Chapter 309

Tyler told Ana, "No need.” He then quickly walked away.

Ana turned to Olivia and said, "Olivia, you don't have to stay with me. Go and keep him company.”

Olivia stood still, and Tyler replied to Ana, "I've got things to do. I'll be in the study. I want to be alone.”

Ana squinted when she heard this. Olivia was still next to her after Tyler went upstairs.

After a moment, Ana looked at Olivia and asked, "You two had a fight, right? Aren't you going to try to fix it?"

Olivia's arms trembled. She looked down, silent and unmoving.

Ana picked up a candle and said, "They say fights between couples don't last overnight. Are you really not going to talk to him again?" She continued, "Go get the red velvet cake from the kitchen."

Olivia understood that Ana wanted to prevent their relationship from worsening, which is why she was being kind. But she also knew this was Ana's way of showing her stance to Naomi.

Despite this, Olivia didn't move. She had always followed Ana's instructions since she arrived.

Ana noticed her hesitation and asked sharply, “What? You're not listening to me anymore?"

Olivia replied quietly, "Okay, Mom." Her voice was flat, like she was just going through the motions.

Ana's tone softened, "All conflicts can be resolved.”

“I know," Olivia responded gently.

She went to the kitchen, took the red velvet cake from the maid, and walked upstairs robotically.

Tyler was on a call when she entered the study. He turned to see her coming in.

Olivia approached him, her face emotionless . “Tyler, Aunt Ana sent me to bring you this."

Tyler said, “Put it on the desk," and turned back to his work.

Olivia placed the plate on his desk. As she turned to leave, Tyler, now sitting, said, "

I shouldn't have spoken to you like that yesterday."

Olivia stopped and replied, “It's my fault, Tyler." Her expression remained unchanged, as if she couldn't feel her face.

Tyler looked at her indifferently and said, “It's in the past now. Let's move on."

"Okay, Tyler. I'll leave if that's all,” Olivia said.

"Mm-hmm, you may go," he responded, equally cold.

Their conversation was brief. Olivia left the study after completing her task.

Ana was in the living room, observing what was happening upstairs. She frowned when she saw Olivia leave the study after just five minutes.

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