Chapter 0430 

They are surrounded by sprites and I can hear the twittering and chittering of excitement from 


Grace and I stand, ready to welcome the fae royalty. The others join us as well as Alexander, the 

twins, Thomas and Tula. 

“King Alduin, Prince Aolis. Welcome to Safe Haven Pack. You are most welcome here.” I say. Leilani, Lolana and Alexander all kneel as the rest of the sprites join them on the ground. Tula tugs on Thomas until he too drops down, putting her on the ground so she can kneel before her 


“Alexander, what are you doing? He’s not your king.” I ask through the mind link. 

“Leilani and Lolana give you and Luna the same respect that I do. Therefore, I am giving their leader the same respect that they do.” As I watch, Thomas does as well 

*Please rise my children.” Ailduin says and in a gesture that would look ridiculous on anyone other than him, he spreads his arms wide, his palms facing up. It’s a majestic gesture that only a 

king could pull off. 

The sprites love for their king is obvious. They are very excited to see him and Aolis, but they are more quiet and respectful than usual I wonder how long that will last. 

Ailduin steps forward, looking from Alexander to Lelani and Lolana. “And I see we have some of 

our sprites that have mated with a werewolf.” 

“Yes. King Ailduin.” 

“He is our mate.” 

“We love him.” 

“And he loves us.” 

Ailduin looks at Alexander. “You will take good care of my children, yes?” 

Alexander wraps an arm around each of his mates. “They are my mates. I would give my life for 

them.” Lelani and Lolana swoon at this statement. 

“I’m glad to hear it. Now, I heard that another of my children was injured and needed my healing power. Where is she?” He looks around before looking at Grace. 

I watch as Grace goes over to Tula and Thomas. “Tula, let King Ailduin see your injury.” 

Tula’s head is down, as if she is embarrassed and can’t look at Ailduin. Thomas begins speaking. quietly to her as Ailduin approaches them. 

“Tula.” He says gently. 

She looks up at him. “King Ailduin.” And she bows her head. 

“May I see your injury?” She nods her head and Thomas reaches his hands out. She jumps into 

his hands, turning her back to Ailduin. 

“Hunters pulled her wing off, King Ailduin.” Thomas tells him. 

He holds his hand over her back, closing his eyes. I watch as he takes a couple of deep breaths. before his hands starts to glow. As soon as the glowing light touches Tula, she sucks in a breath, her head snapping up to look at Thomas. 

“Tula?” He asks, ready to pull her away if she’s in pain. In an instant, everyone can see her wing beginning to regrow. Grace comes over to me, wrapping her arms around my waist. I can feel her awe and her happiness for Tula through our bond as I feel her tears dampening my shirt as I hold 


The sprites all quietly ‘ohhh‘ and ‘awww‘ as if any noise will break Ailduin’s concentration and cause Tula’s wing to stop growing. The twins are leaning against Alexander, glowing tears running down their cheeks as they watch their friend as she’s healed in front of all of us. 

When he’s done, he steps back. Tula stands in Thomas’s hand, testing her new wing, flapping it gently before a huge smile spreads across her face and she lifts herself off his hands. 

“Tula!” Thomas’s voice is full of love, happiness and awe at his little mate. 

She turns to Ailduin. “Thank you, King Ailduin.” She says, before dipping to kiss his cheek. She 

turns and looks at Thomas. “I’m healed! I’m whole!” 

“My sweet girl. I’m so happy for you, but you know I loved you anyway.” 

“But Thomas, don’t you see? Now we can complete the mate bond! I can be like Leilani and 

Lolana! I can be a true mate to you.” She says before flying to him and wrapping her arms around. 

his neck. 

As we watch, her body stretches and shifts. She goes from being 1⁄2 a foot tall to nearly 5 feet tall. 

She’s still incredibly short compared to Thomas who is over 6 feet. But now, at least, she can 

have her human form. 

He swings her around, holding her close before kissing her passionately. I clear my throat. knowing my wolves tend to forget themselves when they are with the sprites. “Perhaps you want 

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to take Tula someplace more private, Thomas?” I say meaningfully. 

He pulls away from her before looking around. “Oh, right.” He starts to walk off before turning back. “Thank you, King Ailduin. Thank you so much!” He says before practically running to his 

room in the packhouse. 



Yay! Tula is healed! 

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