Chapter 387

The woman sighed in despair, “Just consider me dead.”

Tears welled

up in her eyes as she slowly moved towards the staircase. Leopold stood still as a statue, his face cold and indifferent, showing no signs of joy or excitement at her supposed resurrection

As she passed him, her body suddenly went limp and she started to fall.

Aurelia, quick on her feet, caught her.

The woman felt warm and soft to the touch. So she was not a ghost, but a living person.

Aurelia blinked and suddenly began to feel the woman's face with her fingers.

"What are you doing, Aurelia?” Beverley asked curiously.

“I'm checking to see if she's weanng a mask,” Aurelia explained seriously, “With the technology these days, there are these 3D-printed masks that look incredibly real. Some high-tech criminals use them to trick facial recognition systems.”

This kind of plot is often shown in movies.

Beverley leaned in to join the investigation, feeling the woman's face and neck.

1 don't think she’s wearing a mask, Aurelia. It's her real face.”

"Did she have plastic surgery then, to look exactly like Megan?” Aurelia wondered, stroking her chin.

“Should I check her chin and nose to see if they're real?” Beverley rolled up her sleeves, ready to investigate further.

Leopold's deep voice stopped her, “She didn't have surgery. She is Megan.”


Aurelia was stunned.

“She didn't die?”

Elowen had mentioned that Megan's body was never found, so she might have been still alive. But if she was alive, why had she not returned in six years?

As Aurelia contemplated, the woman moaned and slowly opened her eyes.

Aurelia noticed her pale face and weak demeanor, “Are you okay?” she asked softly.

“I'm fine."

Megan struggled to sit up, her eyes fixed on Aurelia, “Leopold, I didn't expect you to be married and have a child. I've been gone for tod long.”

Aurelia detected a hint of resentment in Megan's tone. Was she blaming Leopold for moving on? Aurelia sneaked a glance at Leopold. His handsome face was as cold as ice, like a mask that froze all his emotions. It was impossible to guess what he was thinking.

“It's quite cold outside. Shall we go back inside?”

Leopold thought Aurelia was cold and quickly took off his coat to drape it over her shoulders. This thoughtful gesture stabbed Megan's heart. In the past, his affection was only for her, but now another woman had taken her place. Lost in her thoughts, she heard Leopold's voice, “Have you been back to the Alcott family?”

“Not yet,” she bit her lip. He was the one she most wanted to see.

“I'll arrange for a driver to take you there.” He said and wrapped an arm around Aurelia’s shoulder, leading her towards the staircase. -This small gesture warmed Aurelia’s heart. She had initially thought that Leopold's reunion with his past love would lead to an emotional

outburst, leaving her in the cold, but he was much calmer and more composed than she expected. Suddenly, she felt a bit more confident about their marriage,

Megan watched their retreating figures, her heart in agony

When they returned to the party hall, all eyes were on them, and everyone saw Megan.

Melissa was stunned, barely believing her own eyes. She ran towards Megan, excitedly shouting. “Megan? Is that you? You're alive?”

“Melissa! Megon threw herself into Melissa's arms and began to sob. The thought of her beloved Leo marrying someone else was too much to bear.

Melissa understood her heartache, “Megan, why didn't you come back earlier? If you had, Leopold wouldn't have married that

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