Chapter 479

"You appear rather youthful, a tenderfoot in your field, aren’t you?"

“I'm twenty-three. In our line of work, the expiration date comes at thirty. The ladies prefer young men, who would fancy an old man?”

Aurelia placed an envelope filled with cash on his breast, saying, “Consider this your tip.”

Jimmy grinned from ear to ear, the envelope felt rather hefty, “Thank you, Madam.”

"Who's the top dog at Twilight Club?"

"Neo, we started together, but he's a smooth talker, so the ladies love him. I'm too straightforward, not their cup of tea.”

Aurelia chuckled, “I fancy an honest man, not a silver tongue.” She handed him another envelope. “Thank you.” Jimmy was thrilled.

Aurelia winked slyly. Suddenly, she changed the subject, “What door can never be closed?” Jimmy was dumbfounded.

Aurelia chuckled, “Caught off guard? Time for your penalty.”

"Here come the she-wolves!” Yelled Jelena, mimicking a wolf's growl

Then, brandishing feather dusters, they tickled Jimmy, hollering like wolves.

Their act was to blend in, to avoid suspicion.

Jimmy laughed hysterically, “I can't take it, ladies. Mercy, please!”

Yuna wasn't going to let him off so easily. She tickled his chest for a while longer before finally stopping.

"Why is the boss of Twilight Club a woman?”

“The former boss was Aiken, and Kerry was his mistress. After his divorce, he married Kerry. Not long after, he fell ill with a strange disease. Before his death, he left all his assets to Kerry. She's now the boss of Twilight Club.”

Aurelia was taken aback. She suspected Aiken might have been murdered, possibly by biological weaponry, a specialty of this criminal organization.

No good end came to lustful men.

Sighing deeply, her tone suddenly turned somber.

“My hubby has a mistress. Should I castrate him?”


Jimmy broke a sweat, “Well, you could do more than making him impotent. Honestly, cutting off his penis would ensure he learns his lesson for good.”

Aurelia chuckled, “Well said, here's a bonus.”

After playing around for a while, the game ended. Yuna untied Jimmy.

"We're heading back for some beauty sleep.”

Jimmy held the hefty envelopes, beaming with joy.

Meeting such generous ladies was a blessing. They tipped well, and he didn't have to lift a finger. “Ladies, if you fancy me, why not book me for a month? I come cheap, just ten thousand a month. I'll be at your exclusive service, no need to cater to anyone else.”

Aurelia eyed him pensively.

The star of the club wasn't necessarily the best, but definitely the shrewdest. Getting the information she needed from him would be tricky.

However, someone like Jimmy, who had been around for a while but didn't get much attention, was more likely to become an insider.

“We'll give you a one-month trial. If you keep us satisfied, we'll renew. If not, we'll find someone else.”

Jimmy's eyes lit up, and he looked at them as if they were angels. “I'll make sure you're satisfied.” Leaving the Twilight Club, Aurelia was almost certain that Kerry was Megan's accomplice in the criminal organization

"Yuna, find a way to investigate Kerry's background.”


After a moment of contemplation, Aurelia seemed to have another thought, she said softly, “For such small matters, you shouldn't need to report to Leopold, right?”

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