(Note: this chapter has ALL the shutting, fluff, angst, and drama! Be warned there’s some angry sex involved but it’s completely consensual!)

– 8 days later–


Waking up I found myself alone in bed once more. It was quite disappointing not waking up in Ace’s arms, surrounded by his warmth. He had been avoiding me for days…

We would pass each other briefly while I went around the ship with Johnny cleaning but besides that, he stayed as far from me as possible. Even at night when he turns in to sleep he either sleeps at his desk or in a hammock in the corner of the room.

I’m not sure if he’s mad about what we talked about or not but it bothers me.

In the past few days, I’ve grown accustomed to life on the ship and learned quite a bit. I’ve also gotten to know a few of the crew members on board the ship and have gotten a lot more comfortable Working around the ship.

It was awkward running into Ace as I worked but he often wouldn’t come back to the cabin till I was asleep and he always left before I awoke. So our interactions were very brief. It was probably for the best that we didn’t interact too much…

Since that night not much has happened around the ship, I haven’t seen that figure again nor have the candles suddenly changed color. Every once in a while they would all flicker simultaneously but besides that, there weren’t any more strange occurrences.

Climbing out of bed I stretched And looked around the room. My eyes immediately locked onto Ace who was sound asleep in the hammock in the corner of the room.

Quietly stepping over towards him he seemed to be out cold and a bit uncomfortable. I don’t remember him coming back to His room before I went to sleep, so how long was he up?

Glancing towards the desk I saw his boots and coat were just Tossed aside haphazardly, he usually hung his coat and placed his boots next to his desk. Was he just that tired? Maybe he hasn’t been getting as much sleep Because he hasn’t been sleeping in his bed.

Guilt washed over me as I looked back at him. Maybe I should switch With him, or even sleep below deck with the rest of the crew? If he’s not getting proper sleep because he’s avoiding me then I need to do something.

Sighing I slipped on my shoes and made my way out of the cabin quietly. Every time I opened the door I was blinded because of the harsh Difference in lighting, and it took a moment for my eyes to adjust.

Blinking a few times I looked around to see everyone busy at work. “Morning vi!” One of the sailors said in passing, followed by a few others.

“Morning!” I smiled and waved to each of them as I stepped out on deck Looking around.

“Hungry? Chef cooked up some eggs and biscuits!” another said as he moved a barrel across the deck.

Breakfast? Ace hasn’t Eaten breakfast yet, maybe if I bring him some then we could sit down and discuss the sleeping situation. Surely it won’t be so awkward for us if we talk about It over a meal!

“Yeah, that’s a great idea! Thank you!” Getting a little more pep to my step I rushed below deck, doing my best to dodge and weave around the working crew until I got to the kitchen. Once there I found none other than Johnny and the chef preparing food.

“Ah Morning vi, you’re up earlier than usual!” Johnny piped up. “Yeah I just happened to wake up sooner this morning, can I get two plates? I want to bring one to ace.”

“OH, sure! I’ll give you a tray To carry it on!” The Young boy made two plates with eggs, biscuits, and some potatoes. Setting everything on a tray I glanced past him to see a bag of apples and remembered that Ace seemed to eat them quite often.

“Can I get a few of those?” I gestured to the fruits.

“Sure!” He grabbed two and set them on the tray before handing it to me.

“Thank you guys! I’ll be back to help you clean in a few!” I stated as I rushed back upstairs.

“No worries!” They waved me off. I narrowly avoided Bumping into two sailors and exchanged apologies as I tried to keep from spilling any more of the food. Once I finally reached the captain’s quarters I sighed in relief and stepped towards the door.

Before I could get close enough though the door opened revealing none other than a very awake Ace with his cost and hat. we both kinda froze in place once more facing each other and just stared at one another.

His eyes seemed to stare deep into my own before slowly glancing down to the tray of food in my hands. I couldn’t help but notice how not only did he look tired, he seemed sad... He was not his usually cheery or intimidating self.

Shaking my head I snapped out of my daze. “I uh, figured since you were still asleep I might as well bring you breakfast! I also got you some apples ’cause I often see you eating them…”

He seemed to hesitate for a moment, not saying a word as he stepped aside, holding the door open for me to walk in.

I entered the room and set the tray on his desk before getting everything situated. Looking around for another chair, my brows furrowed at the lack thereof and I looked back to Ace as he came over. “I guess I didn’t really think about where we would sit to eat…”

He pulled the chair out as he passed me and grabbed an apple off the tray before leaning against his desk and pulling out his pocket knife. “You sit, I’ll stand.”

“oh…Ok.” I sat down and grabbed my plate to start eating. After taking a few bites I glanced up at Ace who was focused purely on cutting up his apple and eating the slices.

Tilting my head to the side I watched him curiously. “You really like apples don’t you?”

He briefly paused at the question before continuing. “I do.” he replied plainly. “my mother used to make me apple pie when i was young, nowadays fresh apples are about as close as I can get to that.

I looked at Ace surprised. “You said your mother was a pirate, where is she now?”

His expression grew sullen as he stopped cutting his apple. “She died years ago, due to an illness caused by the circumstances of her birth. my father took over the ship and her crew while raising me until it was time for him to give up his position as captain. Now here I am, 4 years later.”

“Oh, I see…” I eyed my plate of food looking between The apple, the bread, and the eggs. Looking at them an idea came to mind. “Would you like it if I made you an apple pie?”

His eyes seemed to flick back to my face at that last sentence and his expression changed a bit as he gazed at me.

“I mean I’m not the best cook but I think we have all the ingredients on the ship, I’m not sure how we would cook it without an oven but…” my voice trailed off and I blushed slightly, realizing the Idea probably sounded foolish. We had no way to cook a pie, so why did I suggest such a thing? I hope I didn’t just get his hopes up…

“you would do that, for me?” He asked.

“Well, yeah… we don’t really have a way to do it without An oven but if we did, I’d gladly make you one. My mom played an important role in my life, I was devastated when I lost her. I struggled to find a way to cope with the loss until I started to paint.” The memory of watching My mother paint brought a smile to my face.

“She used to create The most beautiful Sceneries on canvas, everyone admired her art and loved it. I took up the hobby When she was gone as my way to remember her…back home, whenever I felt sad or lonely I painted and it helped to calm me down.” Turning my gaze back up to Ace I saw the surprise on his face.

“Painting to me is like Apple pie is to you. It’s your way to remember your mother.”

Ace seemed to straighten himself and look away, deep in thought as he looked at the apple in his hand

Suddenly The cabin door was slammed open as Ivan rushed in. He looked between the two of us before staring at Ace with a serious expression. “We have a problem.”

Setting aside the knife and his food Ace pushed himself off the desk and walked towards Ivan. “What is it?”

“It’s best if you come see for yourself…” Ivan replied. Nodding ace Made his way outside with his first mate close behind.

Growing worried, I set my plate aside and rushed out the door to follow them up to the quarterdeck. A crewmate handed Ace a spyglass which he used to look past The back of the ship.

Gazing in the direction He was looking, I could faintly make out a little black dot in the far distance. “What is it?” I asked curiously while standing beside the two men.

“The navy. we have three ships tailing us…” he lowered the spyglass and handed it to me as My stomach dropped. Using the tool I quickly looked out at the horizon and could see the three naval ships coming our way. As I looked closer at the one leading, recognition Washed over me and I paled.

Those were the same ships from my home island… are they Coming after us because of me?! There’s no way we could fight them off, if they catch up to us then Ace and everyone on board will be put in danger!

Ace must’ve noticed my worry as He stepped down and plucked the spyglass from my hands to hand It off to Ivan. “No worries though, we’re sure to lose them in the storm. Ivan, tell Everyone to get prepared for a change in weather.” Ace said with a smile.

Confused by his change in attitude I glanced up to the sky, unable to see a single cloud. “Storm? But the sky is completely clear?”

Wrapping his arm around my waist Ace started leading me back to his cabin. “The weather on the high seas is unpredictable, you’ll learn that not everything is as it seems.”

He led me back inside And urged me to sit down before going over to another chest he had Against the wall full of junk. I watched him, Still unsure about his sudden change in attitude as he dug around the chest for something. He pulled out some kind of box and briefly opened it up to look inside as he saw the contents a huge grin spread across his face as he stood up and came back over to me.

He then knelt down and handed me the box. “You said you enjoy painting, I hope These are to your liking?”

Confused, I carefully Opened up the box and my eyes widened, seeing its contents. Inside lay an extremely rare set of oil-based paints that were hard to come by even for nobility.

“I don’t exactly have any canvas for you but I do have cloth Parchment and papyrus lying about If you would like to use that in its stead.”

I Could hardly fathom what was happening. “Ace, I can’t– these paints are to Much!?”

“your right… I supposed the cloth parchment wouldn’t hold up as well.” He glanced around before standing and walking over to an old painting. He grabbed it off the wall and proceeded to then cut the original canvas off the frame.

“A-ace?!” I nearly deadpanned how he just destroyed a valuable painting without hesitation.

Bringing over the frame he set it Down on the desk. “We can Cut some cloth From the spare sails canvas and make you a fresh blank canvas to work with.”

“Ace stop!” I grabbed his arm and he looked at me confused. “what are you doing?” I questioned.

He was silent as he looked at me. “You mentioned you enjoyed painting. So I am giving you the tools to–”

“no! Why, are you doing this? I don’t understand what is happening.” I huffed, feeling overwhelmed.

His gaze softened as his hand moved to cup my cheek. “I want you to be happy, is that so much to ask?”

My heart skipped a beat as I looked into Ace’s eyes. He then leaned in slowly and brushed his lips over mine faintly before pressing his mouth to mine in a kiss.

Closing my eyes I melted into it. setting the paint box aside, I hesitantly reached up to grab his face. The kiss was slow, serene, and sweet. So unlike how we usually were with each other…

After a few moments, he pulled back so we could breathe again and we both looked at eachother. I almost found myself getting lost in his eyes, but worry still plagued my mind. I couldn’t understand it. Understand him. ‘Why was he doing this?’

“Ace this isn’t like you…” I said quietly.

His gaze hardened as he suddenly pulled me out of the chair and lifted me up before carrying me over to the bed. I gasped as he suddenly dropped me onto the cot and I bounced Slightly before he crawled Over top of me and claimed my lips in a heated, passionate kiss once more.

Melting into it, I closed my eyes, wrapping my arms around his neck as he grabbed my shirt and practically tore it open, to trail kisses down the side of my neck. “Ace?” I questioned as he got to my shoulder and slowed to a stop, breathing heavily.

“You don’t know me at all,” he murmured softly against my skin.

He sat upright, hovering above me with his arms on either side of my Head. As he looked down at me, I couldn’t help but be entrapped by the determined look in his eyes.

“I want you, Violet.” He stated firmly. “I am Like a homeless beggar Without a single coin to his name, you are a whispered bounty of treasure calling to be claimed by any who care to seek it, and oh By the gods shall I seek it Out and make you mine…” he sounded frustrated at this point.

“Ace, mmph–?!” Taking me by surprise once more he leaned down and kissed me again. Putting all his weight on one arm before he moved his other hand to my chest to grope at my half-exposed breast. His kiss was passionate and possessive and he seemed more demanding than usual.

His words swirled around in my mind and warmth spread throughout my body. As he broke the kiss to latch onto the side of my neck, a breathy moan escaped my lips and my eyes fluttered as I melted into his touch. One of my own hands made its way to the back of his head to entangle my fingers in his soft hair.

All the candles in the room suddenly came to life lighting up the dark space with a warm glow. When had it even gotten so dark? The sunlight had been illuminating most of the room through the window. But now it was as if the sun itself had gone away?

I didn’t get much of a chance to think about it Before Ace spun me around so I was face down in the bed. I tried to sit upright to look back at him as he removed my pants and hovered over me. “w-wait shouldn’t we be more focused on the navy right now?!”

“I told you, don’t worry about that.” He untied his trousers and freed his erection as he moved closer to the point where we were practically spooning. He grabbed my hip to rub his cock against my opening as he started kissing the side of my neck. I could feel warmth pooling in my core as he continued to rub his shaft between my legs. It was getting harder to focus. “but…”

“violet, lift your leg for me…” He whispered close to my ear, causing a shudder to course through me.

Doing as he asked I brought one knee up giving him the perfect angle to dive in. He wasted no time and pushed his cock inside of me with a groan As I cried out. “So obedient…” he mused Quietly.

It was overwhelming just how good it felt to have him inside me once again. I knew it had only been a few days but I think I missed this. Gripping the blanket underneath us I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of his thick shaft pushing inside of me.

My thoughts were shattered As he pulled out and thrusted back in hard, and a surprised gasp slipped through my lips.

Ace was brutal This time around, almost seeming desperate as he pounded into me harder than he ever had before. His pace was deep and sloppy but I couldn’t care less, as each thrust made me dizzy with need.

Any attempts I made to speak were drowned out by my own whines and gasps as I clung to the bed beneath me. Ace seemingly grew frustrated with the position we were in and eventually sat up, getting on his knees, while lifting my waist up with him.

No longer spooning we were both on our knees in the bed. When I attempted to push myself up, Ace’s hand moved to the back of my head and pushed me back down into the pillow As he leaned over. The candles all flickered as he spoke up. “Stay down.” His voice was demanding and he almost sounded angry.

Holding my Hip he ground himself into me, stirring up my insides and, in turn, making me squirm beneath him. “You know…it’s maddening thinking about you running off to go find Some worthless noble prick to marry. How you plan to just leave like Nothing happened, how easy you seem to think it will be to forget about me.”

I stopped squirming, confused as to what Ace was getting at, and why he was suddenly upset.

“And it’s even more annoying that you thought me some ruffian with no future other than pirating ships or hanging from the gallows.” He thrusted into me harder than before and I cried out, seeing spots dance across my vision.

I tried my best to keep my head straight as he set a steady pace, thrusting into me, Almost too softly. Why is he suddenly so angry? “I never said That.” I breathed out while looking back at him.

He scoffed as a mock smile adorned his face. “You didn’t need to. You may not have said it but that’s what you think of me isn’t it? That’s why you believe I’m not worthy of your affection.” He made another Single hard thrust and I gasped.

“N-no! It’s not!” I strained to keep focused.

“Then why do you continue to push me away Violet? For the past week, I’ve been tormented by the idea of you leaving And Me never seeing you again. I tried to avoid you, tried to forget you but nothing worked. You’re always in my dreams, always there in the corner of my eye. It’s not fair.”

He picked up his pace, thrusting into me rapidly. “How can you so easily move on and forget about me but I can’t do the same with you?”

Clinging to the bed I could hear the Frame creaking and Bumping up against the wall as the candles in the room flickered violently. “A-ace!”

“Perhaps I should make it so you can never forget? So you’re always tormented by the thought of me just as I’m tormented by the thought of you? I’ll make it so any time you touch yourself, all you can think of is me, Buried inside you. Or any time another man handles you, you cry out my name!” He became even rougher With his thrusting and I could hardly keep up as the candles burned a deep blue.

“Or maybe I’ll just make it so you can never leave!” He growled before burying himself Deep inside and climaxing. I unraveled beneath him with a cry as he poured everything he had into me and panted heavily as he leaned down.

My head felt like it was underwater as my vision swam. I could feel Ace’s breath fan across the back of my neck as he whispered to me.

“You are so afraid of me abandoning you… of me not caring but I know I could never grow tired of you. I want you vi. I need you, by my side… so please…”

He laid himself on top of me, careful not to crush me under his weight as he kissed the side of my Head. I couldn’t even muster a response as I felt all the energy left in my body, drain away and my eyes started to close.

“Stay with me.”

Was the last thing I heard before I drifted off to Sleep.

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