[Look, you're as stubborn as a mule. It's like talking to a brick wall with you. Just spill the beans on where Endless Echo Manor is,

and I'll cto you myself. We need to hash this out, face to face.]

The phone went silent for what felt like an eternity before a message buzzed in, [Echo Edge Cliffs. It's gotta be you and Leopold,

both of you. No show, no dice. If one of you is missing, forget about seeing me.]

[As if we're dying to see you. We're not idiots. You've probably rigged the place.]

[It's all about whether you've got the guts to show up.]

Skyler had never heard of Echo Edge Cliffs before. Kane and William scoured satellite maps until they pinpointed the location.

The place was a labyrinth of cliffs and ravines, desolate, untouched by human footsteps.

"It's definitely a trap. Your brother Geoffrey wouldn't be caught dead living there," William said, skepticism written all over his face.

"Yeah, for all we know, he's planted explosives. We can't risk it," Kane added.

"I get it," Skyler nodded, "but nothing ventured, nothing gained."

They relayed the information to Leopold.

"Leopold, should we trek to Endless Echo Manor and confront Geoffrey?"

Leopold had no patience for these kinds of games, "No way. Let him wait. Let's see who can outlast whom."

Of course, he wasn't really planning to stay put, and he intended to send a team to scout the place in secret.

Echo Edge Cliffs was inaccessible by foot, a climber's nightmare. A helicopter could get there, but that would cause too much of a


Leopold figured Geoffrey's funds must be running low now that his cash flow had been cut off.

Trouble cost money. Unless Geoffrey had found himself a new cash cow.

A shadow crossed Leopold's eyes as he pondered the possibility.

After dinner, Leopold made his way to Raines' room.

"Raines, any word from the kidnappers?" asked Leopold.

"Nope," Raines shook his head.

Leopold gave him a long, meaningful look, his gaze inscrutable.

"Raines, if he's reached out to you, you need to letknow so I can plan our next move. If he's after money, don't give him a

cent. He'll run out soon enough, and then he won't be able to cause trouble. Elfreda's safe for now, and she's their last bargaining

chip. They won't touch her just yet."

"Understood," Raines nodded, harboring his own plans.

Leopold was convinced the kidnapper had contacted Raines. They were holding Elfreda to manipulate him, but he wouldn't press


Days later, Geoffrey stood on the terrace of Endless Echo Manor, sipping his tea in the brisk wind.

A woman in a crimson dress approached him.

"Boss, there've been ssneaky attempts to scale Echo Edge Cliffs in the last few days. All failed."

Geoffrey's lips curled into a sinister smile, "Must be Leopold's goons. Without a chopper, it's impossible for anyone to get up here

from the outside."

No one knew about the secret tunnel leading directly to the base of the cliff, a relic from the days when AK Group spared no

expense for privacy.

"If they can't cup, they won't cto see you. And what's your next move, boss?" the woman in red inquired.

Geoffrey swirled his teacup thoughtfully. "It's tI paid my dear brother a visit."

First, he'd dispose of the fool Skyler who dared to defy him, then deal with Leopold.

Back in the city, the festival was in full swing.

Skyler joined the kids, his spirits high as they ventured to the park. He weaved through the crowd, quickly losing sight of his


After the festival activities, he headed to a quiet spot to rendezvous with the others, having just called William.

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