Chapter 347

The waiter served up the steak.

Aurelia cut off a piece and popped it into her mouth. After finishing, she let out a satisfied sigh, “So delicious.”

Leopold suddenly yearned to see her happy face when eating a meal he had personally cooked. He would definitely continue honing his culinary skills in the future.

Aurelia took a sip of her soup, murmuring, “I never thought that the renowned Zina would abandon her style to imitate mine.”

Leopold revealed a mocking smile, “Many designers are imitating your style now.”

She chuckled, “Then I must reinvent my style. The greatest designers are always imitated, never surpassed. That's my goal.”

Leopold believed in her capability. She always managed to surprise him.

“I look forward to it.”

In the afternoon, Aurelia received a call from the butler, informing her to make a trip to the Stirling Mansion. After work, she went there with Leopold.

Sheryl and Lisa were there too, and then Jessica summoned them into the conference


"Arnold came by this afternoon and disagreed with the wedding. After all, he's the groom, and we must respect his opinion. I was thinking, since we're approaching Christmas, why don’t we postpone the wedding till after? And we'll proceed when Arnold agrees.”

Lisa bowed her head because of her disappointment.

Jessica glanced at her, “Lisa, do relay this to your family as well. A wedding should be lively and joyful, so we can't force Arnold if he’s unwilling.”

She then turned her gaze to Sheryl, “Sheryl, have our relatives at Elysium over for a small gathering this weekend, and let everyone get to know Lisa.”

“Alright.” Sheryl nodded.

Afterward, Jessica asked her and Lisa to leave, keeping Aurelia.

She took a sip of her tea, her expression grave, “Your son, Kane, is the eldest grandson of the Stirling family, his status noble. I hope, as his mother, you won't let him down or bring him shame.”


The reason she accepted Aurelia and allowed her to stay in the Stirling family was solely for the sake of Kane.



Aurelia understood that Jessica thought the cancellation of Arnold's wedding was related to her. This was a warning.

“Madam, I've never done anything to harm Leopold. When I left three years ago, Leopold had me sign divorce papers, so I thought we were already divorced. As for Arnold canceling the wedding, I had no idea. Our relationship now is akin to siblings, he wouldn't inform me of such matters.” Jessica said with sharp and ominous eyes, “I hope 50.”

Outside the conference room, Sheryl patted Lisa on the shoulder, “Arnold is probably still having a crush on Aurelia, and that's why he’s unwilling to hold the wedding. Aurelia has this knack to keep both Arnold and Leopold loving her. As long as Aurelia doesn't let go, it might be hard for Arnold to move on with you even though he is married to you.”

The reason behind Arnold and Lisa's marriage had quietly spread among high society, she had heard as well.

Three years ago, Aurelia had humiliated her at a party, she still held a grudge. Given the chance, wouldn't she instigate trouble, urging Lisa to join her in countering Aurelia?

Lisa bit her lower lip and said, “Arnold is my husband, and I believe he will respect and love me.” Sheryl sighed, “That depends on whether Aurelia is willing to let go, to yield him to you. Or you could fully win Arnold over.”

Lisa showed a determined look, “I'll try my best.”

Just as Sheryl was about to say more, she saw Aurelia coming out and closed her mouth. Turning her gaze to Aurelia, she smiled faintly, “Aurelia, it seems like our previous efforts were in vain. Why don't you persuade Arnold not to cancel the wedding?”


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