The Cambion's Hoard
Chapter 2-Rose

I sat on my trunk instead of the bed, leery of its cleanliness. I unzipped my bag and pulled out a small cat bed. I’d purchased it for Wallace. Roxie at home loved hers. I set it by my closet door.

“Mmmh, that is a nice looking little bed,” I rummaged through my bag, “oh look at this. I packed too many fluffy socks. Oh, and this yarn. I don’t know if I’ll be able to use it all.”

There was some rustling from the closet. I smiled and tossed the socks towards the door. A tiny paw reached from the crack and tugged at the socks. Pulling a snack box from my purse, I shook the contents.

“I wonder if you’d like to join me, Wallace.” I popped open the box.

The door slid open, and a pair of eyes reflected in the darkness. A low growl then hisses flooded from the closet.

“Ok, got it. Well, I’ll still share. I have bell peppers, oranges, cheese, salmon, and bread twists. I put them on the lid and slide them over there.”

I piled some food onto the lid and slid it towards the bed. Sitting on the trunk, I faced the wall. This poor little gremlin had been tormented by my roommates’ parties. They left his home disgusting. He must have been trying to hide the trash but couldn’t keep up.

The door slid more, and I glanced at it quickly. A little head peaked out of the door. Most gremlins resembled cats, while the little guy looked like an elephant. Wallace should have been considered ugly, but he was adorable.

His fur was long and callicoed, filled with oranges and black. While he had a cat’s face, his ears and head reminded me more of a mammoth than an elephant. He also had tusks coming from his upper lip.

While I’m sure Wallace was soft and fluffy once his fur was matted and greasy. But, I wasn’t going to let his neglect continue.

“Wallace, I know this room is your safe place, but I’m here now. I will make those boys downstairs understand they’re the reason for your anger. I don’t care about this stupid bet after actually seeing you.”

I stood up and hurried out of my room and down the stairs. The partners were right where I had left them. Still clothed, thankfully.

“Oh, did Wallace give you the slip? He’s just too fucking angry.” Smoke twirled out of Thatcher’s lips.

I strode across the room, my body moving of its own accord. As if my brain had ceased controlling it. My heart had taken over. I stopped in front of Thatcher and slapped him. He sat back.

“You’re the reason he’s angry. This is his home! Wallace can’t leave here. We can’t just rehome him. He was abandoned in this place to remain until he dies. You come in here looking for cheap rent and a place to party. A place is known for Others. You spill your drinks, blow your smoke and fuck yourselves silly! He has to endure it, and because of what they are, he still cleans up after you! Make sure you’re safe and have a clean place to fuck! All the while, the garbage is piling up around him, and he struggles to breathe, and he clings to the one place he has left for himself. You’re disgusting.”

I took huge gulps of air and wiped the tears from my face. “I’m going to get my purse and return for my things in the morning.”

I hurried back to Wallace’s room and grabbed my bag. He was curled up in the little bed sleeping soundly. I sunk to my knees and cried. I was forfeiting my room for the happiness of a house gremlin. They should be ashamed of themselves. What gave them the right to behave in someone else’s home. We rent this place from our landlord and live with its house gremlin.

Wallace squeaked in his sleep. He had to feel safe for the first time in a while. The snack tin and lid were empty. He had eaten himself sleepy. I knew what I needed to do for him.

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