Eighty-Six: Other Packs


With everything that had happened this last month I had forgotten that this year our pack is hosting the Alpha meeting. There are six other alpha’s attending. They are from the packs closest to ours. We have an alliance with three out of the six packs. I am hoping to form an alliance with at least two more. The other alpha is a huge asshole and no one likes him. They are all due to start arriving tomorrow. We are continuing to set up the large ballroom that the gathering will be held in when there is a loud commotion out front. Kaleb and I hurry to see what is happening because we can hear a low deep growl! from the front. We arrive to find Alpha Aiden and Alpha Bryan standing there. Alpha Aiden has his mate and their three-year-old son with him, and I see Mykayla trying to diffuse the situation.

“What seems to be the problem here?” I ask.

“Sorry Dustin we weren't sure where you guys were so we just came in but we accidentally hit this guy with the door,” Aiden explains.

I see Brandon sitting on the floor holding his hose and there is blood. Well, at least this explains the growling from the girls. They don’t know this group of people and now someone they know is hurt.

“No, it's my fault I didn’t think anyone was gonna just walk in the door as I was gonna leave.” Brandon states.

He tries to get up and Brighton helps him. Imyra comes from somewhere and takes Brandon to get his injury sorted out. I have some of the omegas take the luggage upstairs to their rooms as I have everyone follow us down to the rec room. I have everyone take a seat. Reecie and Kaleb make sure that Mykenzie and Kylani are sitting in their laps to help calm them down. I would say control them, but there is really no controlling these two. I introduce everyone so we all know who each other is.

“How come he called you by your first name instead of using your Alpha title?” Einyn asks.

I give her a smile. She has been coming out of her shell more around us. She is still extremely shy. She has been very interested in how the pack hierarchy works.

“Aiden is my cousin. His father is my father’s cousin so he doesn’t necessarily have to call me alpha if he doesn’t want to.” I explain to her.

She nods her head in understanding and we all start talking. I introduce Mykayla to Vynessa. She and Aiden have been together since they were 18. She is holding Braxton, their three-year-old. As if they could sense another child Jordyn, Dominick and Xaydyn come charging into the room. Jordyn runs up to Kylani and jumps up into her lap. Kaleb catches her before she lands and tells her to be careful. Xaydyn walks up to Vynessa and points at Braxton. As usual, Dominick stands before Kylani waiting for Jordyn. Einyn lifts him up into her lap since she is sitting by Kylani and Kaleb. I am good friends with Alpha Bryan. Kaleb and I have known him since we were little. His dad and mine were good friends and our packs have worked together for years. Kaleb sets Jordyn back on the ground and Dominick soon follows.

“Ok, who do these three cuties belong to?” Vynessa asks.

“The little girl is Jordyn and she is Kaleb's. The little boy that follows her everywhere is Dominick and he is mine and the other little boy is Xaydyn and he belongs to Mykenzie and Reecie” I say.

“It looks like you're about to add to the group Kaleb.” Aiden comments.

“Yeah, two more and Mykayla is also gonna add another little one as well,” Kaleb says with a huge smile on his face.

Kylani just rolls her eyes.

“He isn't adding shit. I am the one pushing them out of my fucking vagina.” She says.

And there it is, some off-handed comment. I knew she was going to say something. I hear Alpha Bryan choke on his drink and Aiden just starts laughing. Brighton and Ashton groan at her vivid description. I hear Chris mumble something about not needing to know that about his sisters. Never a dull conversation with these two around. We talk for a bit longer then we all head our separate ways to bed.


The next morning I walked into the kitchen to find Alpha Aiden in here cooking. I take a seat on one of the bar stools and watch him. He seems to know his way around the kitchen. Soon Dustin and Kaleb have joined me on the other bar stools. The four of us start talking and Aiden asks me how it's going. I tell him that it's been going the same and start to tell him what has been going on. I hear Dustin choke on his coffee when I start to explain the last month's developments to Aiden.

“It's cool. Aiden knows about us. His dad is a descendant of the old pack just like your dad.” I explain.

“I had no idea.” Dustin coughs out.

We have been sitting there talking for a while when Nymyra struts in. Fuck I have a sexy woman. She sits her perfect as down in my lap and Dustin rolls his eyes. Aiden places a cup of coffee in front of her and she gives him a thank you. Everybody starts wandering into the kitchen for breakfast. I start to become concerned when none of the girls showed up for breakfast. If it was one or two, I would not be as concerned but when all seven are a no- show, I know something is up.

“Anyone seen Leah?” Marcus asks.

“No in fact I have not seen any of them this morning,” Mitchell replies.

We all look at each other, and I get a very bad feeling in my gut. They only disappear when something bad is about to happen. Not two minutes later the guys receive a mind link about a rogue attack at the north border. Of fuck, I bet I know where the girls are. I can guarantee that they are already there trying to protect the pack. Tye, Mitchell, Payton, Draydon, Blake, and Xion stay back to protect the girls. The rest of us head out to where the attack is happening. As I suspected the girls are already there and the scene is bad. There are already several dead rogues and my sisters are pissed. The first thing I noticed is that none of the rogues are in their wolf forms. Which means my sisters are preventing them from shifting. I immediately tell Dustin to let everyone know to not try and shift. Dustin mind links everyone and lets them know. I hear someone shout, and I turn to see a rogue lunging at Ashton. The rogue is instantly attached to a tree with two metal arrows. I turn to see Danniylla with her bow. We work our way to the girls. We have the situation under control within twenty minutes. The rogues are either dead, injured, or they ran back to where they came from. I see Kaleb glaring at Kylani who is glaring back. I know he is pissed but more so scared. I jump in his head and tell him to remember what she is and what she is capable of and that those two babies in her are in the safest place possible. He drops his shoulders and walks over to her. We all head back to the packhouse. Everything is good when we get back. I knew the rogues wouldn't get this far into the territory. Everyone heads to their rooms or houses to get ready to welcome the other alpha’s. They will start showing up within the next few hours. Everything is ready to go, and this should be an interesting event. I hope no one does anything stupid to piss off my sisters. I have already voiced my concerns about this. I know about the one alpha that is going to be here and how much of a dick he is. Hopefully, he doesn’t do anything to piss off my sisters.

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