Chapter 0398 

The whole situation between Thomas and Tula was stressful and bizarre. I’m thankful to my mate, who really doesn’t like the sprites, for calling King Ailduin and finding out how to save Tula. 

As Thomas leaves, taking Tula with him to his room at the packhouse to recover, I turn to my mate. “Have I told you lately how amazing you are and how lucky I am to be mated to you?” I tell him, meaning every word. 

He pulls me to him. “I love you too, but you aren’t going to be feeling lucky when I tell you that I want that damn bullet out of your shoulder now and I don’t want any more interruptions.” 

I chuckle. “Nope, still feeling lucky.” I say, turning to see if any of the medical students are free. While we were dealing with Tula, they have been running around helping the pack members that were injured. 

“I can get that out.” Sirona says, escorting us to a room. I sit while she gets her scalpel and forceps. As she’s working Carlos comes in. “We have 15 wolves that were injured, twelve will be released tonight. Three will need to stay overnight. due to the silver in their system.” He says this as he watches Sirona remove the silv 

bullet from my shoulder. 

He frowns. “How?” He asks, wondering how I’m not affected by the silver. In truth, the longer it was in there, the more I was feeling the pain of the injury. Now that it’s out, I should heal pretty quickly and the fatigue I was feeling from the wolfsbane should burn off. 

“Gifts of being a Guardian.” I say, getting used to the phrase from all the time I spend with my Guardian sisters and their mates. 

“How are the other sprites?” I ask. 

“They will heal, their injuries were much less severe, and they have been chatting happily about riding on a wolf. The ones in the bunkers apparently kept the pups. entertained as well.” 

“We’ll need to speak to them and let them know that they can always come here when they are afraid. I know they said they would guard our lands, but really, it’s us that needs to protect them. They don’t seem like they will ever be fighters, but they are good monitors of the forest.” 

I can see that my mate is accepting that this is our new life. And hey, apparently sprites and werewolves can be mates and it used to be common. I think I’ll invite 

the sprites to our mate gathering when we have it here. It does make sense. Wolves are dominant animals by nature, only becoming submissive based on the hierarchy of the pack structure. Sprites don’t seem to have a dominant bone in their body, and they seem to appreciate the protective and possessive nature of wolves, where other supernaturals might find it smothering or cause battles for dominance in the relationship. 

That line of thinking makes me consider my relationship with Eli. We’re both Alphas, no matter what he says about being born a Beta. We both have a natural need to lead and dominate. Somehow, we make it work. Neither of us is so dominant that it causes friction in our relationship and both of us have submitted to the other. When I take charge, he lets me and vice versa. Maybe it’s more about trust. I trust that he will do what is right and best for us and the pack and he feels the same. 

“What is that look?” He says, coming over to me and pulling my hips against him, wrapping an arm around my waist. From the corner of my eye, I see Sirona and Carlos quietly leave the room. 

“I was thinking how well we fit together. How perfect you are for me. You always let me take charge when I feel the need and never try to assert your dominance over me. I was thinking that, for two Alphas, we do a pretty good job of not fighting each other to be the leader of the pack.” 

“You and I agree on nearly everything, except maybe the sprites. Our goals are the same and we work well together. The Moon Goddess got it right when she sent me to find you. I would never have guessed that this would be my life or that in such a short time, my mate and I could have built something so incredible together.” 

I reach up and kiss him, showing him how much I love and appreciate him through the kiss. He wraps his hand around the back of my neck, deepening the kiss, sliding his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues play together, but I let him dominate the kiss, wanting him to show me how much he needs me. 

As my arousal begins to perfume the air, I feel the low rumbling growl in his chest. “Little Alpha, if we don’t stop now, I’m going to take you over this hospital bed.” 

I slide my nose across his cheek to his ear. “Do it.” I whisper. 

In an instant, he has turned me around, bending me over the bed. One hand holding me down while the other slides the t–shirt I hastily put on after our battle up and over my head. As he holds me in place, his hand slides slowly down my back. I turn my head to look at him over my shoulder and watch as his eyes blaze a trail that follows his hand. 

+15 BONOS 

I arch my back, presenting myself to him, wanting to feel him. His eyes snap to mine as his fingers slide between my butt cheeks, before finding my slick opening. “So ready for me.” 

“Yes.” I whisper, breathily. 

“Are you going to be able to stay quiet, Little Alpha?” 

I nod my head. 

“Let’s test that.” He says, as he slides two fingers inside me, making me whimper. 

As I watch, his eyes return to where his fingers are sliding in and out of me. beautiful. And all mine.” The last he says on a growl, making my body clench around his fingers. 

I realize I’m not going to be able to stay quiet enough with a hospital full of shifters on the other side of the door, so I grab the t–shirt that is laying beside my head, pulling to my mouth to muffle 


I begin rocking my hips, wanting him to go faster. He knows what I want, what I need, and he gives it to me. His eyes flashing to mine as he pushes me over the edge. My body jerks with the orgasm but before I can completely come down, het removes his fingers, pulls down his shorts and slides his long, hard length inside. 

  1. me. 

“Remember baby, no one hears you but me.” He says, before taking my hips in both his hands and thrusting himself hard and deep inside me. He maintains a brutal pace and I grab hold of the bed, holding tight as he takes me over the edge again and again until I’m whimpering mess. 

“Mine!” He snarls as he makes his final thrust, sinking his canines into my neck, pushing me over precipice once more as he empties himself inside me. 

We’re both panting as he removes his canines from my neck, licking the wound closed, his body covering mine. 

“Yes, I am yours, my love. And you are mine.” I reply, blissfully. 

+15 BONOS 

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