The Cambion's Hoard
Chapter 35- Biggs

Henson and Rose’s joy flowed through our bond, which pleased me. Unfortunately, it also made every part of me ache. I sunk lower into the tub and let the hot water rush over my body. It did little to ease the uncomfortableness I was feeling. I let out a groan and slid under the water. What was happening to me?

I was to the point where I was stuck in my half-shifted form. Mostly stuck. I’d been sleeping with clothes on so Hen couldn’t feel my skin. What would he think? I’ve never had this problem before. Not until Rose showed up. Inhaling water filled my lungs, and I rushed up, coughing and sputtering.

“Shit.” I held my sides and took deep breaths to ease the burn.

There was a knock on the door. Rose and Hen were still out of the house. I wasn’t particularly in the mood for visitors. That was the downside of an open-door policy.

“Fuck off.”

“Now, Biggs, I’m here to help, so don’t you talk to me that way.” Pattie’s voice was agitated but mothering.

I needed some mothering. “Sorry, Pattie. You can come in.”

Pattie pushed the door open but stayed in the hall. She had brought a chair up so she didn’t have to sit on the toilet. Wallace appeared out of thin air, hopped onto her lap, and made himself home. Little bastard.

She stroked behind his ears. “You know this little guy has been here longer than you. Plus, being on his good side gets you on Rose’s good side.”

“I know. I just don’t like him.” I leaned back against the tub.

“Understandable.” She sat for a moment, stroking Wallace’s back.

“Pattie, what’s wrong with me?” I stared intently at the watermark on the ceiling.

She let out an oddly soothing sigh. “Nothing is WRONG with you. You’re exactly as you’re meant to be. However, what you’re experiencing is natural.”

“What does that mean?”

“You have an extra chromosome that is causing you problems. It’s genetic. It’s different for Others than humans. I should say, different for reptilian or amphibian Others. Since you were born from a shared egg, you and you’re brother are special. However, you’re even more special than him. Your mother probably sees you as a freak, but you’re not.”

“Oh, that makes this so much better. I don’t even know what that means!” I fought the anguish again. Why did this keep happening!

“Biggs. You carry more female hormones than a typical male. In humans, you’d appear more feminine. In the case of a dragon, you are a more aggressive male. Yet, you are experiencing the reproductive symptoms of a female dragon. It could be possible that you could reproduce in both ways, but it is unlikely.”

I shot out of the water. “Does this body look feminine to you! I do not have a vagina or a womb. I am male!”

Pattie’s expression was blank. “You’ve been in a relationship with a male mate for several years. Your body may be changing to compensate, allowing for you and your mate to have offspring. It’s common for reptiles, amphibians, and fish to change genders. It’s nature’s way of keeping the status quo and species alive.”

“Why me? Why not Thatcher? And why now! Why not before?”

“Because Thatcher isn’t Henson’s mate. You are.” Her eye’s softened. “Would it be so bad if you could have children with both of them? Rose’s presence may have kicked everything into overdrive. On the other hand, it may have happened simply because you found a female you can have children with. So, your biology was ready to reproduce. But, Biggs, you are unique, so exceptional. Rose and Henson will love you no matter what the outcome may be. If you want to know, go to a doctor specializing in Others.”

I sat back down.” Thank you, Pattie. I’m sorry I yelled.”

She smiled softly. “You’re in some turmoil right now. You can’t tell up from down. You’ve got so many hormones moving through your system. Even if your body isn’t changing, maybe something else is going on, something you need to get looked at anyway. Either way, it’s better to get it taken care of than ignore it.”

“You’re right, like always.” I shook my head and laid back in the water.

She laughed heartily. “Of course, I’m always right. I’m a psychic, dear.”

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