The Cambion's Hoard
Chapter 37- Biggs

I held Rose's ass firmly in my grasp. With each step, I could feel her body vibrate under my hands. I loved the way she felt. She was mounds of ample soft flesh. When I took the first step, she tightened her grip on my shoulders.

She buried her face in my neck on the next. I kept going up, and little whimpers escaped her lips. Finally, pausing, I squeezed her ass and then turned my face to her neck. "My little thorn, if you keep making noises like that, I will have to stop and make you cum again."

"I'm sorry, everything is on edge." She ran her nails over my back and then clicked with each scratch.

"You're a succubus, Rose. Your body feeds on sex, feeds on the release your body has. It is anticipating more and wants more. Has this not happened before?" I did my best to take the next step. Our bodies had relaxed into the position.

She wiggled against me, and I nearly fell. "It's never been like this before."

That gave me pause again. Never been like this? I turned us and pushed Rose into the wall. I heard a stair creek and stole a quick glance down, and Hen had stopped.

He wanted to hear what she meant too. "Well, little Thorn, what exactly do you mean buy that?"

She chewed on her lower lip, and I almost didn't let her answer. "It's like I'm awake now. My body feels good. With men before, it wasn't like this. They didn't seem to care what I wanted, so my body was shut down. But it felt shitty because they would comment about my weight. Like if I was skinnier, they would like to feel better and want to see themselves in me. So it was never good."

I could feel the heat of anger rise in my belly, but I needed to put that aside for the moment. Knipping Rose's neck, I tried to pull out but knowing I wouldn't, I pushed harder against her. She moaned.

"Oh, my sharp little Thorn, humans cannot appreciate women like others. Vanity is a man for wanting thin, sickly things. They want to be able to see themselves beneath your skin. Why do I need to see that when I can feel your body react to my cock. Dragons, Orcs, Ogres, and all other manner of others like their women thick for lots of reasons. But thick is how we like it. I have a place to hold, squeeze and knee. I have a comfortable place to rest my head and a weight against my cock.

"I will awaken the succubus in you, and she will never starve again. I will feed your body and your soul." I rolled my hips, pressing Rose hard into the wall.

Little whimpers escaped her trembling lips. Her chest heaved, and the fabric of the teddy caught on my scales. I positioned my legs and hips to hold her against the wall. Then, letting her go, I reached up and ripped away the fabric. She inhaled sharply, and her body moved slightly.

"Much better. Henson, are you ready to help our woman to come again?" Rose's eyes widened in surprise. My lips curved in a wicked grin.

I grabbed her ass again and turned back upstairs. I didn't stop this time. She needed more to know this was how it should be. Toeing the bedroom door open was hard, but I couldn't be bothered to wait for Hen. Moving quickly across the room, I crawled up the bed, turned, and sat with Rose in my lap.

"Biggs..." My name escaped with a moan.

"How many more orgasms can we get in before the lock breaks?" I felt Hen sit on the bed.

Rose shuddered.

"Oh, I think we can get her at least one more before I enter the party fully." Henson tipped Rose's head back, and she rolled into his touch.

I groaned. I could feel their connection, and it amplified how I was feeling. "Hen, why don't you show our Rose to have her buttons pressed?"

Henson trailed his hands down Rose's body, and she leaned into him. I grabbed her hips and moved her body against mine. Being locked in her was a wet dream. Our hips were slick with her release, even buried deep in her body; I even had room to move her back and forth.

Rose cried out, and I looked at her chest. Henson rolled her nipples across the palm of his hands. He used his hands, so they were calloused and rough.

Henson licked her ear lobe. "Let me help you, Rosie. I can make it feel real good."

"Henny..." I could feel what Rose calling him did. It flipped a switch in Henson. He reached down and found her clit quickly. He pressed slowly against the sensitive nerves beneath soft flesh.

Rose pressed harder with her hips. I caught Hen's eye, and we both grinned. Henson held still but continued to press on Rose's clit. I squeezed her harder to me while pushing her back and forward. Rose writhed against us. Her arms went up, and I could tell she wasn't sure what to do with them.

"Grab Hen, make him feel what he's putting you through."

Rose reached up and grabbed Henson's hair. He groaned and squeezed her nipple between his fingers. "Fuck Rosie. I would have pushed more for this if I'd known you liked it hard."

She didn't speak. Instead, she let out a stuttered moan. I could tell she was close again. She was so close to coming. I gave Hen a slight nod, and he changed tactics slightly. He continued pressing her clit but began circling it slowly. Rose started moving her hips a little more franticly, but I regained control and ensured she was steady.

When she finally cried out, my body filled her again. I hadn't really been trying for me, only Rose.

Her breaths came in deep labored gulps. "I swear to god, I can feel that."

Henson moved from behind her, patted the bed, and I helped Rose onto my chest so I could turn us to our sides.

"Of course, you can feel it, Rosie. It's an orgasm. It's supposed to be felt." I felt Hen's fingers against my balls. He swept his fingers back against Rose's ass, making her slick. "Fuck I won't have to use lube. You're dripping."

"What, what are you going to do?" I could tell she knew because of how she moved and the little sounds escaping her lips.

"I'm going to fuck you, Rose, while our dragon is locked in that tight cunt of yours. But first," I could tell when he pushed a finger into Rose's asshole," I'm going to get you friendly and ready for me."

I pulled her face closer to mine and kissed her. She clung to me as if I was all she had. I moved my hips, and Hen pushed in and out of her.

Breaking our kiss, I looked behind her. Henson had his palm on Rose's ass, and I could see his middle finger working her. I nodded, and he smiled.

I watched as Henson pulled out and felt him move against us again, collecting more of her release.

"One." Henson's middle finger moved up and down again.

"Two." I watched as his ringer finger moved in sync with the first. Rose gasped.

I kissed her temple and gripped her things. "You're being such a good girl Rose."

Henson adjusted. "Three."

Rose's mouth found mine, and we kissed in a frenzy as Henson fingerfucked her. I could feel her body tighten around me again, and I cried out when our release hit.

"Henson fuck her. Keep the pleasure rolling through her. Hurry."

He moved quickly and tangled our legs together. Then, lifting her ass a little, he thrust his dick against us, using our newest release to wet himself.

"Here goes the tip, I'll go slow only on the first thrust Rose, but you have to tell me if I hurt you." When he pressed into Rose, she pulled away, and my knot pressed against her opening. She clawed at my back.

I groaned when multiple sensations rushed over my body. Between Rose and Henson's pleasure and my own, I was close to fucking release again. This is what it was like to breed, to fill my mate repeatedly to ensure conception. It was exhausting and mindblowing.

When Henson settled into her body, I could feel him. Feel him through the tissues of her body. Rose and I both groaned. Henson pulled out and thrust again. I could feel his thickness against me even though his body wasn't directly next to mine.

Rose squeezed my body, I grabbed one of Henson's hands, and we both grabbed her hips. The three of us found a rhythm of moving limbs and hips. It didn't take us long to cum again. I was done. I couldn't push anymore. My body was exhausted. That exhaustion was amplified by Rose's.

Henson slipped from Rose's body, and she let out a sad yet satisfied whimper. Then, surprisingly a moment later, my body relaxed, and I was able to break the lock.

"So soon?" Rose's words were sleepy.

"I filled you well to bursting." I kissed her forehead.

Henson stood, "how about I go fill the bath, give her a quick wash, and then we can sleep in her room. Our bed is, well, it's disgusting."

Rose wrapped her arms around me. "Sounds comfy and less sticky."

Hen and I laughed.

He pulled open the bedroom door. "Definitely less sticky. Be right back."

I inhaled deeply; Rose and I were bonded. It was like a huge weight was lifted from my back. I looked down at Rose. She was a sweaty, sticky mess, yet she looked peaceful, lying against my chest. This was a step in the right direction, finally understanding our bond.

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