In Geoffrey's life, there was never love, never warmth, just nothing but various harsh trainings.

He envied Skyler and despised him, so every pet Skyler raised would be mercilessly killed by him. He wanted Skyler to live in fear

just like him.

He even thought about killing Skyler, that ttheir mother took them on a vacation to the island, and he made his move. But

Skyler didn't die, and he just suffered a head injury. However, this turned him into a simpleton, stuck in perpetual childhood.

Tanya was bitterly disappointed in Skyler and never pinned her hopes on him again. She had only Geoffrey to rely on, and

naturally, Geoffrey becthe heir apparent of AK Group.

He planned to keep Skyler under his thumb, to turn him into his puppet. Everything was going smoothly under his threats and

bribes, with Skyler nearly bending to his every word.

But what he never expected was Skyler's trip to Elysium, and everything changed. This wild card, Aurelia, appeared and disrupted

his plans. Skyler was no longer obedient and even started to oppose him at every turn.

Skyler seemed to see Aurelia as his saving angel, getting swept up in her praise and starting to believe he was skind of big


What was even more infuriating was that Skyler could cand go from the Stirling family estate as he pleased, almost as if he

had been officially acknowledged.

And there he was, still unable to set foot in the Stirling family estate, not part of the family tree, and certainly never to enter the

Stirling family's ancestral hall. He felt like a lost soul, wandering on the outskirts.

Every the thought of this, he seethed with anger, vowing that one day he would walk into the Stirling family estate with his

head held high, taking control of the family and making everyone bow to him.

According to the Stirling family's traditions, the firstborn legitimate son was to be the heir. Without a legitimate son, the eldest

would take precedence. Leopold was the only legitimate child, and if he were gone, the position would fall to the bastards, and as

the eldest, it was his by right.

"Skyler, you've been a bad boy. I'll show you what happens when you betray me."

At Mossy Rock Retreat, Raines received an ominous call.

"Do you want to see your mother?"

Rains’ fingers clenched suddenly tight as he asked, "Where is she? How is she doing?"

"If you want to see her, do as I say, or you'll never see her again..."

Meanwhile, in another room, Kane had just finished developing an auanalysis software. This software could dissect the

murderous melody sent by Geoffrey, potentially revealing hidden messages.

Upon analysis, the software uncovered low-frequency notes within the tune, imperceptible to the human ear, and requiring

amplification by professional equipment to be heard.

Amplifying the sounds, they formed a chilling sentence, "Dear Skyler, I'll be waiting for you at Endless Echo Manor."

"Where's Endless Echo Manor?" Skyler asked.

Kane shook his head, "No idea. Let's search it on the map."

He activated the satellite map, but such a private estate was unlikely to be listed.

"I'll tell Dad right now, have him accompany you to find it."

"Okay," Skyler nodded, knowing there was nothing the Stirling family couldn't handle in Elysium.

Just then, his phone buzzed with a new text message.

[Dear Skyler, have you cracked the mystery of the tune?]

The timing of the text was impeccable, and Skyler quickly replied,

[Where is Endless Echo Manor?]

Instead of having Leopold look it up, it was better to ask Geoffrey directly.

[Looks like you've got sskills, deciphering the code I sent you.]

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