Naomi thought for a moment before deciding to call. It took Tyler about six minutes to answer. As soon as he did, she blurted out, "It's me, Tyler." She was worried he might not recognize her voice. "I know it's you," he replied calmly.

Relieved, Naomi's tension eased. "Well, my parents and I are really worried about Olivia. How is she doing?"

Hillary was nearby, looking anxious.

To their surprise, Tyler answered, "I'll drop by at noon."

"You're coming over today?" Naomi asked, shocked but relieved.

"Mm-hmm, that's right," he confirmed.

"Okay, I'll be waiting," Naomi replied, a bit more relaxed now.

"Mm-hmm," Tyler responded flatly.

Once the call ended, Hillary quickly asked, "How was it?"

"He said he's coming over," Naomi told her, putting down her phone.

"That's great! See, he still cares, especially at a time like this. What's there to worry about?" Hillary said, trying to reassure her.

Naomi didn't respond to that.

Tyler arrived a few hours later.

As soon as he entered, Hillary, who had been sitting on the couch, approached him. "Tyler," she greeted him. "How's Olivia?" Her red, swollen eyes showed how much she was worried about Olivia. Naomi, who was in bed, didn't show much reaction; she just watched silently.

"She's recuperating," Tyler said without much emotion. "She needs time to heal."

Hillary listened intently, her expression growing more concerned. "Does she still not recognize anyone?" she asked, hoping for more information.

Tyler only gave a brief reply, not lingering on the conversation, and turned to walk toward Naomi.

It had been days since Naomi and Tyler had seen each other. Seeing him brought a mix of emotions. "So, what are the doctors doing for her now?" Naomi managed to ask.

"Psychotherapy. We can't use any medications on her right now," Tyler explained.

Naomi's expression turned guiltier. After a pause, Hillary added, "Would it affect her if we delay the medications?"

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