In the backyard, the kids were caught up in a lively gof "Eagle and Chicks." Skyler played the protective hen, while Beverley

took on the role of the eagle.

"Can't catch us, can't catch us, no you can't..." The children's laughter, tinkling like silver bells, filled the garden in joyous waves.

After the game, worn out and giggling, they retreated indoors for a well-deserved break and ssnacks.

Dino, the friendly alpaca, ambled over, clearly eyeing the treats. Nina picked up a carrot stick and fed it to Dino, who gobbled it up

in no time. She stroked its snowy fleece, delighting in its soft, comforting touch.

Just then, Skyler's phone buzzed with an incoming email. He opened it to find a piece of music.

The melody was eerie, a deep, haunting sound that seemed to wail like troubled spirits.

Skyler frowned and quickly turned it off.

"That's classic Geoffrey," he muttered, annoyed, "Always over the top."

"What was that, Skyler?" Nina asked, wrinkling her nose, "It was so creepy, and it almost madewant to cry."

"Yeah,too," William chimed in, nodding solemnly.

"That tune was weird, gavethe heebie-jeebies," added Kane.

Skyler explained, "That was the infamous 'Gloomy Sunday,’ a piece I studied back in my psychology class. It's known for its

unsettling effect on listeners."

Beverley's eyes widened, "Oh, I've heard about that. They say it's cursed, that anyone who listens to it ends up taking their own


Mira clutched her arms in fright, "That scares me. I heard it too, and am I going to be cursed? I don't want to die."

"Don't worry. We only heard a bit of it. It's harmless," reassured Skyler.

"Did Geoffrey send it to you?" William puffed his cheeks in disapproval, "What a meanie, sending you scary music like that."

"Can 'Gloomy Sunday" really kill people?" Nina asked, her curiosity piqued.

Skyler elaborated, "The tune and lyrics contain elements that can induce sadness and fear. Dissonant chords in music can make

you feel uneasy, anxious, or even angry and hopeless. 'Gloomy Sunday" has sharp transitions between high and low notes, creating

a strong psychological suggestion of discomfort. People with low resilience or high suggestibility can be profoundly affected, feeling

intense sadness, fear, and despair. If these emotions becoverwhelming, they might lose touch with rational thought."

Mira shivered, "Please, don't play it again, Skyler. And don't listen to it yourself. It's too scary."

Kane spoke up, "Skyler, you don't think Geoffrey sent you this 'killer tune' to hypnotize you into doing something drastic, do you?"

Skyler scoffed, "As if I could be hypnotized. Geoffrey and I have tried to outdo each other before, but neither of us can influence

the other."

"Why would he send it to you?" questioned William.

"He's probably just trying to spook me," Skyler replied, unfazed. His phone pinged with a new message.

[Dear Skyler, I played this piece just for you, as a gift.]

Skyler snorted softly, [Not a fan. You played it terribly.]

[You country bumpkin, you have no appreciation for refined music. A few days with the Stirlings and you're already losing your


[If you like it so much, you listen to it all day.]

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