The Assassin’s Mate
New Beginnings

We arrived at the Whitestone Pack around 3pm that day. This pack was twice the size as my father's and had the scariest fighters I've ever seen. Most of them were the size of statues and looked as mean as snakes.

There was training going on all around us both male and female wolves and the air was full of power.

The car pulled up to a massive house and there were people standing all around waiting for us. A man in a long black suit opened my door and let me out.

As a kid I thought this was the coolest thing ever but I still didn't understand why my father would send me here. He didn't like me at all and to send me somewhere nice, well that just didn't make sense.

Alpha Crane escorted me to a room on the third floor, I stopped in my tracks, he must be mistaken. This floor is only for him and his family. In fact, at my old house, I didn't even have a room, I slept behind the kitchen in the workers quarters.

He noticed my hesitancy and said "Elise, you do not have anything to fear. This entire floor is for you to use at your leisure. Follow me, your room is just down this hall."

I nodded and walked cautiously towards him. He waited for me to catch up then we walked past a few more doors until we stopped in front of a dark stained one.

He opened it and my mouth dropped at the sight. The whole room was painted a light pink color with cream ruffled curtains that hung from the ceiling and layed in pools of material all along the floor.

They were covering three long picture windows with an incredible view of the mountains.

Across from the windows was an enourmous king sized four poster bed covered in pretty carvings.

There was a door next to it which I guessed was the closet and when I opened the door I walked into the biggest room I had ever seen.

Floor to ceiling shelves of shoes on both sides and hanging bars on the end full of clothes. Drawers filled with undergarments and accessories lined the middle. There was even a mirror and an chair inside.

Alpha Crane poked his head in and said "I hope everything is up to your liking. I also took the liberty of filling it with clothes."

I nodded my head still in disbelief. He chuckled and said "Well then, I'll leave you to unpack your things. Since we drove without stopping for lunch, I will have someone bring you a snack in 5 minutes. Dinner will be at 6 downstairs. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

"Thank you Alpha Crane." I said with tears welling in my eyes.

He smiled and shut the door. Once I was sure he was gone, I ran and jumped onto the bed. I've never had my own room let alone something this big.

I quickly sat up when there was a knock at the door.

"Ms. Baxter? I have some food for you."

I opened the door and there stood a young lady in a uniform with a tray of delicious smelling food in her hand.

"Yes, please come in. And my name is Elise."

She nodded and walked in, setting the tray on my dresser. "My name is Nadia. I will be your attendant while you are here. If there is anything I can get for you, just call me." She gave a curt bow and walked out.

"Thank you." But she was gone before I could finished my sentence.

I sat on my bed with the tray of cheese, crackers, fruit and meats. I finished it off and then started feeling tired from the trip so I laid down on the bed and fell asleep.

I didn't know how long I was out but when I woke up the sun was starting to set outside. I jumped up and ran to the bathroom running a quick bath.

Once I was done I grabbed a dress from my closet and some sandals and waited on my bed for dinner.

After what felt like an eternity, Nadia came to my room. She brought me down the stairs to a huge room with a long table and chairs along each side.

There were wolves taking there places and soon I was sitting next to the Alpha as his guest. I sat there with my hands in my lap and my head down feeling out of place.

Alpha Crane arrived and we all stood as he took his place at the head of the table. Once he nodded his head everyone sat down.

"Attention everyone! As most of you know, I recently made a visit to a neighboring pack and I am pleased to say we have formed another alliance."

Everyone started cheering and clapping and the Alpha smiled at them. He then looked down at me and winked causing a blush to creep along my face.

"Ok settle down now. Along with the alliance, I have made an agreement with Alpha Baxter to take in his daughter for proper schooling and training. His pack isn't equipped with the same life skills as ours so we will adopt her into our community until we see fit that she can return."

I gasped at the thought of having to go back to that horrible place and tears started rolling down my face.

Alpha Crane placed his hand on my shoulder and looked down at me saying "It's ok Elise. I promise you I will not let you go home until you have learned how to defend yourself."

I looked up at him in awe. He knew about the abuse and he took me away from it. He was protecting me.

I smiled back at him and wiped my tears away. He then sat down and gestured for me to do the same.

Once dinner was over he introduced me to a bunch of new people. A lot of them had children my age but I didn't remember seeing any when we drove up or even now while we were eating dinner.

I started to yawn and Alpha Crane pulled me away from everyone and brought me back to my room.

"Elise, tomorrow I will bring you to school to let you meet everyone. Then we will take a tour of the pack. I know you have been through a lot but I am here to help you. Now I know you ate supper with us tonight but from now on all your meals will be in the other dining hall with all the other children."

"Alpha? Do you have any kids?"

His face grew cold and his eyes got sad then he looked at me and said "No, Elise I don't."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a squeeze. He chuckled and hugged me back.

"Alright it's time for bed. I will have Nadia wake you up at 7 then we will start our day. But I will warn you, there are rules that you must follow, not like the ones you had at your old pick, these will help you and not hurt you."

I nodded my head and walked into my room. I got dressed in my pajamas and got into bed. Tomorrow I would meet my new friends.

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