Chapter 206

Jessica summoned her son from upstairs.

Leopold's expression was icy cold, like a frozen lake.

"Elowen has finally found someone she likes, I think it's a good thing. Let's break our engagement today so she can freely date Foster,” he suggested.

A sudden pang hit Elowen’s chest. “No, Leopold, let me explain. I was drunk and thought he was you."

She repeated the advice Aurelia had given her. “Every time I saw you with Evelyn, it nearly killed me. I went to the party to distract myself. They were all mocking me, laughing at me. I was so embarrassed I decided to drown my sorrows. I looked at Foster and as I kept looking, he became you. I was so happy, thinking you'd finally come to find me. But it was all a hallucination.”

She suddenly burst into tears.

Elara said, “Elowen was wrong last night, but there were reasons behind it. If it were not for Leopold and Evelyn's affair, she would not have been heartbroken enough to drink.”

Leopold sat down on the couch and had some water. “In the Stirling family, a man can have multiple lovers, but a woman must be faithful. Auntie, being a family member, surely you understand that?” With one sentence, he turned the tables, from defense to offense.

Elara's face turned from pale to flush. As a woman, she deeply resented this family rule. But among the many daughters—in-law in the Stirling family, no one had ever proposed to change the rule, including Jessica, who hated her husband's infidelity yet she was tolerating her son's.

Fredric interjected, “Men enjoy their freedom and don’t want to be controlled by women. You women should stop focusing on us. The Stirling family doesn't require women to stay at home and raise children; you can pursue your own careers. You should focus on your own interests, rather than speculating about us. That's what's happened with Sheryl and me; we can't live with each other anymore.”

Elara glared at him. “Elowen and Leopold aren“t married yet. How can you compare their situation to yours? Don't interfere.”

“Isn't it better if they're not married? They can avoid the fuss.” Fredric grumbled, regretting his decision to marry Sheryl. He envied his younger brother's freedom to change women as he pleases. Elara hugged her daughter and continued, “The engagement was arranged by the elder brother himself. Elowen is the future lady of the Stirling family. The engagement cannot be called off.” Leopold's gaze turned icy as he said, “Do you think this situation isn't embarrassing enough? Or do you think I don't need my dignity? I didn’t hold Elowen accountable for the incident at the anniversary party, which was already quite a concession. And now, you want me to swallow the humiliation?”

Elara quickly waved her hands. “It's not as serious as that. Elowen didn't sleep with him. Give her another chance.”

Leopold scoffed and ordered the butler to bring the marriage contract from upstairs.

“What happened between Elowen and me was a mistake from the start. It's time to correct it.” Elowen's face turned upset, even the light in her eyes dimmed.

Recalling Aurelia’s suggestion, she broke away from Elara and ran to the portrait of Chad, falling to her knees and crying out loud, “Uncle Chad, Leopold doesn’t want me anymore! I love him so much, my heart,

my life, my soul, all belong to him. But he doesn’t want me. Uncle Chad, I was heartbroken and drunk, that's why I made

mistake. I didn’t cheat, I am still pure. I'm coming to you now, can you speak up for me?”

With that, she took out a compact mirror from her pocket and smashed it on the floor. Picking up a shard, she slashed it across her wrist.

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