Chapter 12


Olivia found their intimacy overwhelming, and she continued to resist. She clutched the corner of his shirt in an attempt to pull away, but Tyler held onto the hand gripping his shirt. In the next moment, he was gently caressing her through the gap between her fingers.

He loosened his hold on her lips slightly and panted as he whispered with his lips next to hers, “Can 1?

She said nothing.

He gently removed her resisting hand from his shirt, and only then did she relax. Their lips met again, and he continued to kiss her.

The intimacy of the moment left her in a state of panic, and she instinctively reached for something to hold onto. He grabbed her hand once more, this time holding it firmly rather than caressing her.

Olivia felt a mixture of fear and anxiety, unsure of what to do. However, his grip on her hand provided a sense of support, and she allowed him to kiss her as he pleased.

Their passionate kiss lasted for nearly ten minutes.

When they finally stopped, the driver and secretary got back into the car. Olivia and Tyler remained in their seats, looking calm.

There was a subtle uneasiness on Olivia's face, but the driver and secretary didn’t pay much attention. They thought it was simply unusually quiet in the car, with Tyler appearing indifferent.

The driver then asked, “Mr. Tyler, where should we take Ms. Olivia?”

It was noon, and Olivia was supposed to return to school. However, she was now in Tyler's car, keeping her gaze down and remaining silent.

Tyler turned to her gently and asked, “Would you like to go back to school?” His voice was gentle and slightly husky.

“Mm—hmm..."” She nodded slightly without looking at him.

Tyler made a suggestion after hearing Olivia's response, “There's a farm we need to approve of, right? We should check it out.”

The driver hadn't anticipated Tyler's interest in visiting the farm. The Harris Group had purchased the land, and it currently lay vacant, serving as a home to animals tended to by nearby villagers.

Turning to Olivia, Tyler inquired, “Would you like to go?”

Olivia hesitated, remaining silent.

Tyler, without waiting for her answer, said to the driver, “Let's head to the farm. Treat it as being my company for work.”

Chanter 12

Olivia understood that his words were meant for her. She clasped her hands together, still saying nothing.

And so, they made their way to the farm. It was noon, and the animals on the farm were frolicking Joyously in the sunshine. Horses, sheep, and highland cattle roamed freely across the vast expanse.

As Olivia followed Tyler, her gaze fixated on a young calf. It was small, likely born not too long ago, and it trotted around the farm, mooing happily. It was undeniably cute.

Noticing her interest in the calf, Tyler stood beside her and asked, “Would you like to pet it?"

She hesitated, her caution still intact, and quickly shook her head. “N— No,”

Respecting her decision, he didn't press further. He merely cast a glance her way and then turned his attention back to the task at hand. At that moment, his secretary approached, handing him a document— the farm's map, which unfolded to nearly a meter in width.

Olivia hadn't expected him to be here for work.

The secretary began to explain, “Apart from the designated felling zone in the north, we have almost complete freedom to develop the land. We've assigned Zac Newman as the project lead.”

Tyler, scrutinizing the map with a thoughtful expression, responded, “We won't be using Zac.”

The secretary was puzzled by his words. A moment later, as Tyler studied the map intently, lost in thought, he said, “Remember the young man named Jacob at lunch? I want him on this project.”

“What?” the secretary asked, taken aback.

Olivia couldn't help but look at Tyler the moment she heard Jacob's name.

Tyler continued, “Don’t we have an open manager position? Discuss it with him.”

Working at the Harris Group was a privilege reserved for top talents from prestigious schools. Jacob, still a student, being offered a managerial role at the company was indeed unusual.

Chanty 13.

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