Chapter 1: Find Her, Br… 

His approach to problems was notoriously direct and efficient; he believed in using money where it could solve problems, and where it couldn’t, he wouldn’t hesitate to 

employ force. 

If these incompetents couldn’t fend off the invading hacker, then the solution was simple–track them through the net and bring them back by any means necessary. 

Meanwhile, in a rundown rental apartment, Isabella Sterling watched 

the characters dance across her 

screen with satisfaction. At this rate, 

the firewall of the Ascot Group wouldn’t last three days. 

She had heard that Alexander had spent a fortune to acquire a piece of land that the city hall had intended 

for the reconstruction of an 

orphanage. His ruthlessness and lack 




Chapter 1: Find Her, Br… 

of compassion seemed boundless. 

“Perhaps it’s time he learns a lesson. Even if the Ascot Group doesn’t crumble, the losses Alexander will suffer from this attack are 


Isabella’s lips curved into a smirk at the thought. Glancing at the time on her screen, she realized she was late again and braced herself for the inevitable consequences. 

At Sterling Manor, her stepmother, Eleanor Sterling, and half–sister, Charlotte Sterling, were leisurely enjoying fruit on the couch. Eleanor’s uncharacteristic approach upon Isabella’s entry was alarming. 

“Isabella, you’ve finally returned. Just in time, I have some good news for you.” 

Skeptical, Isabella recalled how even 




a half–minute delay in the past would result in a tirade or worse, physical punishment. Ever since being adopted from the orphanage by the Sterlings, such treatment had 

become the norm. 

“Ungrateful girl, are you deaf to my words?” Eleanor’s patience was thin, especially for an adopted child who couldn’t grasp the gravity of the conversation. 

Charlotte stood up, her red dress 

billowing like a declaration of her aristocratic status. “Sister, given the recent troubles our corporation has faced, our parents worry about your future. They’ve found a wealthy suitor for you. Marrying him will ensure you a life of luxury.” 

Isabella’s eyes flickered with 

amusement but she remained silent, 

fully aware of the Sterlings‘ 




Chapter 1: Find Her, Br… 

intentions. Their recent financial 

blunders had pushed them to this. desperate measure of marrying her 


“Why shouldn’t Charlotte take this wonderful opportunity?” Isabella countered, watching Charlotte’s face 

sour instantly. 

Eleanor interjected, “Charlotte and Mr. Alexander have been childhood 

sweethearts. Only someone of Mr. Alexander’s caliber is worthy of our Charlotte. You should realize your 


Their words made Charlotte beam with pride. Despite Isabella’s beauty, they viewed her as nothing more than a pawn in their game–destined to marry a detestable old man, while Charlotte would bask in the glory of union with Riverdale’s most 

powerful man. 




Chapter 1: Find Her. Br… 

“From what I’ve heard, he might be older, but he’s wealthy and caring. It took a lot of convincing to arrange this marriage. Don’t disappoint our parents,” Charlotte pressed, with Eleanor quickly adding, “This matter is settled. Your agreement is irrelevant. The engagement ceremony is tomorrow night. We’re doing this for your own good.” 

“I understand. Let’s proceed as you wish,” Isabella complied, her docility catching Charlotte off guard, who expected more resistance. It seemed, after all, that an orphan could only 

be so fortunate to secure a 

benefactor, leaving no room for 


Isabella ascended the stairs without betraying any emotion, her room 

situated at the very end of the 

second floor. It was a converted 

storeroom, less comfortable than 



Chapter 1: Find Her Br 

even a servant’s quarters, shadowy and damp

Sitting on the edge of her bed, she pulled out her phone to scroll through Riverdale’s latest news flashes. The cyber attack on the Ascot Group had made headlines, sparking a myriad of speculations in the comments. Yet, no one guessed that the “mastermind behind it all 

was a women. 


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