Chapter 328

In Freysland.

Marcia took Arnold to a hospital, and in the ICU lay a woman.

Arnold furrowed his brows, and asked, “This is your accomplice?”

Was she kidding him?

Marcia whispered, “Arnold, look closely. Who is she?”

Arnold couldn't tell. This was a strange, deathly pale face with a terrifying burn scar on her neck. The woman saw him, reached out, and grasped his hand, “My little Arnold has grown up. You are so handsome, just like your father.”

A jolt of shock swept through Arnold's heart. He abruptly pulled his hand away. “Who are you?” "Arnold, she’s Magnolia, your mother,” Marcia said.

Arnold's eyes widened in disbelief, “That's not possible. My mother died years ago.”

Marcia sighed heavily, “The woman who died in the explosion was actually your mother's twin sister. Your mother survived but was disfigured by the fire. If your father saw her like this, he'd be horrified and wouldn't love her anymore. So, she’s had to pretend to be dead for all these years. That way, your father could always remember her and continue to love and protect you.”

Arnold was dumbstruck, unable to believe what he was seeing or hearing. He saw the birthmark on the woman's arm, identical to his mother's.

“Dad's been gone four years. Why did you only show up now?"

“Magnolia is very sick and needs a bone marrow transplant. But she has a rare blood type and it's hard to find a donor,” Marcia began to choke up.

Magnolia coughed weakly, “I'm sorry, Arnold. I know you've suffered a lot. I was always watching over you. I wanted to be with you every day, but the only way to keep you safe was for me to pretend to be dead. I couldn't let you get hurt.”

Arnold's shoulders shook, his eyes filling with tears, “I'll get the tests now. You're going to be okay.” Marcia shook her head, “Arnold, you're a common blood type. It won't work. It has to be the same blood type.”

“Ill send people out to find a donor right now,” Arnold pulled out his phone to call his assistant Russell, but Marcia’s voice interrupted him again. “Actually, a potential donor



Chapter 328

came in a few days ago. She's also a rare blood type and the doctors say it's a match. But

she has a condition.”

Arnold cut in immediately, “No matter how much money she wants, I can give it to her.”

Marcia's eyes flashed with a cunning glint, “Let me take you to her so you can talk to her yourself.” She took Arnold to a villa in the suburbs.

The woman's name was Lisa, an incredibly beautiful woman. As she saw Arnold, her lovely eyes lit up. He was even more handsome in person than he was in photos.

“Hey Arno, I'm a big fan of yours. I've seen all your photos, all your interviews.”

She did not attempt to hide her adoration.

Arnold frowned slightly because he didn't like this kind of introduction.

“I'm here to talk about the bone marrow donation. Whatever you want, just name it. No matter the amount, I can meet it."

“I don’t want money,” Lisa shook her head, “I only have one condition.”

“What is it?"

“I want to marry you, be your wife..."Before her words had even finished, Arnold firmly denied her, "Are you out of your mind? I have a wife, and I can't marry someone else.”

He only had one thought that this woman was crazy.

Lisa said, “As far as I know, you two aren't married yet. Right now, she’s still legally your brother's wife."


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