(Warning: domestic violence and abuse.)


“violet!” Ace’s voice called out. I stirred slightly with a groan only to be grabbed and shaked violently. “Violet get up!” Ace panicked.

Blinking awake I found Ace above me shaking me by the shoulders. “Violet!”

“W-what?” I asked confused, while still half asleep.

“We have to go! The navy found us, come on!”

He pulled me to my feet and I stumbled as I looked around confused. Peering toward the bay I could see three other ships approaching the island. ’The navy?! But how–’

“Let’s go!” Ivan shouted from outside the building. Ace snatched our Clothes then grabbed my hand as we rushed down to the beach. Everyone was already loaded onto the boats as we got there and jumped in one ourselves.

“Dammit we aren’t going to be able to get out of the cove fast enough… we can’t fight three ships even if they were damaged in the storm!” Ivan spoke up.

Dread seeped deep inside of me as I looked to the fleet just outside of the island. Looking towards Ace I could see him staring down the ships with uncertainty. ‘If we can’t get out of the cove then what are we gonna do?!’

Once we got back on the ship everyone rushed to their stations while Ace and Ivan spoke, going toward the quarterdeck. “Captain, there’s no way we are going to get out of the cove. If we try to run then they will fire on us from both sides, the storm won’t be able to cover us before then either. We have to let them board.” Ivan said.

“No, we cant–”

“Ace! We aren’t the only ones here! If we get into a fight there’s going to be casualties!” Ivan snapped.

Ace’s gaze moved towards me as if he realized something before looking back to the approaching ship. Gritting his teeth He rushed over and grabbed my arm. “A-ace!?” He took me down to the main deck then quickly into his cabin.

“Stay here and stay quiet,” he said before turning away to leave.

I quickly grabbed his hand before he could walk out the door. “Wait! What are you going to do?!”

Ace paused, seemingly unsure what to say. After a moment he pulled me into a hug. “I’m going to keep you by my side, no matter what it takes. I promise I won’t let them take you no matter what.”

I squeezed Ace tighter as Ivan called out orders to the crew to prepare to be boarded. He then quickly pulled away and stepped back. Grabbing his hat off his desk he left the cabin with a look of determination.

Rushing over to the porthole window, I looked outside to see one of the ships pulling up beside us. The other two naval ships were sitting just outside the cove.

I started pacing back and forth anxiously as all the possibilities of what could go wrong raced through my mind. If Ace and his crew were found to be pirates they will be hanged. On the other hand if the navy finds me here, Ace could be imprisoned for kidnapping or worse…

No, no I can’t think that way, I have to trust Ace has it under control that he can get us out of this. He can do it… right?

I froze at the sound of a familiar voice outside. “Greetings fellow seafarers!” Spinning around towards the door I felt my heart race. ‘It can’t be…’

Moving closer to the door I cracked it open and peeked through the gap to look outside. I could see Ace standing on the deck facing the ship and people boarding us. “Greetings captain, is there something we can help you with today?” Ace replied as he smiled, crossing His arms. I could faintly make out Johnny and Ivan standing off to the side with the rest of the crew standing behind them.

“There is actually, you seem to have something that I have lost, and I’d like to have it back.” the naval Captain stepped into view, standing before Ace with a smirk of his own.

The blood drained from my face as I recognized The man as none other than my fiance. ‘Why is he here… why did it have to be him?!’

Ace’s posture seemed to tense ever so slightly in response to the man’s words. “I do hope you’re not suggesting we stole something from you? I know my crew and none of them would dare soil Their hands by taking something that did not belong to them, they are all honorable men who have sailed With me for years!” Ace feigned innocently.

“honorable?” My Fiance practically scoffed as he looked around. “And exactly what kind of ship full of honorable men, tries to run from the navy? If I didn’t know any better I would assume this to be a pirated vessel with a less than truthful crew.”

“run? What reason would we have to run?! We were merely trying to escape the storm! A hurricane such as that could have torn apart a ship such as ours! We are merely merchants Taking goods from one place to another… if we were pirates then why would we have stopped at an island, with a fleet on our tails?” Ace responded Confidently.

My fiance hummed. “and yet your vessel hasnt a inkling of damage to it…” he responded Skeptically.

“A good crew of seasoned sailors who know how to care for their ship tend to avoid such unwanted damages.” Ace piped back, smugly.

The man before him all but glared at Ace in response. “Even so, we have reason to believe there’s a stowaway upon your ship, one that needs to be returned home back to the safety of their home. You see their family Has grown quite worried and fear said stowaway may Be in danger.” He started walking While inspecting the deck of Ace’s ship with disinterest.

“A stowaway? Sorry to disappoint but we have no such uninvited guests Upon our Ship, and even if there were, there would be little danger on a ship Such as mine.”

“I have Witnesses that say otherwise. A particular man who unfortunately lost his hand, told my officers he saw a woman being brought onto your ship…”

“Yes, well, thieves and beggars tend to spin stories quite often after having a few too many drinks. And cheaters usually aren’t the most trustworthy Sources for information.” Ace replied.

“Then being such Nobel merchants as yourself I don’t suppose you Would have any issue with us searching your ship then? Surely if you have nothing to hide then we shouldn’t have any issues?”

Ace’s smile fell as he lowered his arms, and the Guards escorting my fiance tensed with their hands On their swords ready to draw At any moment.

“Do know that kidnapping is a criminal offense that is punishable by death under certain circumstances, especially when the victim happens to belong to a noble family.” the opposing captain warned.

Tension in the air grew thicker As the two stared each other down. ‘If he finds me here and thinks Ace really did kidnap Me… no! I can’t– I won’t let that happen, I won’t let Ace or His crew suffer because of me! I have to put an end to this.’

Shoving the door open I ran out onto the deck and stood in front of both men before they ended up drawing their guns on eachother. “Stop!”

Everyone looked at me a bit surprised.

“This is just a misunderstanding Lance, please, Don’t hurt anyone!”

My fiance removed his hand from his gun and stepped forward to take my hands in his. “Violet, are you alright?” He questioned worriedly.

“I’m fine… please they didn’t Bring me here by force, It was all me, I paid them to take me off the island. no one has hurt they’ve only done what i asked of them, there is no reason to fight!” I admitted.

Lance’s expression changed From worry to a much darker neutral one as he looked down at me. His grip on my hands tightened painfully, and he leaned in to whisper in my ear. “Running will Be the worst mistake of your life.”

I nearly whimpered At his crushing grip until he suddenly let go and turned his attention back to Ace.

“It seems this indeed was merely a case of misinformation given to our people, I am glad that everything has now been cleared up and I apologize for any inconvenience this May have caused. Seeing that my fiance has been returned to us safely, we shall be on our way and She shall return home to where she belongs.”

Looking towards Ace I could see he was just bubbling with rage as he watched us. I could only turn my gaze away mournfully as Lance grabbed me by the shoulders and led Me back to his ship. “Come now violet, let us return home.”

It was better this way, i had to go along willingly so that no one would get hurt.

No one said a word or tried to stop us as we boarded Lance’s ship. Johnny stepped forward, seemingly ready to speak up and say something but was quickly stopped by Ace who watched me and Lance closely as they prepared to leave.

Lance ordered his men to turn the ship around and leave the cove. I couldn’t Look away from Ace As he stood near the railing looking back at me as the ship I was on departed, passing through the two others on standby.

Soon enough Ace was out of sight and I could only watch as his ship prepared to leave the cove behind us. Lance’s guards were standing on either side of him as he overlooked the deck with an agitated look on his face. He called over his first mate As I stared longingly back at the island.

“Signal the ships to fire as soon as they are in range”

My blood ran cold as my head snapped back towards Lance. His first mate nodded and left to give the signal for the other ships to attack.

“W-what?! No! Why!?” I grabbed Lance’s arm only to be backhanded by him and stumbled back.

“Tsk, did you think we wouldn’t find out?! That you could just run away and we Would just let you go!?” I backed away as lance stepped towards me. His guards moved aside hardly phased by the violent outburst, letting him Do as he pleased.

He suddenly grabbed me by the hair and All but dragged me down to his quarters, before shoving me into the room.

I harshly fell to the ground, barely managing to break by fall with my arms. “My informant told me everything! How you went into the tavern, how you got yourself drunk then proceeded to spread your legs to that filthy Bastard like a brothel Whore!”

Sitting up I looked back at Lance seeing how angry he had actually become. As he stepped towards me I scooted back to try and get away. “N-no it’s not like that–” I stuttered.

“I Never should have accepted your father’s proposal for marriage! Had either of us known you were such an ungrateful Slut, we would’ve just sold you to the town brothel! Is that what you wanted? To get fucked by a worthless dirt bag Off the streets?” My back came In contact with the wall and I looked around finding no way out.

“No! Lance plea–” my Words were suddenly cut off by A pained cry as his boot made contact with my stomach making me curl in on myself on the ground.

“You were supposed to be nothing more than an obedient pet and yet here I find you attempting to run away on a piece of trash boat with a worthless–” he kicked me in the stomach again. “good for nothing–” another kick. “peasant!” Another blow.

He panted heavily as he stood above me. “I have every means to break your spine and throw you in the ocean to drown for such treachery, but your father has His own punishment in mind…”

Lance turned away to walk towards the door to leave as I lay there trembling on the ground on my side, holding my stomach in pain.

He paused Right before leaving to look back at me. “Since you like to give yourself to worthless beggars and pigs, I’ll make sure to let my crew know they shall be allowed to have their way with you as much as they please tonight. Maybe then you’ll realize your place and learn your lesson.” He smiled before walking out and locking me in the cabin. Tears streamed down my face as I slowly pushed myself upright.

My abdomen, my heart, everything hurt.

The sound of cannons firing in the distance pulled my attention away from the pain and I looked to the back of the room towards a window that peered out over the back of the ship.

Forcing myself up I made my way towards the window and watched as the two naval ships outside the cove fired upon Ace’s vessel, tearing it to shreds. They didn’t even get a chance to fight back and all I could do was watch in horror as the ship went down.

Fresh tears rolled down my cheeks and I fell to my knees as sobs racked my body.

Ace’s ship was swallowed by the ocean, disappearing from. Sight along with everyone on board. There was no escaping the navy’s onslaught and the chances of anyone having survived were near impossible.

All I could do was cry and scream in anguish as my heart ripped to shreds.

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