Chapter 98

Avery pulled a face, “Sis, arent you leaving your job soon? Why are you still bending over backwards for the


Aurelia shrugged, “As long as I'm still with Astral Enterprises, he's my boss. I have to follow his orders.”

"What if he wanted something more from you, would you still obey?” Avery asked, seizing the opportunity.

Aurelia choked on her words.

If it wasn't for that peculiar medical mishap, she could count the number of times she’s been in the same room with Leopold on one hand.

"Avery, the big boss not only sits at the top of the pyramid, he never lacks women. I'm just a small fish in a big pond. Even if I threw myself at him, he wouldn't bat an eye. You're overthinking this!” Avery was left muddled by her words.

Did Leopold visit her room last night just for work?

Why did they act like they just met this morning?

He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, determined to get to the bottom of this.

As he pondered, Aurelia pinched his cheek, “What were you thinking this morning? You talked about everything you shouldn't have, stepping on every possible landmine. The boss was furious, which is why he’s making things difficult for me. If not, I might have been able to stay on for a few more days, take a good vacation.”

Avery pouted, “I was just joking around, gossiping a little. I didn't know he was so petty. You must've been exploited and oppressed by him at the company, right?”

Aurelia sighed inwardly. She was indeed being oppressed.

In the face of the tyrant, she didn't even have the chance to reason

Once the baby was born, she was determined to divorce him, not waiting even a second longer.

“I won't say anything out of line. You should be careful too when you're at Serenity Films. The show buss is more complex than any company, one wrong move and you could be slandered.”

Avery scratched his head, “I understand.”

On the set, the props team was testing the wind machine.

Arnold put an arm around Avery, “If it gets too tough, switch to a body double. Safety first.”

“I'm fine, I don't want a body double.” Avery shook his head. He was a newcomer, he needed to be humble. and low-key, not leave a bad impression on the crew.

Aurelia adjusted his hair, like a worried mother hen, “Make sure you look good when you go up there, and

don't look down.”

Avery gave a charming smile, “Got it, don't worry.”

When they started filming, Nydia arrived, and Arnold went with her to the director's team.

Aurelia sat in the rest area, watching from afar.

A large shadow cast over her, blocking the sunlight overhead.

She turned around instinctively, the tall figure behind her startled her.

10:33 -

“Mr. Leopold, what brings you here? Haven't you returned to Elysium?”

Leopold frowned, “Are you so eager for me to leave?”

He came to take her back, how could he leave alone?

Aurelia chuckled awkwardly. “You're a busy man, managing so many companies, surely there are a lot of things waiting for you to handle.”

Leopold looked down at her, a glint in his eyes, “That's none of your concern.”

His time was wasted by her, OK? She kept running around, causing him stress.

"Oh." Aurelia retracted her neck, she simply wanted him to leave, to give her some space.

"Why are you here at the film studio?”

“Inspection.” Leopold replied curtly.

“Eh?” Aurelia was taken aback, “You own the film studio too?”

Leopold didn't respond, thereby confirming her suspicion.

The Stirling Group's Luminous Vision Media was the largest shareholder of the film studio.

Aurelia stuck out her tongue.

Alright, he was indeed rich and powerful, not to be messed with!

Better to keep her distance!


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