I've gotten my neighbors, every day I bow my head without looking up, then think about it, what is the mood of their family?” Donald's eyes suddenly lit up. f*ck, this is kind of interesting! Think about it, you just lived in a luxurious villa, enjoying a luxurious and secluded life every day, and then looking at your enemies down and down the streets, you can't even eat, that must be very enjoyable. But if one day suddenly, you wake up and find that your down-and-down street enemy has become your neighbor, then your life will surely fall from heaven to hell in an instant. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1080 Donald believes in feng shui, fortune and magnetic field He firmly believes that if a person has good feng shui luck and good mood, everything will go smoothly. But if a person's mood is affected and he is very upset every day from morning to night, he can't concentrate on anything and lose interest in everything. No matter how good the wine is, he loses its taste. The delicious meal does not feel delicious in his mouth. Over time, his whole person will be affected by the magnetic field of this negative emotion, which will affect his whole person's Feng Shui fortune and even affect his physical health. In Feng Shui, everything that makes people irritable is called sha If the sound is too loud, it is the evil spirit, if the light is too bright, it is the evil spirit. These kinds of evil auras are colorless, tasteless, invisible, invisible, and without a trace, and are extremely difficult to resolve. If I sent the Wilson family to Charlie Wade's eyes, it would be equivalent to giving him these kinds of evil spirits, and it would definitely make Charlie Wade suffer every day! Thinking of this, Donald said with joy on his face: “If that's the case, then I can help you buy a Thompson First villa, and it's next to Charlie Wade's, and then let your family live in.” When the Lady Wilson heard this, she trembled with excitement. After all, why did he break with his second son's family, and why was he sent to the detention center for so many days? In the final analysis, the culprit is Thompson First villa. I am too eager for Thompson First's luxurious villa. I want to live in it in my dreams, experience the incomparable luxury and enjoy the luxurious life of the master. But in the end, he still failed to fight his second son's family, not to mention living in their Thompson First villa, and even his old villa was finally sealed by the bank. But now the situation is different, and now he embraces the Webb family’s thigh. After his own remarks just now, Donald really became interested. It seems that he really hates Charlie Wade, as long as it makes Charlie Wade uncomfortable, he is very interested! Even the Lady Wilson did not expect that Donald would actually agree to buy a villa for herself! Isn't this the legend that the snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's profit? In this way, Thompson First's is cheaper! So she was extremely excited and said to Donald: “Mr. Webb, let's not tell you, Charlie Wade's family lives in No. a05 of Thompson First. I have been there and know the layout there. A05 is around a04 and AO06, if we can live in a04 or a06, then Charlie Wade will be uncomfortable!” Mrs. Wilson is a very shrewd person, and she has been good at calculations all her life. In fact, there is also a series b at the back of the a series villa, but the a series is the largest unit of Thompson First Yipin, so she proposed a04 or a06 to Donald. In this way, I live in a luxurious villa of the same specifications as Charlie Wade's family, isn't it beautiful!

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