Chapter 0211 

He pulls my hand up to his mouth and kisses it. “Thank you.” He says, turning his head to look at me

“For what?” 

“For giving me a chance. I won’t let you down.” 

“You’re welcome. And training went well. I was exhausted afterward but Alessia said she felt stronger. Maybe that’s why she could finally tell you were our mate.” 

He nods his head. “That makes sense. Are you supposed to go back tomorrow?” 

“Yes. Same time. Oh, and, Cara told me that someone named Ailduin will be here next weekend. He’s bringing his son and they want to hear and document my story.” 

“The Fae King and his son Aolis. Apparently, they are the keepers of the Guardian’s history. I’m sure he’ll be thrilled to meet you.” 

“I’ve never met any of the Fae. Do you know anything about them?” 

He looks at me, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. “From what I’ve heard from Rik and Cara, he’s a good king. He apparently was mated to someone with your Guardian spirit a long time ago, so he’s a bit partial to Alessia. But don’t go getting any ideas. You’re my mate.” He growls the last part out. 

“And apparently, I’m your Guardian too.” I turn to look at him. “Did you know that?” 

He glances at me but keeps his eyes on the road. “I assumed. Seeing that Cara is Rik’s Guardian, and they are mates, it was a logical assumption.” 

I nod as we pull into a quaint looking area with shops on either side of the main road. Liam parks and comes around to help me down. He takes my hand and walks me to a shop advertising women’s clothes. “These shops are on the border. of Rik’s and our pack lands. Both packs come here to shop. There are human cities nearby and we can go there if you would like. I have my offices in the nearest city, and I’d like to show it to you eventually anyway.” 

It doesn’t escape me that he called them ‘our‘ pack lands. When the man says he’s willing to be everything I want in a mate, he jumps in with both feet. 

When we walk into the shop, the woman at the counter looks aggravated until she sees Liam. “Alpha! What a pleasant surprise. How can I help you today?” She is looking at and talking to Liam like I’m not in the room. 

+15 BONDS 

Alessia stands up in my head, growling at this woman for her disrespect. She pushes forward and I know the instant that the woman realizes her mistake. Her eyes widen into saucers, and she gulps audibly. Guardian. My apologies.” She bares her neck to me. “I was unaware that we had another Guardian in our packs.” 

“Sophia. This is Angel, a Guardian as you can see, and my mate.” 

Her eyes immediately go to my neck, looking for a mate mark. “Your….mate?” 

“Yes. We are here to get her some new clothes. Can you help us?” 

“Of course, Alpha. What kind of clothes were you thinking?” 

Liam turns to me. Again, the woman was ignoring me. “Would you like to look around and see what you’d like to try on?” He asks me. 

“Yes, that would be great.” 

“Please look around. Let me know if you need any assistance at all.” Sophia says. to Liam. 

Liam guides me further into the store and we begin to look at the clothes. We find some jeans, tops and other clothes before I head into the changing rooms. 

Liam insists on seeing everything that I try on and makes suggestions. In the end, I found several outfits, some workout clothes and some cute nightgowns. “This is a good start.” Liam says as he pays for the clothes. I see he also grabbed some scented body wash and lotion as well. “We’ll go shopping again soon, but I want to get some food in you.” 

It’s more clothing than I’ve had in years, but I don’t want to argue in front of Sophia, who continues to ignore me and flirt with Liam. Thankfully, he ignores 


When she’s done ringing up the purchase, he grabs the bag and turns to me. Ready?” 


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