Chapter 0270 

I can’t help but smirk, remembering my mornings with Angel when she first arrived. “And how’s that working out for your balls?” 

He gives me a knowing look. “Fucking sucks! I’ve never taken so many cold showers in my life.” 

“Yeah, I remember. And I didn’t have to wait terribly long. Angel, at least, felt the mate bond once Alessia was strong enough. You won’t have that with Sarah.” 

I look at him for a moment, weighing my words. “Are you sure you want to put yourself through this? And before you snarl at me for asking, yes, I absolutely believe that the mate bond is worth it and will overcome everything that she has gone through and the differences in her being human and you being a werewolf. But you have to know that you are potentially taking on years of not completing the mate bond. While she may be here, it won’t be complete and Leon will struggle with not marking her.” 

“He already does, but he also knows that if he pushes her too hard, we may lose her, so he lets me rein him in when he gets too close. It also helps that she is agreeable to letting us sleep in her bed at night. At least then we feel closer to her.” 

“Talk to her, see if you can get her to talk to Angel. She’s her Luna now too, and they are friends.” 

After getting through the never–ending piles of work, we are ready for training. ” What are you doing with Sarah while you train?” I ask him. 

“Actually, I was going to ask if you mind if I bring her from now on. I’d like for her to learn how to wield a weapon. I think it will make her feel more confident when we are attacked. It would also be good for our Beta female to have some knowledge of battle tactics.‘ 


“Sure, go ahead and bring her.” I say, before heading out to find my mate. 

I find her door blocked by Sarah. “Alpha, our Luna is busy at the moment. Is it important or can it wait?” She looks at her watch. “Their meeting will be done in about five minutes. I am aware that she has warrior training and have scheduled her appointments around that.” 

“I’ll wait. And apparently, she’s not the only one with warrior training today.” I tell her as Dustin comes up behind me. 

He passes me and walks over to Sarah. I can tell by the way she looks at him that 

+15 BONOS 

she feels something for him. It may not be what we feel with the mate bond, but I’m sure it’s hard to resist. Dustin would do or be anything for Sarah, and he’d have no problems telling her and showing her that. 

“What’s going on Dustin?” She asks him as he pulls her to his chest, kissing the top of her head. 

I want you to feel confident in your ability to protect yourself when I’m not around. So, I talked to Liam and he agreed that you could begin training with us, except with weapons rather than hand to hand combat.” 

Her eyes light up. “Really?” 

I understand the smile on his face all too well. It’s the smile of a man who just made his mate happy. I love the feeling I get when Angel smiles at me like I made her day. It makes me feel like the king of the world, and that’s the look Dustin has right now. 

“Really. You ready to go?” 

“Oh.” She looks down at herself. 

“Go put on comfortable clothes and then Leon will give you a ride.” He says. before hugging her and letting her go. 

“Thank you! Thank you both.” She says looking between us. 

“No need to thank me. I’m all for my pack members being able to defend themselves and others in the pack.” I tell her before she rushes off. 

I turn to Dustin as the door to his office opens. “Oh, Alpha. Beta.” It’s Olivia, the woman that Dustin got to cover for the kitchens after everything went south with Henry and she has a big smile on her face. 

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