The Cambion's Hoard
Chapter 18-Rose

I hopped down the stairs pulling the zipper on my boots as I went. I usually didn’t have a problem getting to work on time, but oversleeping didn’t help. Thatcher had come into my room mid-sleep and asked for his daily touch early. Which I had let turn into copious amounts of kissing. I wasn’t complaining, but now we were behind.

“Not like you to oversleep, Rose.” Biggs sipped on a cup. He still looked agitated from the night before. When he and Henson had come home, both looked more annoyed than when they’d left.

I grabbed my purse from the counter. “Yeah, someone was making a bunch of racket last night. Was it you or Henson getting railed?”

He smiled, and my gut pulled. Biggs had a different smile than Thatcher. That one, in particular, was a knowing smile. He knew I could hear them, and he liked it. I didn’t know if I reacted because I was involved with Thatcher or because Biggs was just as attractive. The twins were completely different now that I knew them better. Though they could both send me into a tizzy. Which was confusing considering I was mated to Thatch.

Biggs took another drink and watched me the entire time he did it. “I was reminding Henson he belonged to me. I was also reminding Thatcher.”

The thing was, Thatcher didn’t care anymore. He still loved Henson, but our bond had dissolved everything else. I knew he was too busy thinking about what Patti had told us to worry about what his brother and ex were doing.

Riffling through my purse, I grabbed my keys. “Well, at least he has you to ruin his backside.”

Biggs set his mug down and came over to me. He tipped my head back. “We could both ruin yours if you’d like.”

Part of me wanted that, but the other part was already entirely devoted to Thatch. I would be loyal to my mate, no matter how badly I wanted his brother and ex. I needed to get control of these new succubus feelings. I don’t think they affected other people, but they were messing with the residents in this house.

“I’m sure you’d like that, but I’m going to pass.” I pulled out of his grasp.

When I turned to the door, I saw Thatcher. His eyes glowed, and smoke leaked from his nostrils. I’d never seen him so pissed.

“Thatch.” I hoped he heard the warning, but Biggs didn’t.

He looked at me, and I felt like I could melt. Even though he was angry, the heat in his eyes for me was evident. “What, Rose?”

“Why aren’t you dressed? You’re supposed to help me at the club. The back rooms need rearranging.”

He smirked at my joke but cooled. “Fuck I forgot. Give me a few minutes.”

“Well, hurry, I’m already running behind. Linus will lecture me if I’m not on time.”

Thatcher took two stairs at a time. “I’m hurrying.”

“I’m going to wait in the car.” I took a step, but Biggs grabbed my elbow.

I looked up at him, and his face mirrored Thatcher’s. “Why ask him for help?”

“He seemed down and bored, so I asked him. It’s going to be a lot of heavy lifting and stuff.” I went to the club after we met with Patti. I’d told Linus I was bringing in someone to work with me and picked up a few uniforms too.

“Hen and I could help you.” He ran his fingers down my neck.

“Maybe next time.” I moved quickly. Getting away from him before I did something stupid.


Thatcher had been quiet on the car ride over. He was even more so now. He pushed the bed across the room easily. The muscles in his shoulders bunched beneath the netting of his shirt. I leaned against the wall.

When Thatcher turned around, he smiled. “Does that make you hot?”

I fanned myself and swallowed. He watched my muscles work, and his eyes quickly swirled gold. I smiled quick and pushed away from the wall. His hands twitched at his side. Thatcher wanted to touch me but had already used his one touch for the day.

“If you get on your knees, I’ll let you touch me again.” I left my lips parted.

Thatcher groaned and dropped to his knees without hesitation. He leaned back, his core lengthened, and the muscles stretched beneath his skin. Waiting patiently for me to move.

As I walked toward him, I tried my best to slink. Sly said I was terrible at it. Yet, the look on Thatch’s face told me it had the desired effect.

I stood above him, straddling his chest. It rose and fell with great heaves. “You’ve been such a good boy today, Thatch. Working hard for me. It’s only fitting I give you a reward.”

A little whimper escaped his lips. I watched his hands and fingers twitch, but he held them at his sides. He was struggling. Cupping the back of his head, I pulled him towards my body. The netting from the shirt brushed my legs, and I clenched my jaw.

“Tell me, Thatch, what is it you want. What do you want your reward to be?” I rubbed the base of his skull with my middle finger.

“I want to bury my face in your cunt.”

I leaned down and brushed my lips against his. “So blunt and to the point. I like that idea. Oh, by the way, you can touch me now if you want.”

Thatcher wrapped his arms around my thighs, taking an ass cheek in each hand. I grabbed his shoulders to steady myself. He kneaded the exposed flesh, and I groaned.

“Baby, you can’t make those sounds. Do you understand what it does to me?” Thatcher pressed his face into my stomach.

I rubbed the back of his head. “Oh, I know what it does. It makes you hungrier. Those sounds bring you closer to coming undone. They break your resolve.”

Thatcher squeezed my ass again. “When do I get my reward?”

A laugh escaped my lips. “After we get this finished. We’ll go home, and you can eat until your heart’s content.”

When Thatcher looked up at me, my heart stopped. The adoration on his face made my knees go weak. He could have easily said he loved me at that moment, and I would have believed him.

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