Tyler spent almost the entire day with Naomi at her house. They left around 6 pm, enjoying the cool evening breeze through the open car windows.

Naomi suddenly rested her head on Tyler's shoulder. "I really hope we can stay like this forever, Tyler."

In the dim light of the car, Tyler could only make out Naomi's pale face. His expression was unreadable as he gazed into the dark night.

Rain began to fall, creating a melancholy scene with wet leaves scattered along the street and small lamps glowing faintly. Naomi felt the distance in Tyler's behavior but chose to stay close, leaning on his shoulder and holding his arm.

"Can you forgive me, Tyler?" she asked quietly, not caring about how she appeared. All she wanted was his forgiveness, confident that he would forgive her eventually.

She believed their relationship was strong enough to withstand any issues. She hoped they could quickly put their recent troubles behind them. She wanted to be with him always, just like they were now- peaceful and steady.

"Let's move on," Tyler said, his voice devoid of emotion, as if he was just trying to keep the peace between them.

Naomi didn't notice his detachment. She smiled and squeezed his hand. "I'm such a lucky girl," she murmured.

But at that moment, Tyler thought of someone else, which made him frown. He quickly looked away to hide his feelings.

Olivia, who had dropped out of school, was keeping up with her studies. She was reading a textbook on her couch.

It wasn't just for fun; she was serious about learning. The only sounds in her room were the rustling of pages and the scratch of her pencil on paper.

Outside, the wind was blowing strongly. Olivia glanced out the window, watching the trees sway in the gusts.

Suddenly, her phone buzzed with a message from Claude: [It's a windy night.]

She had been ignoring him. She treated him as her friend, but it was a different story to him. He had crossed the line. Confused by his intentions, she usually didn't respond to his messages. But tonight felt different-lonely and overly quiet.

She looked at the message for a moment before replying tentatively, [It is.]

[Are you scared?] Claude texted back after a while.

Olivia was surprised. How did he know she would become nervous whenever it rained?

[I'm not], she responded, trying to sound braver than she felt.

Claude's next message popped up: [Turn on the TV. There's an old movie that I think you'd like.]

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