The Chaos Crew: The Complete Series (Devil’s Dozen Box Sets Book 2)
The Chaos Crew: Killer Heart (Chaos Crew #3) – Chapter 15

FINALLY, my hands were empty, and all that was left to do was wait for Anthea’s results.

I’d dropped off soil samples from a few different sections of the garden—soil that I’d stealthily scooped into little baggies while I’d wandered along the beds of flowers, pretending to be crouching down for a closer look and sniff. Once I’d left the house, I’d packed the samples carefully and sent them off by courier so Anthea would get them later today. She’d said it’d take a day or two for her to produce her results.

When I made it back to the house in the hill, the sun was waning, casting the entire world in a golden light. I found the guys all huddled around the sofa, flipping through channels on the TV and looking like they’d just finished squabbling over who would hold the remote. Unsurprisingly, Julius was the current victor. But the moment they heard me enter, he clicked off the screen and they all turned toward me.

“There she is,” Garrison said with a clap of his hands. “Is everything taken care of?”

I nodded and flopped into the space in the center of the sofa that was just big enough for me, right between Julius and Talon. “Anthea promised that when the courier got the samples to her, it would go to the top of her priority list.”

“You know, this is how Talon and I tested out new members of the crew,” Julius said, letting his fingers brush over my knee in a way that sent sparks right up my leg. “Set them up on a trial mission that they have to handle on their own.”

“I wasn’t completely by myself,” I felt the need to remind him. “Garrison helped with the diversion.”

Garrison rolled his eyes. “I hardly did anything. Without me, you would have easily handled the guards. Drawing them away was easy.”

“Still, I didn’t do it alone.”

Blaze cut into the conversation. “Were you alone in the room with the target?” I nodded and opened my mouth to counter, but he stopped me. “And you passed the other guard without a problem?”

“Okay, fine,” I said. “But it’s not like it’s the first operation I’ve carried out alone anyway.”

Julius smiled. “It’s the first one you’ve gone on since you took up with us, and you completed it much to your ‘client’s’ satisfaction and without any blowback. I think that means you’re officially part of the crew now.”

There was a mildly teasing note in his tone. I elbowed him gently. “Are you saying I wasn’t already?”

“I don’t know,” Garrison said with mock-skepticism. “Should it really count when we weren’t the ones who picked the scenario?”

As I debated whether there was something in easy reach that I could throw at him, since I didn’t want to leave my cozy spot on the sofa, Blaze tsked his tongue. “Maybe it wasn’t our call, but it was ten times harder than the trial mission I got sent on. Pretty sure yours didn’t involve a nearly unreachable target either.”

Garrison leaned back in his chair. “Well, there you go. It’s not fair that she got such an exciting scenario for her trial run. I think it’s only fair if she does a boring mission like the rest of us before we fully initiate her.” His lips twitched with a hint of amusement.

Talon patted my thigh, sending another wash of heat through my body. “I think Dess deserves a promotion for taking on a harder job than the rest of us did,” he said in his usual deep, emotionless voice, but when I peered up at him, I caught a glint of humor in his cool eyes.

I stretched out my legs over the bearskin rug. “I guess I’ll take Julius’s place if you’re offering.”

Julius snorted and gestured to the rest of the crew. “If you think you can keep them in line better than I can, more power to you.”

“Hmm.” I tapped my lips. “As my first order as queen of the crew, I demand that you bring me all the chocolate in the city.”

Blaze burst out with a laugh, and Garrison’s and Julius’s guffaws quickly followed. Even Talon let out a chuckle. He stroked my thigh again, and I found myself thinking about things they could do that would be even sweeter than procuring chocolate.

As I looked around at the four of them, basking in the warmth of their admiration and comradery, a surge of affection swelled in my chest. I had gotten incredibly lucky to find these four men who complimented me so perfectly. I cared about all of them more than I’d even known I was capable of. If I believed in a higher power, I’d have been thanking it right now for bringing them into my life.

But I didn’t believe in that. I was the highest power I believed in. And maybe it was time I showed them all just how much they meant to me.

I reached over and teased my fingers over Talon’s thigh in turn. He swallowed audibly, shifting just a tad into my touch. My gaze slid over the other men gathered around me.

I’d been with all of them individually—and Talon and Julius together once—but we’d never come together as a crew, as a team, in the most intimate way.

Would they even want to? They did just about everything else together, but Julius and Garrison had gotten pretty uptight at first about the idea that I wanted all four of them in any way at all.

They’d gotten over that hesitation, though. And we should probably find out if we could be a team like this too.

I trailed my hand further up Talon’s thigh, skimming just shy of the fly of his jeans. “Actually, I have a better idea. I just want all of you. In every possible way.”

The temperature in the room seemed to rise five degrees in an instant. Four gazes burned into me. “All of us?” Blaze repeated with an eager light in his face. I should have known he’d be enthusiastic from the start.

“If you think you can handle that,” I replied.

Talon answered by gripping my wrist, taking control just how he knew I liked it. He set my hand right on the bulge of his already hardening cock, letting out an approving grunt when I gripped him through the fabric. He showed no sign at all of embarrassment at being fondled like this in front of his friends.

“I’ll take you any way you want,” he said, his voice gone a little rough.

Garrison got to his feet, an unfamiliar wildness in his eyes. It didn’t look like a refusal, at least. He stepped across the rug and grabbed my other hand. “You don’t have enough holes for all of us, sweetheart,” he said, bringing my knuckles to his lips.

I cocked my head as I held his gaze, swooning silently when he sucked my forefinger right into his mouth and then nipped the tip. “I think I can manage. I’ve got two hands as well. And hopefully sometime in your lives, you all have learned the basics of taking turns.”

Julius led his pack of chaos in this scenario like he always did. He stood and took my hand from Garrison, pulling me to my feet. As his deep blue eyes bored into mine, smoldering with desire, lust pooled between my thighs. Right then, I knew we were really going to do this.

“Which one of us do you want to fuck you first?” he asked in a low voice full of so much promise I soaked my panties. But that wasn’t the right question.

“I was hoping you could make a collaboration,” I replied. “I thought I made it very clear that I’m not interested in choosing when it comes to the four of you.”

I stepped away from him and slid my fingers along the hem of my shirt. The guys all watched me as if I were an exotic animal they couldn’t believe they were getting the chance to capture. I raised the hem of my shirt an inch and then another, meeting each pair of eyes that stared at me as I claimed all of their attention with just the faintest lift of my arm.

A smirk crossed my lips as I finally tugged the shirt over my head and tossed it aside. Next I reached for the button on my pants, popping it slowly.

Talon sank back into the sofa’s padding, the movement drawing my attention to him. He unzipped his jeans and freed himself, stroking his hand up and down the thick shaft I’d felt through the fabric just moments ago. His eyes stayed fixed on me. Cool and blue, they drilled into me and urged me to continue exposing myself to him. To all of them.

I could hardly look away while I slid my pants down my waist. My breath snagged in my throat as he parted his lips slightly, watching me.

God, I couldn’t handle his gaze—not yet. He could finish me with mere glances, and I needed to pace myself if I hoped to satisfy this many men.

My gaze flew to Blaze, standing rigid at the side of the sofa, just as fixated by my movements as anyone. I bit my lip and unclasped my bra, allowing my breasts to fall free.

“Blaze,” I ordered, “come here and lie down.”

He was the safest, even if the passion in his eyes enflamed me. Talon could finish me with a look, and Garrison could finish me with his cunning words. Julius… God, Julius would unwind me the moment he touched me. But Blaze could take orders. Blaze could take it slow and help me put on a tempting show to get us all on the same page.

Of course, he could give orders too. “Condoms,” he demanded as he strode toward me, whipping off his shirt as he came. My mouth watered at the sight of all that lean muscle on display.

Julius tipped his head to one side in a subtle question aimed at me. “I don’t think we need them.”

I licked my lips, reaching for the waist of Blaze’s slacks. “You’re the main ladies’ man around here,” I said, ignoring Garrison’s noise of protest. “Are you sure you’re clean?”

His pupils dilated, and I’d swear I heard his breath hitch. “Yeah. It’s been a little while—and I’ve always used protection—test results just a couple weeks ago were clean.”

“Anyone else have any reason to think they should wrap it up?” I asked the room at large. “I’ve got an implant, so I’m covered in that area.”

“Fuck,” Garrison muttered, but there was nothing but desire in his voice now. “I’m good to go. Whatever you want, sweetheart.”

Talon’s cock twitched in his grasp. “There hasn’t been anyone but you in a long time,” he said quietly.

Oh, fuck, now I was even more turned on. My panties, the only piece of clothing still on me, had to be absolutely drenched at this point.

Blaze kicked his pants to the side and tossed his boxers after them. He hooked his fingers into the waistband of my panties and tugged me toward him, eyeing me like I was his next plate of pasta to devour. “Where do you want me?”

“Right there,” I instructed, pointing at the thick rug beneath our feet.

He lowered himself to his knees, pulling down my last article of clothing as he went, never once breaking eye contact. Then he eased onto his back, propped up on his elbows. His cock jutted into the air, beckoning me.

I sank down over him, watching the other men’s expressions as I did. Blaze gripped my hips, giving me a little of the forcefulness I loved. I ground against him, a shaky breath spilling out of me as his cock slid against my slick folds.

The anticipation of having him ram right inside me was torturous, but somehow that made the pleasure even more exquisite. I tipped my head back and rocked over him, drinking in the stutters of his breath and the way his length hardened even more as he rubbed against me. Then my eyes met Garrison’s.

As if the colliding of our gazes was a signal fire, he moved toward me, positioning himself next to Blaze and tangling his fingers in my hair. Then he knelt down and claimed my mouth with all the fiery energy that called to me in him. I fumbled with the buttons on his shirt, wanting to bare his well-toned body as well.

Garrison pulled back just enough to shed it, chuckling under his breath. “Are you going to fuck Blaze or just tease him until he explodes?”

A moan escaped me at the insinuation of those words. Blaze adjusted himself beneath me, and I decided I’d teased myself long enough. I fit myself against him and fell down onto him, letting his cock spear right into me with the most delicious friction.

The hacker groaned, bucking his hips to meet me and massaging my hips where he was still clutching me. As I raised and lowered myself over him, taking him deeper with each bob of my body, Garrison straightened up again. He undid his belt and let his pants fall before grasping my hair with one hand.

“Let’s see how well you can handle two at once.”

He knew how to bring the roughness too. As Garrison tapped the head of his cock against my lips, my pussy clenched around Blaze, the rush of my impending orgasm building inside me. I opened my mouth obediently and flicked my tongue around the other man’s shaft. Garrison muttered a curse.

“That’s right,” he said. “Take me right down like I know you can.”

Oh, I’d show him what I could do all right. I sucked him into my mouth, wrapping my lips tightly around his cock and swirling my tongue around him. Then it was Garrison’s turn to groan.

I kept bobbing over Blaze, propelling us both toward our release, and Garrison rocked into my mouth at the same time. Just like when I’d taken Julius and Talon at once, there was a special thrill to mastering these two talented men. Making them both come undone at the same time when they rarely made themselves vulnerable to anyone.

I set one hand over Blaze’s where he was squeezing my hip and clasped it as if to say we were in this together. I gripped the base of Garrison’s shaft with my other hand.

We moved together like some kind of blissful machine. At the pumping of my hand, Garrison’s breaths started to fracture. I worked him over faster, sucking harder, and he came with a cry and a flood of salty cum in my mouth.

The taste of him and the urgent pace I’d set with Blaze tipped me over the edge. Bliss crashed over me, and I released Garrison’s cock to cling to his thigh as I shuddered with the sensation. Blaze’s fingers dug into my flesh, and the hot spurt of his own release filled me.

“So fucking good,” the hacker mumbled, stroking me with gentler fingers as I lifted myself off of him. My legs wobbled, but only in the best of ways. We weren’t anywhere near done. I still had two other men I hadn’t gotten to play with yet.

I glanced down to take in Blaze’s sated expression and found that Talon had already made plans of his own. He’d gotten off the sofa, and as Blaze scooted out of the way, the dispassionate killer nudged my shoulders down. “On your hands and knees,” he ordered. “You’re not done until you’ve screamed.”

A giddy giggle tumbled out of me. “And I suppose you’re the man for that job.”

“I think we’re all going to get you there together. So it’d better be a good scream, or we’ll just have to keep working you over.”

When he rubbed his palm over my ass with those words, I couldn’t say his threat frightened me. What woman in her right mind would say no to that?

“Ass up,” Talon demanded. I arched my back, giving him the reins. He gripped my hips with those strong, solid hands and tugged me backward.

In a second, he aligned himself and thrust into my pussy so fast a gasp tumbled out of me. Even with my channel relaxed and slicker than before, Talon’s cock stretched me, wider than any of the others.

As Talon pounded into me, making stars spark behind my eyes and propelling more whimpers from my throat, Blaze tugged my face around to capture my mouth. He kissed me long and hard, drinking in my sounds of pleasure, and then gazed at me with heavy-lidded eyes. His attention shifted to the last of the four men who’d just approached.

Julius loomed over me, unfastening his pants. As I swayed back and forth with the force of Talon’s thrusts, the leader of the crew crouched down in front of me. I lowered my head even more to lick the tip of his erect cock. Julius growled in approval and tugged me down to take him fully into my mouth.

As I was filled from both ends again, another heady thrill racing through me, Blaze and Garrison refused to be left out. Blaze dappled kisses across my shoulders while he reached beneath me to stroke my breasts, squeezing the slopes and pinching the nipples until I moaned around Julius’s shaft. On the other side of me, Garrison had edged down so he could tuck his hand beneath my belly. He teased it even farther down until his fingertips brushed the sensitive spot just above where Talon and I were joined.

The pressure against my clit sent a sharper bolt of pleasure through me than ever before. I bobbed my head over Julius’s cock, tightening my lips around him, my moans reverberating through my mouth over his shaft. The crew’s commander dug his fingers into my hair and guided my head at an even faster pace.

Talon bucked faster too, and the pleasure building in my core rushed through me like a speeding train. Blaze kept fondling my breasts, ducking his head right under me to lap one nipple into his hot mouth.

With all of us in sync together in this whirlwind of lust, I allowed myself to feel the full extent of my satisfaction. I noted the pulse of my heartbeat between my legs and the steady rhythm of the movement radiating through every part of my body. It was fucking glorious, and I reveled in every second of it.

Talon groaned behind me, and with one mighty thrust, all the pleasure within me built to a breaking point. My back arched further, and my cries became a muffled sound against Julius’s skin. My vision whited out with the waves of ecstasy that washed over me one after another in a seemingly endless surge.

As a cry that really was a scream echoed from my throat, Julius jerked out of me and came with a hot splash across my shoulder. Talon gripped my hips with a nearly bruising force and roared his own release into the air. I panted beneath his brutal assault, yet another orgasm reverberating through me on the heels of the second.

We all shuddered to a halt, tangled, sweaty, and flush with carnal delight. Garrison slipped his fingers into his mouth as if savoring the flavor of me. Then he pressed his mouth to mine again.

“You’re so fucking hot,” he murmured, so much unstated emotion in those words that I trembled with them.

The others stayed close around me, wrapping an arm around my waist, stroking fingers over my hair, surrounding me in the blissful afterglow. A sense of certainty rose up inside me.

Nothing could come between us—not anymore.

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