Just after we settled down from one party there was another being thrown for some snooty aristocrat and his use of human auctioning to raise money for refuge reform. Supposedly the idea was to take Rogue's in and try to rehabilitate them into civilized wolves so they could be integrated back into civilian life. I wasn't enthused about going but Julius assured me there would be more wolves there who I needed to investigate so again I was primped and plucked and stuffed into an uncomfortable dress just to be pranced around like a show pony.

Yes you heard me right, Julius managed to get me into the auction hoping that one of the Kings-to-be would buy me and I could get close to him. Time was ticking and we only had three weeks until the Blue Moon and the announcement of the King and I wasn't getting any closer than I was weeks ago but I had a feeling in my gut that something would be changing soon.

The affair was black and white attire so my choice for a dress this time was simple, no slit included, but featured a low open back, trimmed in lace, with a ruffle and tappered to a mermaid train down past me feet.

It was beautiful yet elegant but it wouldn't cause a distraction like the last one so Finn would hopefully be keeping his eyes to himself. Once I was dressed I walked downstairs and checked myself in the mirror while I waited for him to finish up. How is it that I'm always done before him?

He stepped out of his room dressed to the T in another tuxedo similar to the one he wore for the ball but this one had a long coat tail. He also chose a black shirt this time creating a dark alluring sense about him. My eyes traveled his body as he looked in the same mirror as me and adjusted his tie. My body started to heat up as he pulled at his sleeves revealing his bulging muscles busting at the seems. I couldn't help but wonder what they would feel like around my tiny little waist. Get a grip Li. Stop thinking with your pussy and let's go.

I turned around and opened the door to another awaiting limo and joyfully climbed into the back seat while Finn followed behind me. I sat down and felt slightly dizzy from the musky scent he was emitting and I pressed my thighs together as my panties became wet with desire. Well that's new! Since when do you get turned on? You've never even thought about a man touching you let alone one making you leak all over the seat.

My eyes dilated and my nose started to flare as the heat scorched in my core. I needed to cool down but the option to roll down the window was a no go since it started to rain. Finn clawed at the seat as he tried to gain his composure but I knew all too well he already sniffed out my arousal the minute the door closed.

He turned to me as his eyes changed back to that beautiful green color and in seconds he had lifted the privacy window and was pulling me into his lips, hard. Our mouths crashed together like two needy addicts finally getting their fix after being starved of their drug for too long. I threaded my fingers through his hair as he grabbed me by the nape of my neck and pulled me closer. His other hand traveled down my chest and he pulled down my top revealing my hard taut nipple of my perky breast. He hungrily pulled at it causing me to gasp leaving me panting at the feel of his rough hands kneading my swollen buds.

He looked at me with pure lust in his eyes as he lowered his head to my awaiting bosom that was heaving from our intense make out session. He wrapped his lips around my pink rosy bud and sucked it into his mouth making my back arch and my hand dig into his shoulder. He grazed his teeth along it causing it to harden more eliciting a jumble of words to leave my mouth. He kissed it then moved onto the other as he licked it then blew over it causing that one to pucker as well.

He grabbed me by my hips and pulled me to the edge of the seat as he knelt in front of me. He slowly pushed my dress above my knees and up my thighs exposing the white lace panties I was wearing for the occasion. My temperature rose as his hands trailed along my thighs and a whimper escaped my lips.

"Fuck, Mila. What are you doing to me?" He said before pulling my panties down revealing my glistening pussy ripe for the taking.

"Finn? Please."

"What lil bit? What do you want?"

I was too captivated by his words to say anything as he ran his fingers through my wet folds making me buck into the seat. He flicked his thumb back and forth around my clit stirring feelings inside of me that I have never experienced, feelings I never involved myself in because I didn't want to seem weak or needy but for right now I needed him to touch me even if it was only for tonight.

He leaned down in between my legs and ran his tongue along my inner thigh while he continued his sinful torture on my sensitive clit making my entire body shake with need. I grabbed a fist full of his beautiful hair and pulled at his roots as he made his way to my center.

Just then the car came to a stop and the driver spoke through the speaker letting us know we had arrived. He chuckled against my clit causing me to spasm and jerk my legs as I groaned in disbelief of my missed release. I quickly gathered my bearings and sat up pushing my dress down to the floor giving Finn the most dangerous pair of eyes as my adrenaline pumped so hard through my veins, I could feel my heartbeat in my ears. Great, now my frustration was at an all time high and I absolutely wasn't going to be getting myself into that position again. I lost myself in the high of the moment but I had to make it clear to Finn that we could not and would not be having a repeat of our little back seat dance.

He got back on the seat and stuck his fingers in his mouth sucking the juices that he gathered while teasing my tight hole. My eyes grew wide as he opened the door and stepped out holding his hand out for me to take as he helped me onto the sidewalk. The crowd was much bigger than the last party but my flustered state had my mind occupied with other things and I strolled through the door without Finn by my side and straight to the bar.

After my third glass of whiskey my heart rate finally slowed and I was able to return to some sort of a normal state of mind. I took a deep breath in then out and almost fainted when the auctioneer took the stage to start the bids.

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