Naomi felt uneasy, so she decided to visit Olivia in the hospital the next morning to check on her. When she got to Olivia's room, she was surprised to find it empty.

She stood there for a moment, confused, and then leaned back in her wheelchair. A nurse walked by, and Naomi asked her, "Do you know where the patient from this room went?" The nurse stopped and looked at Naomi. "Do you mean Mrs. Harris?"

It took Naomi a moment to respond after hearing Olivia referred to that way. "Yes, that's her."

"She was discharged this morning. Someone took her home," the nurse explained.

"She went home?" Naomi repeated, trying to process the information.

"Yes, this morning," the nurse confirmed. She then asked, "Are you her sister?"

Naomi's voice softened. "I am."

"Oh, didn't anyone tell you?"

Just then, Hillary arrived. She had just gotten to the hospital and hurried over when she saw Naomi. "Naomi, are you here to ask about Olivia?"

Hearing Hillary, Naomi fell silent for a while before saying, "Mom, they took her home."

Hillary was stunned. "She went home?"

"Didn't Tyler tell you?" Hillary asked, concerned.

After another long silence, Naomi replied calmly, "I'm sure he'll call."

Turning back to the nurse, Naomi asked, "Is it serious?"

The nurse nodded. "It's quite serious. She can't be treated right now since she's pregnant."

Naomi was quiet again.

Hillary, usually so composed, was now worried. She slapped her own palm and said, "What do we do?"

Naomi, more composed than the day before, thanked the nurse and then made a phone call. She was calling Tyler.

He answered on the third ring. "Tyler, did you bring Olivia home?" Naomi asked with concern.

"Yes," Tyler replied, his voice distant.

Naomi paused, feeling the coldness in his tone. "How is she?"

"She's resting," he said.

Naomi gripped her phone tighter. "Did the doctor say when she will get better?"


Naomi, deep in thought, pressed further. "Tyler, what should we do now?" She asked this partly to gauge his response and partly to figure out a plan.

Tyler was silent for a moment before responding, "I've arranged for a therapist to stay here to counsel her. Right now, the only person she trusts is the maid taking care of her."

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