Chapter 59

She took a quiet, steadying breath, “I'll seize the opportunity.”

No obstacle could stand in her way, she had her eyes on that promotion and nothing was going to stop her.

After a slight pause, she continued, “The successful launch of this new product was made possible due to the hard work of Jenny and Darcy. They've been assistant designers for three years now, don't you think it's time they got a promotion?”

“The department's decisions are yours,” Leopold responded in a deep voice.

“Thank you, Mr. Leopold, and don't forget to include them in the bonus distribution.”

Aurelia left with a cheery smile on her face.

Leopold watched her leave, the corners of his mouth curling up slightly.

She certainly took care of her subordinates.

“Ms. Evelyn, welcome to the Design Department.”

“Hello, Manager Aurelia. I look forward to working with you.”

After some polite exchanges, Aurelia introduced her to the department's colleagues

Evelyn waved her hand, “No need, I've already met everyone.”

"Actually, Ms. Evelyn came yesterday afternoon and took us all to Celestial Savor for French cuisine,” Emma, a senior designer, revealed.

Evelyn smiled slightly, “I wanted to give you a call, Manager Aurelia. But they said you just returned from France and needed to adjust your jet lag, so I didn't want to disturb your rest.”


Aurelia gritted her teeth in secret.

It was clear Evelyn had used her absence to win over the team.

Damn, she was cunning. She had stabbed her in the back on her very first day. She was indeed a formidable


As Aurelia was cursing in her heart, Evelyn said, “I've ordered pastries from Sylvan Savories for everyone, they should be arriving soon.”

As she was speaking, the receptionist called to say the pastries had arrived.

"Sylvan Savories is the best pastry shop in Elysium, their stuff is so expensive, I only indulge when I get my paycheck.”

"You should always eat the best pastries. Their tea is also amazing. Once I had it, I couldn't go back to the ones at the local shops.”

“Ms. Evelyn treated us to French cuisine yesterday and today she's treating us to Sylvan Savories pastries. She's so good to us.”

The flattery was clear, they were picking sides.

At the same time, it was a veiled criticism of Aurelia’s stinginess.

When she got promoted, the pastries and tea she treated them to were from an ordinary shop, which they discarded in the trash, complaining about their poor qualit

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