The Alpha's Surprised Mate (Book #1 of Silver Moon Series)
Ninety - Two: Dinner with the Parents

Ninety-Two: Dinner with the Parents


We have been at Dustin's parents’ for about thirty minutes for dinner. I am really excited to be here. I have not been out of the house for a few days now. Yes, it is all Kaleb’s fault. I love him, but he is driving me absolutely crazy. I know I am overdue by wolf standards but not by human or immortal standards. Both the doctor and Imyra have checked, and I am not even close to being due yet. They both determined that I was not as far along as was originally thought. I just looked like it on ultrasound because I am having twins, and one twin is a bit larger than the other. We still can’t see enough to tell what I am having, but I also don't care. This pregnancy has been easier than it was with Jordyn. I really thought this would be worse because there are two babies, but I was wrong. The only horrible part was the beginning when I got so sick. I mean, who gets hit with both morning sickness and the fucking stomach flu at the same time? Apparently, I, because I have that kind of luck. I look around and find a nice comfy chair to sit in.

“You, doing ok honey?” Reece asks.

“Yeah, feet just hurt a little,” I tell him.

He brings me something to drink. Kaleb walks over with a worried look on his face, and I seriously want to slap him. I am not made of fucking glass as he seems to think. I roll my eyes and sit back. Reece laughs at me and pulls Kaleb away. Hopefully, he talks some sense into him. We are all sitting in the living room talking when Lani comes in and says that dinner is ready. Yes, finally, food. I am fucking starving. I am way more hungry this time than I was with Jordyn. We all take out seats around the table and start passing around the food. Damn, Lani is a good cook. We all enjoyed the dinner.

We are back in our room at the packhouse. Dinner was amazing, and I am so full. The twins seem to be in a food coma, so maybe I will get a decent night's sleep. They tend to like to start moving early in the morning, waking me up. I have just walked out of the bathroom in my jammies to find Kaleb sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. I sat down by him and ran my fingers through his silky hair.

“Hey gorgeous,” Kaleb says.

“What's wrong?” I ask worriedly.

“I am sorry if I am overbearing. I just worry about the three of you. Especially after the incident in the rec room.” He admits.

“I know that incident scared you, but you have to remember that I am ok and I can take care of myself. I am not made of glass. I do promise not to do something stupid, but I would never do anything to put these two in danger.” I tell him.

“I know, but all I can picture is you laying on that floor. I know you are more than able to protect yourself even if you're six months pregnant.” He admits.

I wrap my arms around him and give him a kiss. He responds a lot. I squirm my way out of his hold and move to the other side of the bed. I don't make it far as I find myself on the bed with him on top of me. I guess I can get into this. I give him a smile, and he takes that as a yes and I guess I won't be getting any sleep tonight for a different reason.


Damn, dinner last night was fantastic. I have never been so full in my life. I am sitting in the rec room with Kylani and Leah. Bree and Araya are a school. We are sitting there watching a movie. None of us is really paying attention to it, though. Mykenzie walks in with some tea and sits down in one of the recliners. I still can't believe that Leah is pregnant. I think it is so nice that we will have so many little ones close to the same age again. As for the three oldest kids, Imyra and Aphrodite took them to visit family and to give us a break. Those two little boys are trouble together. I have a feeling that it is just going to get worse as they get older. The only thing that keeps them from causing too much chaos is Jordyn. All she has to do is make a sad sound, and my son is right there by her, making sure she is ok. I thought it was cute when he walked up to Draydon and hit him on the leg for taking Jordyn's attention from him. My son is greedy for her attention, just like all the other males around here who want all the attention.

“OK, so I am fucking bored,” Leah announces.

“Me to, what the hell is there to do?” Kylani adds.

We sit there and rack our brains to find something to do. We are limited cause none of us wants to drive anywhere. We decide to go outside and see if that sparks any ideas. It doesn't, but it is relaxing to sit around our pool. We decide to play around with our powers. We have been playing with our powers for about an hour.


“Oh hey, baby, what's up?” I ask

“I get a call at work from a pack member saying that the pack is under attack from someone throwing fireballs at the pack.” He tells us.

“Sorry, we were just playing because we are bored,” I tell him.

He looks at the others, and neither Kylani nor Mykenzie seem too worried. They really aren't even paying attention to him, which makes me laugh. Ashton, Marcus, Zak, and Jace walk up just then.

“Why are we hearing that the pack is under attack from the fire?” Marcus asks.

Again I explained to him what we were doing. Leah tells him we are bored and have nothing else to do. Jace and Zak start laughing at the situation. Ashton starts to make a comment but quickly shuts his mouth. His hair is still bright purple from the last time he irritated Mykenzie. It was hilarious when he came busting into the packhouse looking for them that morning. I have never heard as much laughter as I did when all the rest of the guys saw him with his new hair. He was so pissed, but there was really nothing he could do. I tell Dustin we need something to do if there are going to restrict us to the pack’s territory. He sighs and says that he will think of something.

“It's like we are going to burn anything. We have complete control of our power. I mean we have only been using them since we were born for the most part.” Mykenzie states.

I watch all the guys walk away without commenting on Mykenzie's statement. There is really nothing they can say back because they know it is true. We stay and hang out by the pool because there is nothing else to do. Dustin

I walk into the packhouse and drop down onto the couch. Seriously I understand that they are bored, but playing with fire. I know they have control of their powers, but why fire? These women are going to turn my hair grey prematurely. Chris walks in to see the five of us sitting there.

“What did my sisters do now?" He asks.

I told them the phone call I received and what they were doing out back by the pool. He starts laughing.

“What's with all the laughing?” Kaleb says.

He and Brighton walk into the room just then. I explain again, and I see Kaleb shake his head. We sit there and try to find something to keep the girls entertained. We are coming up with a big blank as far as an idea when Liam walks in. He sees us and raises one of his eyebrows. We tell him what happened and that the girls are getting bored. He laughs, and I am so glad that everyone thinks this is so fucking funny.

“Why don't you let them decorate all those new cottages on the new land. They can play interior designer and it keeps them entertained and hopefully stops them from causing a fire.” Liam says.

That is the best idea I have heard of. We just remodelled and built 25 cottages, which all need to be painted and decorated. This is perfect for five bored women. I thank Liam for the great idea, and he says. Liam asks the girls to come in, and I hear a couple of them groan. I just roll my eyes and wait for them to come into the room. I watch as they walk into the room. I can tell they are not excited about this conversation. Kylani sits down in Kaleb's lap after giving Liam a hug. I see him lightly smack her leg after she mumbled something. I start telling them about the idea, and I can see their eyes light up with excitement. I tell them to thank Liam since he is the one that had the idea. They all get up and give him a kiss on the cheek. This makes him puff up his chest. Kaleb rolls his eyes at his dad. I tell the girls that we will take them to the cottages tomorrow so they can pick a few each to start decorating. At least they won't be doing something that could cause damage. Well, at least, I hope.

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