The Cambion's Hoard
Chapter 60-Biggs

Author’s note:

If have just reached this chapter after Biggs chapter 59 proceed without reading the next paragraph and read below the dashes.

If you have read Chapter 60-Rose then you need to read this chapter as it pushes that chapter 61. I didn't like the transition between chapter 59 and the prior chapter 60. This new chapter will hopefully provide a smoother transition.


I paused. That one little word froze the warmth around me. Henson and Rose had made a baby? No, it could be Thatcher’s. I hadn’t felt them before so they were new in their existing. Capable of connecting to me?

“Who’s there?” Maybe I was dreaming. I still wanted children but it had been some time since I’d felt the tug of breeding Rose.

“I’m here.”

Even with Rose’s calming presence, my essence shook. “Yes, but who are you?”

The foreign warmth fluttered closer to my edges. “Me.”

I vibrated with amusment. “What is your name?”

“I don’t have one. I’m me.” Their little voice wavered with glee.

This was confounding. I existed within Rose through a soul tethering. This existence didn’t make sense. I lessened my heat, so they wouldn’t be frightened as I settled closer.

“How did you get here?”

“Daddy put me here. Its strange this is not my mamma though.” They resonated exasperation.

I was confused. “Who are your daddy and mamma?”

They quivered, timid in their response. “Daddy’s name is Henson. He was supposed to make me with Mamma. This is not Mamma.”

“This warmth you’re surrounded in, is Rose. She’s your mother.” I fought the pain that wanted to radiate outwards.

“You are silly. Mamma’s name is Biggs.”

Even Rose’s warmth couldn’t fight the chill that coursed through me. “What?”

The essence filled with glee. “Biggs, it is a funny name for Mamma. Something must have happened because now Rose is my mamma. She is not Mamma.”

Uncertainty was burning through me. This was a fucking trip. First I’m tethered to Rose’s soul, then slowly her bond with Henson forms, and then I harmonize with her soul. Now there is a tiny phantom claiming to be our child. To make it stranger, their saying I’m their mother?

“Little One, I couldn’t have been your mother. The womb I had, would never bear a child.”

“You are Biggs?”


“Then you are Mamma.” Their matter of fact tone, pleased me. Reminding me of Henson.

“No, I, would be Papa. Rose is Mamma.

Their heat rippled. “This place is confusing.”

My amusement washed over the two of us. “It is. This is all so new.”

“Can you help me?”

I pulled the little being into my embrace, snuggling them into our warmth. They were warm like a freshly dried blanket. I would protect them until morning. After they would remain in Rose’s safe embrace.

“I can for tonight. Let’s try going back to before you were here. Do you know how you made it here? Other than how Daddy made you with Mamma.” I had been present for that.

They fluttered gently. “I was waiting. There were others waiting too. But I was first. We all knew something was wrong because I’m here now with the wrong mamma but the right daddy.”

They had been waiting to be called into existence. Waiting for Henson and me to create them. They would never have been conceived. If it wasn’t for Rose, they wouldn’t get to exist.

“I don’t feel right.”

I squeezed them tighter. “What do you mean? You’re going to be safe with Mamma. She’ll protect you. She’s going to be the best mother for you. As for right now, you’re safe with me.”

“But, if were supposed to be my mamma then I’m supposed to be a part of you! The part of you that was meant to be with me, it’s gone. I won’t have it because she’s not supposed to be my mamma. She doesn’t have that part to give me.” The essence keeled.

The phantom tingle of my furrowed brow swept across me. I loosend my grip on them, needing to focus on myself. For in this brief moment I wanted to only be my soul. I felt around my essence, much as Rose had learned to do from her mentor, Lyandra. Maybe, I still had that piece they needed, I could still give it to them. They would be whole.

“Where did you go!” They were so scared.

I gathered them up again. “I’m still here, I’ll tell you when I leave next time. I was trying to see if I still had you’re missing piece. I have to have it for you.”

They wriggled with joy. “It will feel wrong to you. Like it doesn’t fit. That is the part you are meant to give me!”

“I’m going to feel around and see if its here. I’ll be quiet for a bit. I’m not as good at this as Mamma is. Hold on to my warmth.”

“Okay, Mamma.”


“Okay, Papa.”

As I searched my essence for the missing piece a thrill moved through me. This being was going to become my child. Even though I had been tethered to Rose, this essence found me. They had been waiting for Henson and I to come together. In a way we had.

I felt my essence as if checking for out of place scales. Looking for one that didn’t belong anymore. I roved over a smooth bump in the rippled surface.

“I found it.”

“You still have it!” Their joy was unbridled.

“How do I give it to you?”

“I can see it now since you found it.”

“I can only feel it. Its dark here.”

They wiggled, excited they knew something I didn’t. “It is okay. You’re not meant to see. I’m new, and because I’m new, I get to see. It is so I can find this gift.”

“Can you reach it?” I wanted to see the little essence, my child. I would have to wait until they arrived.

“Yes. Its so very pretty. All good and shiny. Is it okay that I have it?”

“Its yours little one.”

Their little being moved to the out of place scale. They wiggled it, popping it free. They laughed and I felt the contentedness in them.

“It fits perfect Papa. I’m glad you were here to make me whole. I can’t wait to show you how it fixed me.”

I burned with unending joy. “I will wait as patiently as I can.”

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