Chapter 371

On New Year's Eve, the elite of Elysium held a grand fireworks party on Pearlview Island.

Aurelia had planned to bring the kids to Pearlview Island for a long time.

Arnold was there too, his spirits much improved since his hospital stay. He insisted on bringing his son William to the party himself, not wanting to delegate the task to Leopold. Nina and Mira were there as well, and the four children together made for a lively gathering.

Nina, with her big round eyes, kept staring at William who was wearing a little tiger mask. She asked, “You wouldn't happen to look like Kane, would you?”

Afraid that his secret with Kane would be discovered, William quickly shook his head, “No, we don't look alike. I look like Dad, and Kane looks like Uncle Leopold.”

Nina stuck out her tongue, "Okay, why do you all look like your fathers, not your mothers?” Kane said seriously, “You and Mira also look like your Dad, not Mom."

Nina burst into giggles, “Haha, it seems that us Stirling children take after our fathers.”

Lisa arrived with her sister Lizzy. Seeing Lisa, William frowned, “Why is the mean lady here? She made my dad end up in the hospital.”

“I have a secret to tell you. Uncle Arnold's wife is pregnant.” Nina whispered, having overheard Lisa and Sheryl's recent conversations.

A shock ran through William's heart, and he sprung up from the sand, “I need to ask Dad.”

He ran to Arnold, “Dad, is the mean lady having a baby?"

Arnold was taken aback, and didn't respond

William's head drooped and his lips quivered as he fought back tears, “When the baby brother is born, will you still love me?”

Arnold pulled William into his arms and comforted him, “I don't love the baby brother. I only love you.”

William blinked up at Arnold, his eyes brimming with tears, “Really?”

“Really.” Arnold assured him, giving his cheek a loving kiss.

William broke into a smile and hugged Arnold's neck, “Daddy and I will never be apart, right?” “Right.” Arnold nodded. He would find a way to get rid of Lisa, and then he would bring Aurelia and William back to Goldstone, far away from the drama of Elysium.

Lisa approached them, “Amold, are you feeling better?

Ms long as I don't eae you, fil be fine Amold replied coldly

Lisa bit her lip. I want to apologize for what happened before, it was all your mother's iden: I didn’t want any of it, but she said that once we were married and had a child, you would accept me. I was wrong, Arnold. Can you forgive me and give me another chance? Arnold stood up with William in his arms, replying, “There's nothing to discuss unless you're willing to diverse”

Lisa put a hand on her belly, “I'm pregnant, and in Freysland, women who divorce are acorned. If you want a divorce, you're forcing me to kill myself

“Then go ahead,” Amold left her with those harsh words and walked away with William, not wanting to give her another glance. He would never forgive Lisa who had done such a terrible thing to him. The mere thought of her made him sick

Lisa's heart twisted in pain.

Lizzy came over, refusing to believe that they, the noblest women of Freysland, couldn't compete with a commoner

“I really don't see what's so great about Aurelia. Compared to us, she’s nothing. I bet the Stirling brothers are just indulging in their competitiveness. In time, they'll lose interest in her and nobody will want her.”

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