The Cambion's Hoard
Chapter 54-Rose

Henson moved closer to Biggs; while Thatcher blocked my view of the door. I had yet to meet Gida. Knowing how the guys felt, I wasn't missing anything. She sounded like a horrible person. The panic in her voice would have made me hurt for her. However, I knew how they felt about her, and I didn't believe it. 

Thatcher tucked his arm behind him. I grabbed his hand; he squeezed my fingers. When the door slammed open, his body tensed. I was shocked when his shields snapped into place. The day we met, they had been down; this was a defense mechanism. His reaction was the posture and reserve of a man used to being abused.

Even with the weariness lingering in my body, my anger rose. What would have caused such a drastic change?

"Oh, Thatcher. When Drave called me. I was so terrified." Her shoes clicked against the floor. Her fingers appeared behind Thatcher's head. "Your nose! Did Biggs do this to you?"

"This situation has nothing to do with my nose. Biggs almost died!" He twisted his head from his mother's grasp.

"Thatcher, don't behave like that. You know your brother has always been jealous of you. If his idiocy led to this event, then so be it." Her words were cold.

"Excuse me." I tugged on Thatcher's hand. Pulling him away from her was the only way to free him.

His gaze flicked between us. Gida's eyes widened. I halted her with a gesture.

"I'm sorry. What did you say?" A fire burned in my belly.

Gida looked me up and down. Disgust warped her features. "You heard what I said. Who are to question that?"

"I'm his mate." Her face quickly shifted to shock.

"You're Thatcher's mate?" Her scoff was incredulous.

I ran my hand up his arm and squeezed it gently. Letting go, I leaned forward. "Yes. I'm the one that gets to claim him."

"I could see you being Biggs's mate, but never Thatcher's" She crossed her arms and looked at her son. "Tell me she's joking."

Thatcher stiffened again. Henson stood up and moved closer to him.

"Why would I joke? Does my size disgust you? My scent? Maybe it's the new wounds plastered across my face. Hmm, tell me." I didn't have the patience for someone like her.

She snarled. "You're human."

I laughed. "No, I'm Cambion."

Gida laughed. The sound was rougher than a smoker's. It was scratchier than Patti's and much colder too. "Bullshit. There is nothing special about you. Nothing that screams Other."

"That's enough, Gida." Thatcher's words were stern.

She feigned hurt. "Thatcher."

He stepped forward, the fear melting away. "Biggs and I will take your condescending tones and cruel remarks. You don't dare spew that shit at Rose. Or Henson, for that matter. They are our mates. Fate has deemed them wanting. WE have satisfied that need."

Gida pointed a taloned finger at me. "She will abandon you like Kelley."

"Oh, come off it. Dad didn't abandon us no more than he rejected you." He shook his head and turned from her.


"You heard me. We know you rejected Kelley. Grandmother has always said as much when you weren't around. Plus, if not for Kelley, Biggs would be dead. That man met him three days ago and already showed him more love than you EVER did." He rounded on her and stepped into her space. "You haven't even asked what happened to him. Your son, Gida. He almost bled to death."

She stepped back, yielding to her son. "Drave told me what happend. He said your brother went wild. Attacked you."

My heart stopped for a moment. "Biggs did no such thing. He had an allergic reaction to Thermadex; to stop a heat. Biggs shouldn't have experienced that. You could have helped him when you realized he was different. No, you berated, belittled, and demeaned him. He deserved much more than you were ever willing to give him."

"You know nothing about us!" Her voice was high.

Henson gripped the railing on Bigg's bed. Biggs's golden skin was flat and lifeless beside Hen's fingertips. His jaw hardened as he stared hard at the floor. It was taking everything he had not to tear into her.

I sat up. "I think you need to leave Gida."

She looked between the three of us. "They are my children."

"Yes, but they are not your sons anymore. They have outgrown the abuse and are better men for having experienced it. They will have children of their own whom they will love them unconditionally. Can you say that about any of your children?"

"Thatcher, we will discuss this later." She looked at her son expectantly.

"No, Gida. What has needed to be said has. Go home and make any more of a spectacle on your way out." Thatcher turned to me and pressed his head to mine.

Gida huffed and bolted from the room. We sat still, listening to her hurried steps.

"Thatcher, I'm so proud of you." I caressed his cheek.

"I wish Biggs could have heard us."

"I'm sure he heard. No doubt he'd be proud of you, standing up to Gida. Defending him and telling her she's wrong." I stroked Thatcher's head.

Henson sat down heavily in his chair again. "Oh yeah. You two have taken that shit long enough. You don't have to go through that anymore. I'm thankful Rose showed up."

"Me too. Hopefully, soon, we can all celebrate together."

Thatcher kissed my head again. "We will, Rose. He'll be grumpy with us soon enough."

I closed my eyes and rested my head against Thatcher's chest. One day at a time, and then we'd be healing together.

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